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When do we see Stephen Reids replacement come into the forums and be like "Hello my name is xyz and I'm the new xyz"? I mean I compared this in my head to the scene from Austin Powers when Dr. Evil pushes the button in his evil volcano layer and says "We do not accept failure" "Presses Button" "Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I'm still alive, but very badly burnt". Okay... moving on. Ya I know I compared EA to Dr. Evil and the volcano layer.


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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my underground lair. I have gathered here before me the world's deadliest assassins, and yet each of you has failed to kill Austin Powers. That makes me angry. And when Dr. Evil gets angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset... people DIE!
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I heard the weirdest thing...


Apparently a bunch of Dev, team members and Steven..wrote a memo to BW stating they wanted character transfers immediatley or game will die....but added some typos and it came out..


Dear Senior Members,

We (Dev team 3 and 4), and community members (div 4) Demand immediate Transfers now , or People will Die.....


and a bunch were then laid off....I guess proofreading is very important......


Reminds me of when I learned about Punctuation being very important...

Punctuation changes "Help Uncle Jack, off the horse"...to "Help Uncle, Jack off the horse"



So maybe those let go , wasnt totally on purpose...

Edited by Tiggress
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I heard the weirdest thing...


Apparently a bunch of Dev, team members and Steven..wrote a memo to BW stating they wanted character transfers immediatley or game will die....but added some typos and it came out..


Dear Senior Members,

We (Dev team 3 and 4), and community members (div 4) Demand immediate Transfers now , or People will Die.....


and a bunch were then laid off....I guess proofreading is very important......


Reminds me of when I learned about Punctuation being very important...

Punctuation changes "Help Uncle Jack, off the horse"...to "Help Uncle, Jack off the horse"



So maybe those let go , wasnt totally on purpose...


You learned about punctuation, but were never taught how to use ellipses properly. Nice.

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