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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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The author(s) may have a great future in Political speech writing as it's a pretty good example of how to change the subject and attack the messenger(s).


Many of the "troll" complaints, while uncomfortable for lovers of the game, are unfortunately accurate. Certainly one could argue addressing any/all of the complaints may simply be a matter of time. But unfortunately, as a player of the game RIGHT NOW, the impact of problems is quite real, frustrating and worthy of comment.


If there is excessive player frustration, which breeds contention and over reaction, this is hardly the sole fault of the "troll" players.


exactly this ^^^^^^


This is why I personally dont read FANSITES, because they are not accurate and rarely are knowledgeable.


The OP twists everything till the best case (and completely impossible) figures match his claims.


But he doesnt take into royalties (as posted above, you can bet Lucas Arts takes a hefty percentage of any earnings). He doesnt take into lesser amount box sales (a game sells for $60.00 doesnt me EA gets $60.00. Its been reported developers get as little as $20.00 from a $60.00 game at times and even digital sales are not 100% profit). His numbers are so far make beleive its insane! And anyone beleiving them really shouldnt be commenting on other people as they have some serious lacking knowledge issues of their own.


In the end, yes there is some haters and trolls on this web site. They do just as much damage as their polar opposite fanbois do. Neither group offers up much in the way of creative or constructive critism or analyzes.


If Haters, trolls, and fanbois bother you so much you feel the need to write a self serving rant on your personal fansite and then post it on TOR Forums so you get some attention, maybe MMOs are not for you. MMORPG forums have always been rather blunt and very picky towards any developer. They know what they want and are not shy about asking for it. When differing opinions collide, things tend to get hot. That doesnt make them trolls.


Honestly, if I was to point out a troll post trying to bait others into senseless arguements rather then discussions about game, Id point to the 1st post of this thread and the backwards illogical formula's the OP has come up with to back his outlandish claims.


So...that's it? We won? We can all go home now?


LIVE servers and people who PLAY this game know what is REALLY going on...and it's not pretty. Profitable or not, the game is dying.


yup, I spent 8 hours on Corellia and Alderaan yesterday (switching between 2 characters crafting) and never saw more then 5 people at once on either planet.


To me thats much more telling then any fanboi fictional numbers

Edited by Kalfear
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Same can be said for people who appear to be viral marketers going to the opposite extreme ;)


MOST of this community is perfectly fine, hell, there are players who spend their own time coming up with RAMDRIVES, parsers, UI tools, hosting files...geezus...this community is freaking AMAZING at times!!! Bioware should have bent over backwards and kissed some of their **edit**! Their work has improved this game where 600+ programmers couldn't.


I just do not like when people blame others for what is plainly obvious. SWTOR, as much as I LOVE it, is not living up to expectations...and Bioware is doing nothing to foster any type of hope. I don't fault anyone for feeling ignored and unimportant to Bioware. Silence from them breeds discontent.


The only thing I usually get from expectations is let down. Therefore it's usually better to go into something open minded and get a feel for it, instead of comparing against something that can never be.

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Because bioware caved to the pressure at the start of overpopulated servers and made more. And now said complainers who said servers were overpopulated are now complaining that their servers are underpopulated.


See where im going with this?


Can you guess what happened after AT&T couldn't give me a stable internet connection, and had the audacity to blame me for the problem offering to hire a 3rd party service for an enormous cost?


Well, I now have a new IP that doesn't blame me for anything and offers a stable internet connection without giving me any lip.


Now, what should I do with a MMO service that connects me to a continually empty server? Come back SoonTM?

Edited by AeSaar
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Man compare that to my military pay for defending this country getting shot at and that is pretty depressing.


Thanks for serving, and yes. The military needs to be paid like the politicians. Personally, I don't think politicians should be paid. It's like community service, they need a real job if they want to be paid

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Thanks for serving, and yes. The military needs to be paid like the politicians. Personally, I don't think politicians should be paid. It's like community service, they need a real job if they want to be paid


Pls tend to the forum rules and keep out politics

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"Tor is a success", LOL

* Thanks for contributing to the joke of the day.


How about we check how well the server populations are going.



Its the next biggest fail after "Warhammer Online".


And yet your continued posting on the forums says something about the quality of your life, which is most likely lower than this video game. LOL

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Not sure if this has been mentioned previously in this thread because i didn't read all 28 pages of comments but I like how these "real" numbers don't take into account the ongoing cost of hosting, bandwidth, troubleshooting, and basically ongoing development that is still occurring. I'm sure it's profitable but the margin of profit painted here is just false.
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My only issue with the game is the population issues. There are too many servers. If that is fixed then I feel it would be the largest benefit Bioware could make right now.


Absolutely, i also hope that , or maybe more than that i am more than 50 percent positive

after server xfers this game will do great.

Most of those who are complaining now would hopefully stop it since they could be able to do

all tbe group oriented stuff the game is meant to provide.

Ofcourse i dont see the future, but thesuper-servers would give a huge boost to the game.

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It's not that my expectation were too high coming into this game, it's that Bioware hasn't done what they've told me they'd do AFTER I bought it. We have LESS PvP content now than we did at launch.


You prefer they left that broken crap in as they revamp open-world PvP? I sure don't.


Also, I'm still looking for the confirmation that BioWare had server transfer software since beta, but I'm not the only one that remembers it.

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Can you guess what happened after AT&T couldn't give me a stable internet connection, and had the audacity to blame me for the problem offering to hire a 3rd party service for an enormous cost?


Well, I now have a new IP that doesn't blame me for anything and offers a stable internet connection without giving me any lip.


Now, what should I do with a MMO service that connects me to a continually empty server? Come back SoonTM?


Except at&t only give u one connection.... Swtor has multiple still populated servers... That (and heres the kicker) they dont charge for you to reroll on. Seriously, rerolling is a free service. How awsome is that. In fact id say its a bargain because you can experience a whole new story if you want. Oh and to add more to this great offer they are also including free transfers in the near future. So not only do u get a great new experience, but you can relive your old ones too!

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Dear Original Poster,


TL; DR. Also, I don't like being spoken to by people who think they're Ronald Reagan. You're not the Team Captain and none of your "points" consist of anything more than "Suck it up, you babies. You've got it great over here."


For those of you who also didn't feel like digesting that wall of text, here's a summary: "Complaining is tantamount to trolling, and trolling is tantamount to disloyalty! And disloyalty is why SWTOR is only thing that's keeping SWTOR FROM CONQUERING THE SUDETENLAND! EVERYONE ON BOARD FOR THE BIG WIN!"

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This. A successful game isn't one that has dozens of dead servers with a dev team that just shrugs and says "It's not a priority". ...


Source where they said that? :eek:



You're right! A dev team that shrugs and says "It's not a priority" is indicative of a failing game. Good thing BioWare has said the complete opposite, eh?


I didn't think I was crazy :D



Because the game is fine.


123 servers is not.


This :) Well, it could use *insert half the recommendations on the suggestion thread,* but right now, I'm still having fun leveling alts and raiding with my main.


You prefer they left that broken crap in as they revamp open-world PvP? ...


I had a lot of fun doing Ilum. *shrugs*

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Gotta love it. The title even says dont feed no trolls and the troll gets 30 pages of food. Good job OP. Great troll post.


I wasted 10 seconds composing a reply. That wall of text had to have taken him at least half an hour to put together. Who exactly came out of this with more of their time wasted?

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His math didn't add in the numbers to consistantly maintain the game. You have to remember it takes 500k subs to sustain the game every month, so you have to take that out of the monthly profits. And the sub inflation they do with the free subs they hand out but make no money from. BTW, only about $23 dollars of a $60 game actually goes into the hands of the publisher when a physical copy is purchased from a retailer, so yo have to really cut down your estimate on the intial profits.


They make more like 8million a month or so. 10 if you're being generous. It'll take them between 2-3 years before they see the first profit dollar off this investment, depending on how soon they started loosing subs.

Edited by Ishko
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You prefer they left that broken crap in as they revamp open-world PvP? I sure don't.


I still can't believe they designed something that bad in the first place. They just needed to cut an paste something from WAR. :confused:

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I wasted 10 seconds composing a reply. That wall of text had to have taken him at least half an hour to put together. Who exactly came out of this with more of their time wasted?


Hush you. It was a fun thread for a slow day at work! Forum PvP 4 teh winz! :D

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I'll throw my perspective in here rather than starting a new thread.


I have never played a proper mmo before this, to be honest I doubt i'll play another. I'm a big SW fan and thats why i'm here. I generally read the forums before I invest in any game, the stuff posted on this forum would have put me right off if it wasn't for the genre. I'm not alone in this, convinced in fact. A forum full of whining kids is always going to do more damage than any content issues imo.


Love the game and will be looking forward to seeing whatever gets added.

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