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Sniper - What can he do beyond making damage


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Hi there,


i am just leveling a sniper (have a scoundrel lvl 50 on another server) and have some questions:



  • does he have any utility beyond doing damage

  • what can he contribute in warzones or operations

  • what makes him a better choice than lets say a mercenery


I play both PVP and PVM (50/50)


Thanks you for your help !

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does he have any utility beyond doing damage

Not much. Snipers don't have a lot of utility, they're a pure DPS class. Any utility they have is mostly to escape once someone has closed to melee range. The one group utility is the AoE shield.


what can he contribute in warzones or operations

Damage. Snipers have a nice crit buff for the group and an armor debuff that helps with taking down targets. See above, it's a pure DPS class.


what makes him a better choice than lets say a mercenery

Mercs are broken for the most part right now, which will supposedly be fixed in 1.3. Both are ranged based turret classes, where DPS is shifted in favor of the Sniper and mobility/armor in favor of the Merc. If both are DPS spec, I'd rather have a Sniper in my group in both wz and ops.

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Leg shot is a ranged root that doesnt build resolve which is nice in certain situations (like huttball for instance).

Flashbang is a ranged AoE stun (breaks on dmg) which also is nice in certain situations (builds resolve though).

Weve also got a melee stun, and a AoE knockback, and depending on your spec AoE or single target slow.


Probably some other stuffs ive forgotten, but theres more to sniper than pure DPS (although thats were we shine :))

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Hi there,


i am just leveling a sniper (have a scoundrel lvl 50 on another server) and have some questions:



  • does he have any utility beyond doing damage


Some, but damage is definitely the focus. The ballistic shield is very nice is many operations and group content. You have a mixed assortment of CC skills, an AOE knockback, 4s stun, root, AOE ranged mez. They're all useful, but relatively short duration. Also, a ranged interrupt which is big.

  • what can he contribute in warzones or operations


Mostly straight DPS. An armor debuffs, and the ballistic shield are nice bonuses to add to your groups damage/survivability. The extra range also is very nice in a couple of the fights, like Toth/Zorn.

  • what makes him a better choice than lets say a mercenery


Major differences are the extra range, a ranged interrupt (which is really important, much more so than it's given credit for), immunity to CC via entrench, and ballistic shield. If you spec for it, you also have a lot of extra movement impairing options in addition to the ones above.


You also have the highest damage AOE skill in the game. Orbital strike does so much damage it's even a plus to use on high strength single targets.


Mercs main advantage is adaptability. They can be either a healer or dps depending on spec, so you can pick your role more easily to meet guild/group needs if you want.



People will always have their favorites and say one is better than the other. In this game, it's mostly about your personal preference. The variations between classes are fairly minor for a certain role. They're pretty well balanced overall. There will probably be one class that you just like the mechanics of better and that's the one you should go with.

Edited by Infalliable
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Sniper damage is more burst. Sniper has better AoE on call, merc has better AoE on cooldown. Sniper can hunker down in a spot and defend it (via entrench). Merc has more movement options (and things to do while moving). Also merc has the ability to hide and heal. Merc has better CC on an engaged target (target taking damage), sniper has better CC on a non-engaged target (because of flash grenade). Sniper has the better tree for internal/elemental damage. Merc has better survival skills. Sniper has leg shot.
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I find my sniper very good at terrain and capture denial techniques. In Voidstar, when the opposing team brings out the bridge and are ready to cross ill be there waiting. I walk a little bit into the bridge and entrench myself. If you have 4 people trying to run past you, its hilarious when you coverpluse them into the pit. Plasma probe in engineering is also really good at keeping people off consoles and doors. Edited by TellerRage
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does he have any utility beyond doing damage

Not much. Snipers don't have a lot of utility, they're a pure DPS class. Any utility they have is mostly to escape once someone has closed to melee range. The one group utility is the AoE shield.


I had a giggle at this. Their "one utility" is a raid saving raid-wide 20% damage reduction shield. Armor and accuracy debuffs are nice too (though it is a bummer you can't use the accuracy debuff on bosses anymore). Roots and snares are useful for dealing with trash pulls. Droid slicing is nice for trash pulls. Etc. No they cannot offheal or offtank.

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so ... lets just compare mercenaries DDs and sniper DDs ... which one is better and has more utility ?

Since 1.2. I compare between what I read, my commando (merc mirror) and my sniper :

Merc :

-2heals. Mostly useless on group content. Not that useful on PvP aswell..

-1combat rez. Same as above.

-Tech damage (no dodge/miss on it)

-1 heal spec 2dps spec. Hybrid build are difficult to make (mostly because of tracer missile)

-1nerfed aoe (DFA), 5m aoe is a joke. You barely hit 2mob/people at once.

That's all.


Sniper :

-Shield. Long CD, but it's a good skill

-Interupt. Useful on many FP (lost island being one of them)

-More DPS (same stuff, same player, I do an average of 1100DPS with my trooper, 1200 as a MM sniper, and 1400-1500 as a leth sniper).

-A more entertaining skill rotation. Arsenal is all about spaming 1 skill and using 1 proc.

-Less sniper in endgame, which mean more loot, and group.

-An arguably more interesting story. Most people consider the IA storyline being the best of the whole game.

-3different DPS spe, and several hybrid build.

-One of the best AOE in the whole game (orbital strike). 8m.


I'd go Sniper with no hesitation at all. And honestly, I stopped playing my main (commando) to play my sniper because I feel useless as a commando since 1.2.

Edited by erei
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