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Archeology and Treasure Hunting on Dorumund Kas


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I decided to go Artiface/Treasure Hunting/Archeology on my Jedi. When I got to DK, I found resource locations to "mine". They show on my map and I can walk up to them, but I cant select any of them. Mousing over them does not tell me anything. They don't highlight like my friends bioanalysis items.


Is anyone else seeing this problem? I only ran into this in beta in limited areas. For example when an item was inside another, like a wall or the root of a tree.

Another thing I noticed, and not sure if this is intentional or happened in a late beta build as the Thanksgiving weekend I was not available to test, is that none of the resource points glow like they used to in beta. I see a crystal formation on the ground, it plots a point on my minimap, and that is it. No glow, and no ability to resource gather on it.

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I found another post on the subject, strange I couldn't earlier, and it says that this is caused by people opening the resource point, but not taking the items inside.

This may also explain why I'm not seeing the point glowing? Unless that was disabled when going live.

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