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Do We Need 'Bolster' for 50 PVP?


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I read the forums, you read the forums, we all know what it going on. Every class has been labeled OP, people complain about the gear difference, people love lowbie pvp. Will adding the bolster mechanic into 50 pvp make the game fair, please the majority of players, or do people need to earn their keep in warzones and learn that everyone gets pwned.
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Absolutely. The gap between war hero and recruit is staggering. I don't even want to play WG anymore. I don't mind being outmatched, I do mind being so outmatched that I can't even scratch the other team. Things might change when all the war hero people go to ranked WGs but maybe not. TOR originally promised a smaller gear gap than WOW in PVP which they haven't delivered on. PVP should be all about skill not farming for a magical resource called expertise which has no relevance outside of a BG. WOW made the same mistake, I always hated resilience
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it takes 3 days to get bm gear, stop qqing and get it.

Fresh 50s can even get 4 pieces of BM gear.


Or 1 War hero piece.


He is right.. it really isn't that difficult.

Edited by Creedys
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