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Has the game bubble burst?


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Just asking the same question to others, but do you think the bubble has burst on this game?


Let me explain...I waited for years for this game, I was registered here from an early stage, I followed the game progress, I couldn't wait to play it, (most like most people here) etc etc.


The game was launched and I was excited! I treated myself to the CE and I played and played and played! And, I loved it! It was just what I was waiting for, the story was awesome, the game play was good, I loved it! But then, time went on, and it got old, not being a big one for PvP or grouping, I was still hoping this would be an MMO that I could play (coming from 5 years of SWG, without any PvP'ing and very little grouping). But it seemed, I hit 50 and then there was nothing to do. I consider myself a crafter, but the crafting is dull at best. So, I cancelled my sub and left after 6 months, around the time of the 1.2 update.


I've been giving 30 free days to play...I log in, and for some reason, all my UI wasn't saved, so I had to reset all of that. Then I had to reset all my skill set, which I did on one of my 6 toons, but I just cba with the others. I feel that now I've left the game, getting free time to come back...it's just not worth it. If with any new updates, everything is reset and it feels like I have to play a 'new' game again, I just can't be bothered.


For me, the bubble has burst. :( I've left the game and all the updates in the world aren't going to get me back in the game, as far as I can see. It's such a shame, coz I wanted to love this game so much...I did, but I don't any more. :(

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I think it has burst on the gaming world in general. The golden age of gaming has grown older ( families, careers, etc ) and right now, games are being dumbed down for console reasons to bring in a wider audience. This crosses over to PC gaming too, as the current generation of younger gamers are coming from ps3/xbox360 to PC rather then vice versa.


Before you had small companies building up & competition was forcing companies to be creative. Then some companies just started buying out competition & becoming complacent. All about the quantity rather then quality.


So yes but not just on this game.


Look at diablo 3. I played 1 and 2 back in the day but wasn't into dungeon crawlers. I tried D3...my god it couldn't get any more simple. Same thing happened with Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim ...all consolized basically to appeal to the new generation of gamers.


When you have gamers use to those types of games, it is going to be hard for any MMO to hold up anymore.

Edited by Delease
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one only needs to troll through a handful of the threads here to see that in many peoples eyes the bubble burst a while back. What is perhaps more interesting though is the reasons why. Sure a few common themes occur, but on the whole there are a lot of different reasons why some people are finding SWtor not all they hoped for.


Therein lies the issue. The game cannot possibly ever live up to all the hype and expectations from such a varied player base. It will always be "PR" negative for that reason alone.


I am sorry to read that you are not enjoying the game any more. I am far from a fanboy of either the SW lore or big corporations like EA/ Bioware. However, I think (with a few obvious tweeks that are incoming apparently in patch releases) the game has just got started. It has everything I was really looking for and enjoy.


What I would say though is, in my humble opinion, a game like this gets better if you can find an ingame community/ guild of "some long term substance" that you can be a part of.

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I think it has burst on the gaming world in general. The golden age of gaming has grown older ( families, careers, etc ) and right now, games are being dumbed down for console reasons to bring in a wider audience. This crosses over to PC gaming too, as the current generation of younger gamers are coming from ps3/xbox360 to PC rather then vice versa.


Before you had small companies building up & competition was forcing companies to be creative. Then some companies just started buying out competition & becoming complacent. All about the quantity rather then quality.


So yes but not just on this game.


Look at diablo 3. I played 1 and 2 back in the day but wasn't into dungeon crawlers. I tried D3...my god it couldn't get any more simple. Same thing happened with Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim ...all consolized basically to appeal to the new generation of gamers.


When you have gamers use to those types of games, it is going to be hard for any MMO to hold up anymore.


I loved Skyrim, and so did my girlfriend. Actually, I got her playing SWTOR because it appealed to her so much. She's attracted to the graphics (compared to other MMOs) and the voice acting. She swore she'd never play an MMO; this is her first one :D


The golden generation's gotten older, but companies are adapting. They're producing the game to more fit their needs rather than ours. It's not all bad - just different.

Edited by psi_overtake
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I think it has burst on the gaming world in general. The golden age of gaming has grown older ( families, careers, etc ) and right now, games are being dumbed down for console reasons to bring in a wider audience. This crosses over to PC gaming too, as the current generation of younger gamers are coming from ps3/xbox360 to PC rather then vice versa.


Before you had small companies building up & competition was forcing companies to be creative. Then some companies just started buying out competition & becoming complacent. All about the quantity rather then quality.


So yes but not just on this game.


Look at diablo 3. I played 1 and 2 back in the day but wasn't into dungeon crawlers. I tried D3...my god it couldn't get any more simple. Same thing happened with Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim ...all consolized basically to appeal to the new generation of gamers.


When you have gamers use to those types of games, it is going to be hard for any MMO to hold up anymore.


You have a very good point. As an older gamer, I remember when games were simply a lot more difficult and a lot more creative. Since they weren't a big business, they had to innovate to carve out a niche. Now some of the best companies from that era are either dead and gone or they have been corrupted, releasing simplistic games that become dull quickly. I had the same experience with D1 and D2...and then D3 comes out. Faceroll. DA2, ME2 and ME3, Oblivion and Skyrim, Fallout 3, Civ V...all moved away from their older, and more difficult (and original) predecessors. Like the film industry, the video game industry is just banking on making a lot of quick cash through the watering down of previously great franchises. As a long time gamer, I find it depressing. Sure, I'll blame part of it on the console gamers which spearheaded a movement to turn a lot of games (Mass Effect, ahem) into shooters and more accessible to anyone with two thumbs and a pulse, but also PC gamers (and review sites) that weren't nearly critical enough of this backsliding in quality and continued to encourage it with positive reviews and sales.


But, until Paradox Interactive dumbs its strategy games down into something like Total War, I'll still hold some hope for the industry.

Edited by Robert_Guiscard
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However, I think (with a few obvious tweeks that are incoming apparently in patch releases) the game has just got started. It has everything I was really looking for and enjoy.


This is what I mean though...to me, coming back with any 'free time' they offer, just isn't going to be the same. The game will change so much in 3 - 6 months (when ever the next update is), that coming back to it, means having to almost learn the game again, which I cannot be bothered with.


I know that IF the game carries on, there will be new and better updates, I'm sure EA/BW have a lot up their sleeve, but have they burst the bubble within the first 6 months, scared people off, who most likely won't sub again? This is the class I include myself in.


I know the fanbois will love this game even it was My Little Pony - Star Wars', I am a SW NUT!!! But nothing can convince me this is a good game, at least, not worth paying for. I know I'm a very silent few, I'm just so disappointed. :(

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The golden generation's gotten older, but companies are adapting. They're producing the game to more fit their needs rather than ours. It's not all bad - just different.


No, it's pretty much all bad. Outside of indy and small developers.

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This is what I mean though...to me, coming back with any 'free time' they offer, just isn't going to be the same. The game will change so much in 3 - 6 months (when ever the next update is), that coming back to it, means having to almost learn the game again, which I cannot be bothered with. ...


You bothered yourself to learn it the first time...

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The bubble burst for me awhile ago however I've had fun in the game and may come back when more features that I enjoy are added. MMOs these days seems to be six month affairs. It happened with Rift and it happened with SWTOR. I'm sure that it is going to happen with TSW as well. It isn't that my attention span is shorter---it isn't. I'm a pretty casual gamer who takes my time and stops and smells the roses per se. However, I find that the leveling process in many of these games is so darned fast these days that once I reach that magicial level cap, there isn't much that interests me. I do run my occasional instance, I PvP a bit, I don't have the time (or guild) to do operations. If all I'm doing is repetitive content, it quickly grows old. After getting my 2nd character to 50, I started a third. I'm finding it a bit hard to repeat the same planets the third time.


I may come back in the future for another look see of the game. I certainly don't hold a grudge towards the game. However with so many titles on the horizon, my time is precious and I'm looking foward to trying out the other MMOs hoping to find a longer term home.


Has the overall gaming bubble burst? I don't know. I do know that many of us have extensive time commitments outside of gaming. When I do log on, I want my gaming time to be enjoyable and if it is not, I move on to different things. With so many titles here or just around the corner, I tend to not stick around and wait it out.

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I totally agree with what has been said and the OP.


I dont think any game nowadays will ever stack up to the golden age of gaming.

being 35 year old myself I was their from the start. . zx spectrums, commador 16's then 64's .

Amiga's and then the birth of consoles through to the high powered pc we have now.


The hype machine that the gaming industry now is causes its own problems as well as the development teams and companies making the game. Far too much time is placed on marketing, pretty graphics and voice overs etc which yes is good and nice but not when it reduces gameplay and longevity.


But thats what they actually want especially with console games..... they dont actually want you to be able to play them for years... they want you to love it for a month then realise its crap and buy the next pumped out creation..


Its the gaming money cow at work.



MMO's are different however or at least should be as the general concept should be to keep players hooked and continue to pay subs.... unfortunatley the same teams who build the crappy console games are the ones who fire out MMO's and subsequently they cant get out of the routine of producing repetative crap.


I love this game...... but an MMO it is not! .. I love star wars and this has added to my enjoyment but like you once i've exhausted my current level 45 BH and max them out to the dailies i'll be unsubbing like you. there is nothign keeping anyone here.... the servers are crap, the gameplay is too easy and its not an MMO its a single player game based online..


Pretty - yes.. sounds good - yes.... star wars - yes... but very limited

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I dont get it, You quit the game, came back because you figured things would have changed and would be exciting again. When you came back in turned out things did change so you had to reskill your characters and you could not even be bothered to do that? They improved the skills and UI.


You want change, as long as it stays the same?

Edited by Gokkus
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Well, for me no bubble burst. I got more or less what I was expecting and am not disappointed. Of course there are a variety of things which could be better for me, but it is always like this. Some of them they already imporoved (like the UI customization), some they launch soon, like more customization possibilities for gear. Some may never come (things like pazaak, racing, space pvp or at least coop - but who knows, perhaps it will?).


While I am lucky to be able to always play together with my wife and we also play on a server, which is not that depopulated (at least yet), I do not have any grouping issues, no issues finding groups for FPs as well. Same goes for pvp.


Still in my opinion the population issue is 99% of the problems which this game is having at the moment. Because when people do not have anybody to play with, all the other less critical issues, which can be adressed with the time (like in any other mmo), become way more catastrophic as they are from the point of view of players.


I just hope that the server transfers come quickly and will work smoothly, so all the current population can be stuffed together on a smaller amount of servers, so that people basically stay on each other's toes. That should improve the overall game experience for the majority of the people.

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I believe once 1.3 is released (...and hopefully the features work) it's well worth a second look, especially for the casual players without a guild. The LFG tool looks solid and should make the flashpoints and operations accessible for the casual player base. Also the free server transfer possibility means you are not stuck on a low population server or are forced to start all over again.


Critical as I may be of the game and the design choices made by Bioware, I think these two features alone will make the game a lot better for a lot of people. It won't recreate the hype that surrunded the game pre release, but it should solidify the game in the market.


So in the end, the expectation bubble might have burst, but the reality of the future might not be as bleak as it looked a few weeks ago.

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The game should have been released with a LFG tool, period. The lack of other people to play with is the number 1 reason most people I talk with are leaving the game.


Video games like this started from the old DND crowd who were used to long and complicated steps to play their games but as computer power came into the piucture, suddenly all that complicated mess smoothed out (anyone old enough to remember the bag full of various dice needed to play DND?) and now people were spending more time on story and less time on complications.



It seems to me that BW tried to roll back time and put people back on tiny servers with low populations and make everyone dependent on the big guilds for endgame content like the early days of WoW when it came out, but that time has passed. People have already gotten used to large populations and being able to see some of the endgame content without having to toe-the-line under the rulership of a few top guilds and they are not now willing to go back to being treated like garbage just because they don't want to be bossed around by the elitists.



Ask yourself if you would be happy driving a car without air conditioning? Air conditioning is certainly not needed but we have gotten used to having it and now a car produced without it will not sell. The same is true for modern MMO's without LFG tools.

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From my angle, the game is going strong. I know those on low-pop servers don't see that, but I hope soon they'll get the chance to see the game from my perspective. If this game is crippled in the near future, I solely blame the vitriol and negative hype from the community. Before release, fans hyped up this game to be the next center of the universe, not BW, and now that this is just a normal, realistic MMO, you have all these "lovers scorned" who spend their day heralding doom, gloom, hate, and despair for no obvious reason whatsoever. If they truly cared about the game, they'd offer constructive criticism. But the majority of them don't. They just want to tell BW how bad they fail and how they ruined everything and how the Mayan calendar predicted the world would end in 2012 because that was the year BW would destroy SWTOR.
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I dont get it, You quit the game, came back because you figured things would have changed and would be exciting again. When you came back in turned out things did change so you had to reskill your characters and you could not even be bothered to do that? They improved the skills and UI.


You want change, as long as it stays the same?


That's not what I said at all. I was hoping things would change, make it better. I WANT this game to work and for me to play it! And for me, I HAVE played it, got to 50, I have rolled out other toons, but the levelling is all pretty much the same, apart from the class story and a different set of skills.


What I'm saying is, that people who, like me, have taken off the fanboi glasses and see the game for what it is, like someone said 'a good game, but a rubbish MMO', I cancelled. Offering me free 30 days to come back once every six months, having reset all my prefs, skills and UI, doesn't exactly encourage me to re-sub.


What I was saying is, that in the first 6 months, EA/BW have managed to scare off a LOT of the people they were aiming the game at. With new updates every six months, you miss a lot in six months, so if/when you come back, it's not the game you played, it's a new one. If EA/BW had any savvy what so ever, they would have released a game that the majority of people would want to play forever...like I would have been! But they haven't, they have made a game that's hit 2 mill players, I have no idea how many have left, but aren't doing much to keep the players they have...apart from the real die hard fans.

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I believe that everyone has some good points, as they are opinion and everyone is entitled to theirs. I am, personally, still enjoying the game. The difference for me though, I am a highly social creature and was able to start the game with a great community and I continue to enjoy the game with them.


It's not really a game that you can enjoy by yourself, in my opinion, for the simple fact that it is meant to be played with other people, by it's very design and genre. If someone comes into it thinking that they can enjoy it alone, they are most likely going to have the bubble burst upon hitting max level, because there is nothing left to do.


However, I am not saying being a part of a community is the end all, be all solution for everyone. If this game is not their "ideal" game, then nothing is going to stop the bubble from bursting, or recreate it, if it already has. At the end of the day, it is a game, it is their money and people should do what makes them happy.

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If you have to ask if the bubble burst, then it has. The game is headed to hell in a hand basket and instead of doing their best to save it Bioware is laying off employees and releasing videos on what they promise to bring in 1.3 instead of all the things they didn't put in 1.2.
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The game should have been released with a LFG tool, period. The lack of other people to play with is the number 1 reason most people I talk with are leaving the game.


Video games like this started from the old DND crowd who were used to long and complicated steps to play their games but as computer power came into the piucture, suddenly all that complicated mess smoothed out (anyone old enough to remember the bag full of various dice needed to play DND?) and now people were spending more time on story and less time on complications.


Started playing D&D in 1984, still play every Saturday. And to be honest, I don't expect a video game to ever come near that level of complexity, but they've certainly regressed over the past few years. If you take the depth of a game like Fallout 1 or 2, or Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale (or for those old enough to remember, Wasteland!) and compare it to SWTOR or Skyrim or Mass Effect 3...it is just a huge dropoff. Sure, graphics have gotten a lot better, but the story has become more and more simplistic.

Even the best storyline I've played in SWTOR so far (which I thought was the IA's story) was pretty predictable. Compare that to the moment you realized you were Revan in KOTOR. The writing is just formulaic and wooden. And while I could blame this mostly on Bioware (the godawful story in ME3 immediately comes to mind - and I'm not even talking about the end), Bethesda and other companies that are supposedly creating RPGs have made the same mistake. Let's face it - while Fallout 3 was fun to play, its story was horrible.


In the end, I guess the lackluster stories disappoint me even more than the lack of transfers and X-Server finders. If you are going to play alts - and the system certainly encourages it - you're going to have to play through another story. And if they're all mediocre...how many times can you stomach it, especially if you've had to reroll (as I have done)?

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