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Favorite Enhancement to Rip


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I am personally loving the Black Hole Boots (Mk1) as my main Enhancement rip.


The Enhancement is the only Power/Surge (41/57) combination I see in our gear right now.


I was wondering if there are any that I may have missed or that other Sent's have found really useful.

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I found that the power/surge 41/57 sells really good as well. Ripped it out, RE'd it and now making a lot of money by selling it.


Other than that noticed a lot of people want acc/power as well because of lack of accuracy on certain sets.

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Oh man I love these sorts of threads. I figured a few things just by theorycrafting on my own. One thing I noticed pre-1.2 was quite interesting. And funny to hear reactions from those who thought themselves immune to research.


PvP armors main weakness is it's lack of strength. That's not the entire fact. Back before 1.2 when champion gear was available, it was an often-missed fact that champion gear had identical mod and enhancement slots to it's columi (PvE tier 56) counterpart. The armor lacked the strength of course but could be rectified by the easily available daily comm armor.


Using this technique you could land yourself a piece of gear with the exact DPS capabilities of a columi slot (minus the set bonus) before ever setting foot in a hard mode flashpoint. You also lack some armor and endurance, but you're a DPS, you shouldn't be giving a damn unless you're accident prone.


Now that battlemaster gear is so easily available to newcomers, this technique is also able to carry the masses to greater heights. Above columi but below rakata. Mods and enhancements also begin to differentiate from tier 58+ but are still superior.

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