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Who else is having a great time playing this game?


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The only people who are loving this game are people on Fatman, Tomb of Freedon Nadd (EU) and maybe

Jedi Covenant as you can actually play with other people. The rest are hating it.


Im on Shadow Hand. WZs pop 30 seconds after you exit your last one.

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You got anything that can improve the came or contribute to it? An idea perhaps?


I would love to see Bio allow me to level my alts while queuing my main character for WZ pvp. That would be cool.

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The only people who are loving this game are people on Fatman, Tomb of Freedon Nadd (EU) and maybe

Jedi Covenant as you can actually play with other people. The rest are hating it.


On a light server, and I'm having a lot of fun with it.


I had a lot of fun but after leveling 3 alts to 50 and one to 40 and two to 36 I am not having fun anymore. It is just boring at 50, I am not big into raiding and FPs anymore after years of grinding that kind of stuff in wow and LOTRO. And I found the FPs I have done, even on HM to be rather boring and ho-hum. And running the same set of limited dailies and space missions on rails got old really fast. The game is actually very shallow, no alternate leveling zones or tracks, same planets, same quests on every alt except for the limited number of class quests on each planet.


It's an excuse not many people on the forums like, but you probably went too quickly through everything. For a game that's this new, expecting an insurmountable plethora of endgame content is too much to ask for. The 1.4 patch is going to have more content, though, which should help.


Have you done any of the operations? When my old guild hit 50, flashpoints were okay, but nothing compared to getting a big ops group together. That's where the game really took off, for me. It's harder to get a group now, but there are a handful of guilds (even on light servers) that do run operations. Try getting with them and running operations. The difficulty will probably keep you busy for a while.


If all else fails, you can always unsub for a few months and come back. There'll be 1-2 more patches released, and you can jump right into content. I only subscribe from month-to-month in case I want to take a week off at the end of my subscription. The break helps keep my interest in the game.

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Wait, which game are you referring to?


The online MMO game?


Or the forum game where we get to watch Generation Entitlement come unhinged? :)


Yeah, throwing the hipster insult of the week around totally invalidates everyone's criticisms. Or maybe you just haven't played other games; still, I'm glad it's enjoyable for you. Since, you know, personal enjoyment is what every paying customer is "entitled" to. So, hmmm, i guess your enjoyment is exactly as valid as others dissatisfaction - no more, no less.

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Still playing and having moderate enjoyment but not this overly excitement voiced in this thread. It's nice to have positive postings but let's not go 'Great job Bioware' when the game is in the state it is. While you are having enjoyment probably around half a million people have not. That's not a 'great job'. Instead hit them with some of that positive feedback and suggestions to build upon the game. So far only the one's who you all label as haters are giving any feedback on improving the game while the ones having this amazing time just sit back and stroke Bio's ego.
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I tend to always play 2 mmos concurrently though, so I don't burn out on one game at a time. I'm not one of those people that plays 5 hours a night, every night. I play heavy on weekends, an hour or two a night during weekdays... I do have a family and work and all, lol. And I carry 2 subs a month. It's the cure for the mmo blues IMO.
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I like this game. But it becomes harder to play when population dips. Community morale is low, and Bioware has a load of bad press this week. It doesn't look good, and they don't seem too worried about it. Makes me feel like they've given up. And that's a shame.
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Even without people I love the game. First server sort of sucks because I can't sell anything I craft and that's a big part of my MMO fun. So I rerolled on Jedi Covenant.


It's been great having so many people around and since I'm trying Republic this time the game seems fresher. I also get to do heroics which is nice.


My guild on my main only raids twice a week so we've just finished killing Soa. Guilds like mine are something I think a lot of the people on the forums don't consider when declaring the game doomed. We'll still be playing years from now because most of us are old time MMO players who just don't have the time to devour content and don't hold SWTOR as our only form of entertainment.

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I like this game. But it becomes harder to play when population dips. Community morale is low, and Bioware has a load of bad press this week. It doesn't look good, and they don't seem too worried about it. Makes me feel like they've given up. And that's a shame.




I WANT to like this game.. I really do.. but when ones guild is leaving, and NO one is on to pug an OP , it becomes quite soul-crushing. :(

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I tend to always play 2 mmos concurrently though, so I don't burn out on one game at a time. I'm not one of those people that plays 5 hours a night, every night. I play heavy on weekends, an hour or two a night during weekdays... I do have a family and work and all, lol. And I carry 2 subs a month. It's the cure for the mmo blues IMO.
This. I still play LOTRO for my getaway sword & board fix. But SWTOR remains my MMO of choice as it is still fun as hades to play. My friends are still playing and our guild is still playing so it's status quo for us. Even though we have seen a sizable decrease in players online, we're still good because we don't have to pug much. Our guild en mass subscribes to Lunga's no burnout rule, which is probably why we are still intact. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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Still playing and having moderate enjoyment but not this overly excitement voiced in this thread. It's nice to have positive postings but let's not go 'Great job Bioware' when the game is in the state it is. While you are having enjoyment probably around half a million people have not. That's not a 'great job'. Instead hit them with some of that positive feedback and suggestions to build upon the game. So far only the one's who you all label as haters are giving any feedback on improving the game while the ones having this amazing time just sit back and stroke Bio's ego.


For an MMO that came out 6 months ago they have done a good job. What they did poorly was thinking the demand for PvP would be low and 2) (most importantly) screwed up by making to many servers on launch day with no backup plan of getting the population back together when people left...these are for another thread though. Game is still fun and they've done a good job on making it that way.

Edited by cbauga
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Enjoy it when I can find time to play when enough people are around to play. WHich went from always pre d3 release to never post d3 release.


I haven't seen a cross server population collapse like this (rapidity and extent across servers) since shadowbane which was for different reasons.


Their big challenge is getting their playing population consolidated and either increasing their new content release speed or increasing the dificulty of their content so playtime progression through their content for roughly 60% of population equates to their new content release time without being so slow as to end the perception of advancement.


It's not shadowbanes problem of stopping collapses to desktop anyways.

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I'm having fun! My server is Light (The Corsair) but I have a guild that does Ops twice a week and WZs usually come up fairly often (it's slow in the morning, but I don't mind). I'm still gearing up my main and doing Ops with my guild is awesome fun. I have many other characters started, and even though I don't RP out loud, I do a lot of it in my head. I feel like all of my guys are important and unique characters, and that's something I haven't felt in other MMOs.
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I had a lot of fun but after leveling 3 alts to 50 and one to 40 and two to 36 I am not having fun anymore. It is just boring at 50, I am not big into raiding and FPs anymore after years of grinding that kind of stuff in wow and LOTRO. And I found the FPs I have done, even on HM to be rather boring and ho-hum. And running the same set of limited dailies and space missions on rails got old really fast. The game is actually very shallow, no alternate leveling zones or tracks, same planets, same quests on every alt except for the limited number of class quests on each planet.


Couldn't have said it better my self. Most of us (guess we are club entitlement) started out loving this game. I have said it before, and ill say it again...LvL 1-50 pve content is the best i have seen. The problem lies post 50. I now have 4 50s. i raid and pvp with a a sawbones and a shadow (both bms/wh and rakata/bh) and mess around with a vangard and comando. After the first 50, i spacebar through all but class quest as i have seen most more than once.


There is no sense of char in this game simply because your toon will max out. I have been playing/raiding the same bard in EQ1 for 14 years with no stop in progression. Do you see my point? Yes i realize i play alot...but should that really matter? Advancement post 50 is limited and new content is scare right now with little information being leaked from bw. Very frustrating to say the least. Why should i have to make a 5th toon to keep playing? Really, is that the answer? I want to play my sawbone for the next 14 years. I want his name to become legend. When new players join my server, i want them to hear stories of the time they say sawbones do something amazing. Its never going to happen in this game though (...Im sorry if this sounds harsh, but this game has been so dumbed down for the casual ezmode player, a trained monkey can get to 50 in under a month.


There is so much more BW can do to fix these problems. Bring in alternative advancement, more wzs, open world pvp, cross server pvp, more raids, more fps, something. But no we get the mushroom treatment>>>keep them in the dark and feed them crap<<<<


Do i still love this game? yes. Will i be letting my sub run out at the end of the free month? sadly yes. I started a thread yesterday asking if people were going to stop playing...most said yes, more than i expected...get ready for alot more that 400k subs going away this time.

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