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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Best things in life you have to wait for

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Although I do plan on sticking around for the love of god get informed, this is not BW's first MMO.


Say it with me "This is not BW's first MMO"


How long has Warhammer been out now ? Sure BW wasn't part of release but they were merged with Mythic/EA within a year of release and have had plenty of time working with an MMO.


As for enjoying the game, I'm having fun and I'm thinking the transfers will only make it better.

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People will be back.


BW will get the game into a good shape and then do a series of ad campaigns etc. showing how the game has changed.


I hope that they have learned from this, though. Essentially they should've never launched a mass-market MMO without the game systems and infrastructure (i.e. LFG tool, server transfer) that at least was at the level of the market leader, WoW.

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I'm of the mind that I will happily give Bioware time. All the time they need as I'm patient with bugs, missing features, and general game issues (I played SWG for a long time, so I had to learn to be patient with a developer). That said, though, while I am waiting I will not be giving them any money.


So, they can have time or they can have money. I don't see where I should be giving them both, and I recommend that stance to others.

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And how dare Bioware invest so many millions in this game and not have fundamental tools that are basic in today's MMO.


I mean...that is what 'perfect' is right? Having basic tools?


How dare Bioware impliment a patch that rolls my class quests that I already completed back to the beginning of the chain! I mean after all it happens often in MMO's...


Wait...I've never had it happen in any of the several MMO's I played before


How dare Bioware impliment a patch that fixes errors and bugs and then it leads to other customers suddenly getting dc'd left and right and hung on a loading screen...


Wait..that's good customer service isn't it? I mean especially when you turn around and act like it's on the user's end despite the numerous of individuals suddenly having the same issue at the same time?


In other words your whole post is silly. An argument can be made in the other direction. If people put money, their investment in something then yes, they have a right to feel entitled. They have a right to expect more out of their investment. They have a right to voice their opinion and thoughts. Unless you are going to pay for them sit down and leave them be since they are the only one's I have seen in these forums even bothering giving any suggestions on improving the game. But folks like you and the OP do nothing but try and stroke Bio's ego with nothing substantial to follow it up with. You're doing more harm than the so called 'haters' by not expecting and wanting more of your product and investment.

Yeah, I stopped caring about the basher's opinions. It's turned into a "herd mentality" type of thing.

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Im Truly sad to hear people leaving the game, But alas i will stay no matter what! Watching this game Grow and experiencing its ups and downs is part of the whole experience, never before have i played such a story focused MMORPG, PVP is what it is, theres certainly room for improvement, but really, some people want to bash on their class rather than themselves, PVE is splendid, however the Raiding Community doesnt have all that much to do, Hardmodes is fun and is a good substitute for Raids if you aint on a healthy Server, Bioware are adding so many great things, More Story, Enhanced Space Combat, Companion Missions where you bring out the entire crew, Minigames such as Pazaak, more events like the Rakghoul Pandemic, Dual Spec, More Playable Species, a Possible new companion called HK-51, new Raids, New Flashpoints, Ranked Warzones, Server transfers and merges, Its all there my friends, its all there for me


So you want people to keep paying a monthly fee and wait for things to get better. Sorry to disappoint you but it doesn't seem to be working so far since subs are dropping like crazy.

Edited by Darkscape
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Oh im sticking around,this is the first MMO i have ,,,,,wait,,,crafting lol yup in all the others it was far too tediuos for me and i am glad i can make something for once for my toon that he is wearing.


Also i am making a Darkside Shadow,there has been some very funny parts so far,into the FIRE! lol.


Sorry but you have not crafted one thing in this game. Your companions have.


Do you really like it when someone has to do something for you and you cant actually do it yourself?

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People will be back.


BW will get the game into a good shape and then do a series of ad campaigns etc. showing how the game has changed.


I hope that they have learned from this, though. Essentially they should've never launched a mass-market MMO without the game systems and infrastructure (i.e. LFG tool, server transfer) that at least was at the level of the market leader, WoW.


A successful game doesnt need a LFG or server transfers. If there were lots of people playing then all you would have to do is say in chat LFG BT, need healer and DPS and you would have the group filled in no time. Sort of like how it was in Dec and Jan.


Server transfer should have been in the game since launch but they are not absolutely needed for a game thats sucessfull.

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Sorry but you have not crafted one thing in this game. Your companions have.


Do you really like it when someone has to do something for you and you cant actually do it yourself?


I always thought of my companions as the "crafting tool"

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