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Enough Lucas Bashing Already!


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Because George didn't write or direct it. Because BioWare are master storytellers who can keep me entertained with nearly all of the class storylines here. Consular is the only exception. I quote my Inquistor when I say YAAAAWWWWNNNNNNN to the Jedi Consular story. I can barely get off Tython before I'm bored out of my mind with it. *shrug*


Agreed. I love(loosely of course) the way Bioware wirtes the class stories. Of course the Consular flatlines in certain spots, but the rest is awesome. IMO the Knight and Warrior stories are KOTOR 3 light and dark side.

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Agreed. I love(loosely of course) the way Bioware wirtes the class stories. Of course the Consular flatlines in certain spots, but the rest is awesome. IMO the Knight and Warrior stories are KOTOR 3 light and dark side.


About the only other class story I have some problems with is the Trooper. It gets boring and unrealistic in spots. Yes, I KNOW it's Star Wars, and realism is to be thrown out the window. But having served RL, I find the Trooper's lack of taking cover disturbing. It reminds me of the old Arnie and Stallone action movies from the 80s and 90s. I have /facepalmed at certain points in it.


Otherwise, I fully agree about Knight and Warrior. Both great stories! Knight for sheer Epic Pwnage, and Warrior for sheer Baras Trollage. :D

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About the only other class story I have some problems with is the Trooper. It gets boring and unrealistic in spots. Yes, I KNOW it's Star Wars, and realism is to be thrown out the window. But having served RL, I find the Trooper's lack of taking cover disturbing. It reminds me of the old Arnie and Stallone action movies from the 80s and 90s. I have /facepalmed at certain points in it.


Otherwise, I fully agree about Knight and Warrior. Both great stories! Knight for sheer Epic Pwnage, and Warrior for sheer Baras Trollage. :D


The male Warrior has an awesome voice. Epic win whenever he says something evil before he kills someone.


As for the trooper. I think they were going for a Rambo approach to the class.

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The male Warrior has an awesome voice. Epic win whenever he says something evil before he kills someone.


As for the trooper. I think they were going for a Rambo approach to the class.


True. Also an Epic Win whenever he says something nice to someone and they're left going "Da hell??? You're not going to kill me???" :eek:


It's worth running a 100% LS SW just for the troll factor on enemies and allies alike. :D

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True. Also an Epic Win whenever he says something nice to someone and they're left going "Da hell??? You're not going to kill me???" :eek:


It's worth running a 100% LS SW just for the troll factor on enemies and allies alike. :D


I was actually going Light Side at first because of Vette, but then I was just like '@#$@ it(Can't curse). I'm going dark side'

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Agree totally.


And to the OP....i stopped taking you seriously when you rated RotS as the 2nd best film of the franchise.


The fact is that without the support and the money that the fans have spent on everything star wars related, Lucas wouldn`t be anywhere.

To not allow the fans to have the original films in their original format because he feels that he knows what is best for us by adding fluff and diluting the films to justify being lazy with his script-writing of the prequels and palming it off as making it "rhyme" with the originals shows complete and utter disdain for what the fans like.


Unfortunately the sheeple will continue to throw money at Lucas meaning that we will never get what we truelly want which is the films that we all grew up with and loved, just the way they were.

That isn`t an unreasonable request. George`s ego wouldn`t allow it though, cos we don`t know what we really want right?


Lucas doesn`t get all the blame a lot of it goes on the popcorn munching sheep that throw money at people that are incapable of writing any meaningful dialogue and are unable to create anything that doesn`t involve flashing effects and explosions. These are the same people that keep MICHAEL BAY in a job.


Btw, no one is above criticism for what they release to the public domain......myself or yourself included.


I never take anything bashers say seriously. It's always paragraphs of hate filled hyperbole and bias. They never seem to have any legitimate criticism. That being said Star Wars is Lucas' property, he can do whatever the hell he wants with it. If the decisions he's made annoyed me to the point where they seem to annoy you, I would have stopped having anything to with it a long time ago. You guys are more of a pain to real fans then anyone else. It's not that I believe that Lucas shouldn't be criticized, but at least most fans are fair in their criticism and don't waste their time claiming that Jar Jar ruined their childhood, or slandering the the guy who is still giving us Star Wars even today. Also most people think that RotS was a good movie, get over it.

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I never take anything bashers say seriously. It's always paragraphs of hate filled hyperbole and bias. They never seem to have any legitimate criticism. That being said Star Wars is Lucas' property, he can do whatever the hell he wants with it. If the decisions he's made annoyed me to the point where they seem to annoy you, I would have stopped having anything to with it a long time ago. You guys are more of a pain to real fans then anyone else. It's not that I believe that Lucas shouldn't be criticized, but at least most fans are fair in their criticism and don't waste their time claiming that Jar Jar ruined their childhood, or slandering the the guy who is still giving us Star Wars even today. Also most people think that RotS was a good movie, get over it.


To be fair here, the Prequels weren't horrible movies. They just weren't good movies. I would put them somewhere between mediochre and bad on the scale. The special effects were top notch, and the lightsaber duels were full of flash. Those were the good points. The bad points were:


A. Horrible dialogue for most of the cast, especially the main characters.

B. Bad directing, making otherwise decent actors look bad.

C. The story as portrayed in the movies wasn't good at all.


Now, that said, the novels made up for it in spots. More of a backstory on Anakin besides just what we saw in the movies. His thought process as he first backed up and then turned on Mace Windu. The Prequel Novels were actually GOOD.


However, the novelizations of the movies were not written by George himself. They were written by other authors who were working from the screenplay. That is how I account for the novels outshining the movies in most respects.


Whether we want to admit it or not, George has lost it when it comes to making movies. He did a very decent job with A New Hope, but Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi were both directed by other people. Also those scripts had script doctors clean up George's stuff so it was actually intelligible.


Unfortunately, the PT didn't have script doctors or a different director to mitigate George's sloppiness.

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I never take anything bashers say seriously. It's always paragraphs of hate filled hyperbole and bias. They never seem to have any legitimate criticism. That being said Star Wars is Lucas' property, he can do whatever the hell he wants with it. If the decisions he's made annoyed me to the point where they seem to annoy you, I would have stopped having anything to with it a long time ago. You guys are more of a pain to real fans then anyone else. It's not that I believe that Lucas shouldn't be criticized, but at least most fans are fair in their criticism and don't waste their time claiming that Jar Jar ruined their childhood, or slandering the the guy who is still giving us Star Wars even today. Also most people think that RotS was a good movie, get over it.


Love how anyone who examines any Star Wars property with a critical eye is somehow not a "real fan."


Sorry, but real fans love Star Wars enough to expect better than what we got in the prequels. Sloppy writing with boring and uninteresting characters that we never love enough to really care about the action doesn't qualify as a "good movie."


I am a fan of Star Wars, not George Lucas. I don't think he is infallible and when his mistakes make the universe that I love worse I take issue with that as a fan of said universe. Certainly he has the legal right to do what he wants with Star Wars, but that doesn't mean he is right to do it.


Also, you don't apparently know what slander is. Firstly, slander is spoken and not written. Damaging statements that are written (such as in an internet forum) are libel and not slander. Secondly, in order for statements to be considered slanderous or libelous they must cause damage to the victim. I think you would be hard pressed to prove that anything anyone says in this or any other Star Wars forum will cause actual damage to George Lucas. Thirdly, the statements must be false to qualify as libelous or slanderous and I haven't seen anyone make any factually incorrect statements about what George Lucas did or did not do. Lastly, in the case of a public figure like George Lucas you must prove that the person who wrote/said the statements had actual malice (meaning they knew or had good reason to know that the statements were false and printed/said them anyway) when they made their false statements.

Edited by RDeanOU
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While I agree that Lucas has alienated the fans. I just have one question. If you hate Lucas so much, why do you play this game?


I certainly don't play this game because I'm a Star Wars fan. In fact I really don't like Star Wars much at all.


I play SWTOR because if you want to play a AAA sci fi MMO, then its pretty much this or EVE. I wish Bioware had spent its money on a Mass Effect MMO instead, but they didn't - so I'm stuck playing a Star Wars MMO until somebody brings out a sci fi MMO with a better setting.

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Love how anyone who examines any Star Wars property with a critical eye is somehow not a "real fan."


Sorry, but real fans love Star Wars enough to expect better than what we got in the prequels. Sloppy writing with boring and uninteresting characters that we never love enough to really care about the action doesn't qualify as a "good movie."


I am a fan of Star Wars, not George Lucas. I don't think he is infallible and when his mistakes make the universe that I love worse I take issue with that as a fan of said universe. Certainly he has the legal right to do what he wants with Star Wars, but that doesn't mean he is right to do it.


Also, you don't apparently know what slander is. Firstly, slander is spoken and not written. Damaging statements that are written (such as in an internet forum) are libel and not slander. Secondly, in order for statements to be considered slanderous or libelous they must cause damage to the victim. I think you would be hard pressed to prove that anything anyone says in this or any other Star Wars forum will cause actual damage to George Lucas. Thirdly, the statements must be false to qualify as libelous or slanderous and I haven't seen anyone make any factually incorrect statements about what George Lucas did or did not do. Lastly, in the case of a public figure like George Lucas you must prove that the person who wrote/said the statements had actual malice (meaning they specifically intended to cause harm) toward George Lucas when they made their false statements.


So what, are you saying that people who like the prequels are not legitimate fans themselves?


Do you see the guy above you? I disagree with him, but still I respect his opinion. Why? Because his opinion doesn't stem from an illogical hate of George Lucas. I'm not saying that people that look at Star Wars with a critical eye are not real fans. Lucas bashers are doing more then just looking at his movies with a critical eye, they're just being haters who have nothing to offer in terms legit criticism. Call it slander or libel, it's just a bunch of trash talk from entitled, ingrate viewers who let nostalgia cloud their judgement. Like I said, it's Lucas' property, he can do what he wants to it.


And I know that slander is spoken, I just couldn't remember what the written equivalent was.

Edited by GusVIII
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It's not that the prequels were that bad. It's that they don't live up to the standard set by the original trilogy. Some of the reasons for this have been stated. The characters are wooden. They have virtually no personality, and what personalities we see aren't really likeable. The romance scenes between Anakin and Padme are beyond awful. That line where Anakin says something like "I don't like sand. It's rough and gets everywhere, not like you (Padme). You're soft." -- it makes me laugh every time. It is possibly the worst line of dialogue in any of the movies except for everything said by Jar Jar. I don't blame the actors. No one could say those lines and make them work.


Compare that romance to the romance between Han and Leia. It was subtle. When Leia says "I love you" in Empire, it is a big deal. We care about the characters, and we have been rooting for them to get together. And Han's line "I know," fits the character perfectly. Worth adding, Harrison Ford ad-libbed that line.


I never understood what Padme saw in Anakin. He was a petulant, arrogant whine bag.


Honestly, the prequels feel like an old marriage where the couple is just going through the motions. We know they have to get to Anakin becoming Vader, and the story is really just about getting us there and shoehorning in as many of the characters from the original trilogy as possible.

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Also, I think the single biggest mistake Lucas made was making Anakin the main character and not Obi-Wan. The second biggest mistake was all the political crap in the prequels.


Seriously, the scenes in the Senate and the political maneuvering are boring as hell. I still don't know what the Trade Federation was trying to accomplish by blockading Naboo. And I don't care in the slightest.


The prequels should have been buddy movies, with romance taking a huge back seat. Think Lethal Weapon, only in the third one, Riggs snaps and murders the entire L.A. police force after one too many annoying conversations with Joe Pesci's character.


The prequels should have had two main goals:

1. Let us see how Obi-Wan and Anakin became friends.

2. Show us how Anakin turned from a good guy to a bad guy.

They really didn't do either of these well. We hear Anakin and Obi-Wan say they are friends, but when we see them interact, Anakin is always being petulant and arrogant and isn't really being nice at all. Anakin goes from flawed but generally well-meaning to murdering children far too quickly and abruptly for it to be believable.


The only reason these movies did well is because of the original trilogy. They were OK, but if they stood on their own merits, they would be another run-of-the-mill summer sci-fi offering. The original trilogy was the seminal moment of the science fiction genre. It's probably not reasonable or fair that we expected the prequels to live up to this standard, but it stings because they fell so far short and because so many of the mistakes could have been easily avoided.

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Also, I think the single biggest mistake Lucas made was making Anakin the main character and not Obi-Wan. The second biggest mistake was all the political crap in the prequels.


Seriously, the scenes in the Senate and the political maneuvering are boring as hell. I still don't know what the Trade Federation was trying to accomplish by blockading Naboo. And I don't care in the slightest.


The prequels should have been buddy movies, with romance taking a huge back seat. Think Lethal Weapon, only in the third one, Riggs snaps and murders the entire L.A. police force after one too many annoying conversations with Joe Pesci's character.


The prequels should have had two main goals:

1. Let us see how Obi-Wan and Anakin became friends.

2. Show us how Anakin turned from a good guy to a bad guy.

They really didn't do either of these well. We hear Anakin and Obi-Wan say they are friends, but when we see them interact, Anakin is always being petulant and arrogant and isn't really being nice at all. Anakin goes from flawed but generally well-meaning to murdering children far too quickly and abruptly for it to be believable.


The only reason these movies did well is because of the original trilogy. They were OK, but if they stood on their own merits, they would be another run-of-the-mill summer sci-fi offering. The original trilogy was the seminal moment of the science fiction genre. It's probably not reasonable or fair that we expected the prequels to live up to this standard, but it stings because they fell so far short and because so many of the mistakes could have been easily avoided.


Actually, the first half of AotC reminded me of a really badly written cop buddy flick, even going so far as Obi-Wan saying "I'm getting too old for this...." during the hovercar chase through the skies of Coruscant. :p

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Actually, the first half of AotC reminded me of a really badly written cop buddy flick, even going so far as Obi-Wan saying "I'm getting too old for this...." during the hovercar chase through the skies of Coruscant. :p


Yeah, but you don't get to see them become buddies. You see the relationship between Riggs and Murtaugh grow until Riggs is essentially adopted into the family. The action scenes further develop these emotions. There is none of that in Attack of the Clones. Obi-Wan and Anakin don't hang out. They don't appear to have lives outside of being Jedi. I mean, I know Jedi have to go out for barbecue once in a while, right? Obi-Wan has a more friendly relationship with the fat alien wearing the apron in the diner in Attack of the Clones than he does with Anakin. In A New Hope, Han clearly acted as a big brother figure to Luke. The relationship between Obi-Wan and Anakin comes across more like a boss and employee who don't really like each other.

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So what, are you saying that people who like the prequels are not legitimate fans themselves?


Do you see the guy above you? I disagree with him, but still I respect his opinion. Why? Because his opinion doesn't stem from an illogical hate of George Lucas. I'm not saying that people that look at Star Wars with a critical eye are not real fans. Lucas bashers are doing more then just looking at his movies with a critical eye, they're just being haters who have nothing to offer in terms legit criticism. Call it slander or libel, it's just a bunch of trash talk from entitled, ingrate viewers who let nostalgia cloud their judgement. Like I said, it's Lucas' property, he can do what he wants to it.


And I know that slander is spoken, I just couldn't remember what the written equivalent was.


My opinion has nothing to do with what I personally feel toward George Lucas. My opinion stems from the fact that I love Star Wars and wanted the prequels to be at the same level and they just weren't. I don't see anyone in this thread that is just hating on George Lucas. I see a lot of people that are tossing out very legitimate criticism about how poorly the prequels were made. Lucas never makes us care about the characters in the prequels. The action is flashy, but emotionless because we don't care about any of the people involved.


Can you honestly tell me that you were actually upset when Anakin fell to the darkside? Were you upset when he got cut up by Obi-Wan? Don't you think it's a bad sign that nobody cared when those things happened since Anakin was supposed to be the main character? This isn't a small problem. When your characters aren't likable you have a huge problem. Can you not see the vast difference between that and the OT? This isn't about nostalgia. In the OT they made me care what happened to Luke, Han, Leia, and Chewy. If Luke had fallen to the darkside I would have been upset. If any of those characters had been maimed and left for dead I would have been upset.


No one is arguing that Lucas doesn't have the right to do with Star Wars as he pleases. We are arguing that he shouldn't. You have the right to do lots of things that you ought not do.


You really need to stop calling these statements slander or libel because as I pointed out above those words have a legal definition and they simply do not apply in this case. You are factually incorrect when you refer to these statements in this way.

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Obi-Wan has a more friendly relationship with the fat alien wearing the apron in the diner in Attack of the Clones than he does with Anakin.


The relationship between Obi-Wan and Anakin comes across more like a boss and employee who don't really like each other.


This point is spot on. Obi Wan's body language and facial expressions are much more friendly toward that fat alien than they ever are toward Anakin and that is a great illustration of how broken this aspect of the prequels is. We are told they are friends, but they never act like friends. They act like coworkers that tolerate one another because they have a job to do rather than friends.

Edited by RDeanOU
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George Lucas is awesome end of story, only a tiny % of peopl who dont care for him.

Go to a star wars convention and you will see what a real star wars fan is.He created

the universe,anything made in the EU etc are all based on things he created or set down as standards/rules.

Sadly some haters fauils to see this.Even when i'm writing this i know there will be some clueless guy responding

to my post trying to claim otherwise :D Anyways GL is filthy rich and the most powerful man in hollywood

(and he is not even part of Hollywood) so i dont think he really cares what a few thousends angry internet fans

think about anything.Sure there are a few things i would have seen changed for the "better"(what i think is better)

but it's his universe and he can do what he wants with it.

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I never take anything bashers say seriously. It's always paragraphs of hate filled hyperbole and bias. They never seem to have any legitimate criticism. That being said Star Wars is Lucas' property, he can do whatever the hell he wants with it. If the decisions he's made annoyed me to the point where they seem to annoy you, I would have stopped having anything to with it a long time ago. You guys are more of a pain to real fans then anyone else. It's not that I believe that Lucas shouldn't be criticized, but at least most fans are fair in their criticism and don't waste their time claiming that Jar Jar ruined their childhood, or slandering the the guy who is still giving us Star Wars even today. Also most people think that RotS was a good movie, get over it.


The fact that you reject any critique of Lucas and put it under the bracket of "hate filled hyperbole and bias" shows more about you than it does me.


I don`t need to say anything else really but thanks for taking the time to review my opinion with some legitimate criticism and claiming that people "like me" ruined your childhood.

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The fact that you reject any critique of Lucas and put it under the bracket of "hate filled hyperbole and bias" shows more about you than it does me.


I don`t need to say anything else really but thanks for taking the time to review my opinion with some legitimate criticism and claiming that people "like me" ruined your childhood.


I clearly stated that I don't reject critiquing Lucas. There is plenty to critique and I respect other people's opinions even when they disagree with me. What I reject is idiotic hyperbole by people who choose to hate Lucas' work just because Lucas did it. They have a "he can do no right" mentality.


I am constantly hearing bashers ************ about how stuff like midichlorians and Jar Jar Binks ruined Star Wars for them. You are blinded by your nostalgia for the the original trilogy and go out of your way to ridicule anyone who dares to like the prequels.


By the way, your earlier "opinion" wasn't so much a critique as it was trash talk. And that pretty much sums you up.

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You cared for a bunch of Jedi that you didn't know? I'm sorry, but the average viewer has absolutely zero reason to care for any of those Jedi. At best I know their names, but I have no emotional investment in any of them. To the bulk of viewers they are just a bunch of aliens with lightsabers and we wouldn't even know they were Jedi without those.


Maybe. It's interesting that I care more for a bunch of aliens who die than I care for a main character who dies (Padme). Maybe I'm not the average viewer, but I know I'm not the only one who felt that way during Order 66. And at that time I also didn't know much more than their names and what they say in the films.


The moment you mention with Obi-Wan saying that Anakin was his brother was the best moment of acting from the entire prequel series. Ewan McGregor did a fantastic job of portraying the emotions he was supposed to be feeling at the moment. However, the viewers are still disconnected from this moment because we do not feel what Obi-Wan feels. We have not really been witness to anything that would justify his reaction. We know they are close because the movie has told us they are close, but we haven't actually witnessed them becoming close like the characters in the OT.


If Han and Luke had been forced to fight at the end of ROTJ we wouldn't have needed Han to tell us it was tearing him up inside because we would have already been feeling it ourselves. We knew Han was like Luke's older brother because we actually got to see that relationship play out. Han wouldn't have needed to explain his emotions...we would already have been there. This is kind of my exact problem. We have to be constantly told how the characters feel in the prequels because there is zero effort to make us feel what they do. It's poor filmmaking plain and simple.


Yes, you are right. I don't want to compare ROTJ with ROTS. ROTJ is way ahead on emotional involvement.

But I, personally, was more involved emotionally during ROTS then in ANH. Of course, in nearly every other aspect ANH is better than ROTS.

And I don't criticize ANH for that. It does a very good job in building the connecten to the characters what makes the next two movies so good. That's where Episode I and II fail.


When you have to explicitly tell the viewer what the characters are feeling ("Anakin, you're breaking my heart" etc.) you have done a terrible job of making your movie. A good filmmaker never has to do this. They just let the emotions play out for the audience to see and rely on their storytelling to give the viewer the context to understand the emotions they are witnessing.


I totally agree.

But for me Episode III is still the saddest of all the movies. (Maybe because I watched the OT as a child on TV and Episode III as a teen in the cinema.)


This point is spot on. Obi Wan's body language and facial expressions are much more friendly toward that fat alien than they ever are toward Anakin and that is a great illustration of how broken this aspect of the prequels is. We are told they are friends, but they never act like friends. They act like coworkers that tolerate one another because they have a job to do rather than friends.


It clearly is like that in AOTC, but is it like that in ROTS? (I'm not an expert in reading peoples body language and facial expressions.)

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Yeah, but you don't get to see them become buddies. You see the relationship between Riggs and Murtaugh grow until Riggs is essentially adopted into the family. The action scenes further develop these emotions. There is none of that in Attack of the Clones. Obi-Wan and Anakin don't hang out. They don't appear to have lives outside of being Jedi. I mean, I know Jedi have to go out for barbecue once in a while, right? Obi-Wan has a more friendly relationship with the fat alien wearing the apron in the diner in Attack of the Clones than he does with Anakin. In A New Hope, Han clearly acted as a big brother figure to Luke. The relationship between Obi-Wan and Anakin comes across more like a boss and employee who don't really like each other.


Which is why I specified "really badly written" cop buddy flick. :p

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I personally love all 6 movies and dont really see them as separate movies but more so one long story that is SW. That being said the hate on the PT is just annoying. Here are some great things you got from PT that you didnt get much of or at all in the OT


Yoda fighting (especially yoda vs sidious just awesome)

Coruscant (enough said)

Back story to rise of the empire

Obi-wan in action (his first duel with Vader while iconic is no where near as appealing to watch as any from the PT)

Many new planets

Story of Vader (yea HC wasnt the best actor ever but get over it lol)

WAAAY more lightsaber duels (people who argue that are just haters, lightsabers make SW what it is)

WAY more Jedi

Politics (perhaps the best plot of the whole PT trilogy is Sidious' manipulation)

Mace Windu (Cant hate on my man Samuel with his purple lightsaber)

A better appreciation for the diverse alien species in the SW universe (so often overlooked by PT haters)


Im sure theres more but im lazy and cant think of anymore right now. Please dont get me wrong im not trying to say one is better than the other as there would be no PT without the awesomeness of the OT, but true SW fans enjoy it all and can get over HC poor acting, i mean think about it the only really half decent actor in the OT was Harrison Ford, what happened to everyone else afterwords, SW was never known for its great acting but more for the curious imagination about what could be.

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