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Bio ware owes us


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Dear Bio ware,

For the past 2 months there has been no more than 5-19 people on the fleet that i am on. The server population is so low that it is not fun to level another toon. Where is the fun in leveling when t you are the only person on the fleet. Every one in our guild does not get on any more because the game has had all the fun sucked out of it. All the bugs that you are aware of and never fix is another reason that this game is failing and that sucks. I play this game because i love the star wars universe, and i like the people that i play with. My question to you is what are you going to do for me? Are you going to give me that subscription time back that i lost in standing around on the fleet because i cannot pvp due to the population or lvl due to the population. Are you going to give me the gear that i missed out on getting due to the game lacking in the essentials that it needs to be repaired. You are not giving the player an answer to any of this and we need to know something. I am not asking i am demanding that we get what we need and SOON.

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i love how people have nothing but negative things to say to posts and all they do is troll the posts on here, ya they do owe us all, no i am not re-rolling on another server i already have my 50's.
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i love how people have nothing but negative things to say to posts and all they do is troll the posts on here, ya they do owe us all, no i am not re-rolling on another server i already have my 50's.


So instead of re-rolling on another sever, while waiting for transfers and being with a more stable population. Your gonna come on here, and say that BW "owes" you something when they don't owe anyone anything. How is it their fault for population? How is it their fault, you can't get any gear? Its not their fault for population, they can't control what severs people flock to and there are ways to get gear already so thats more a personal issue then a BW issue.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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First, Bioware does not owe you nor anyone else anything. That said, wait for the free transfers and move your toons to one of the designated arrival servers. You can stop playing until then if the game isn't fun right now due to lack of other players. They may be slow to respond to the problems but they are trying to correct them. They just need to get their heads out of their collective asses. Wait for the transfers, tell your guildies that they can come back and transfer with you soon and you'll be happier.
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Let's suppose that Bioware doesn't give you that subscription time back and let's suppose you're really serious about your demands and statements. Will you file a lawsuit against Bioware? I mean, some players actually did it for the ME3 ending.


P.S. I'm serious, this isn't a joke.

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Greetings, Prestege!


We realize that server population is a very important topic of discussion with the Community right now. To help keep our forums better organized and feedback consolidated, we ask that you share any thoughts or concerns about server transfers in the existing thread, FREE Character Transfers are Coming!.


Also, here is some additional information from Dallas Dickinson regarding the timing of server transfers from a recent Weekly Q&A:


Arymono: When will character transfers be available for everybody?


Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice. We know everyone has more questions about character transfer, and we’ll reveal more details closer to the launch date.

Hope this helps! Thanks for your understanding.

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