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Your own personal 'head canon'...


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What? :eek: I did not know they did these things! Now I'm being quoted! *furiously edits everything she has ever said to sound cooler*
It's a shame they didn't quote the poetry, because it's awesome.


(I am very glad I went back and cleaned up most of my typos.)

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Glad I was led here by the community news! I love reading the stories that others have for their characters. It lets me know that I'm not the only one who does it.


The story for my Consular has been evolving as I've played, so here's where it basically is right now. Briony was born somewhere along the Hydian Way, the second child of a pair of Corellian traders whose drive for work was only briefly hampered by their daughter's birth. Not long after that, she was discovered and taken in by the Jedi Order, much to her family's great surprise. Her early life was spent in training at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and was among those that safely escaped during the Sacking. Despite the destruction, she remained on the planet for the next few years, making herself equally at home in the meeting rooms of the upper city, and the less reputable establishments down in the lower levels.


When it came time to complete her time as a Padawan, Briony journeyed to Tython to join the majority of the Order. She spent five years studying there before passing her trials into Knighthood. Having shown a great aptitude for understanding and utilizing the Force at a young age, she had been groomed to be one of the contemplative Sages of the Order. Though it wasn't her first choice, she accepted the position with appropriate humility, and still favors her lightsaber as much as her mental abilities.


Her lightsaber is something I've had to sort of retcon in my head a bit. When I first thought up the character, she wielded a purple-bladed lightsaber, but I haven't had any luck in obtaining a purple color crystal in game. (My time to play is very limited, and it doesn't seem like anyone is crafting mid-level purples right now.)


The other big change is her preferred mode of space travel. Briony values her ability to blend in with the lower levels of galactic society, so she eschews the Defender-class Corvettes of her fellow Jedi in favor of something more subtle. To that end, she purchased a light freighter, also of Corellian design, that she refitted to serve as her personal starship, though on official Order assignments she will still use the Defender.


Not everything about the character that I've planned has happened in-game yet (Come on, SGRs!) but like I said, her story is still evolving. I'm still looking for a way to connect her to my light side Sith warrior, as well. All in good time.

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The other big change is her preferred mode of space travel. Briony values her ability to blend in with the lower levels of galactic society, so she eschews the Defender-class Corvettes of her fellow Jedi in favor of something more subtle. To that end, she purchased a light freighter, also of Corellian design, that she refitted to serve as her personal starship, though on official Order assignments she will still use the Defender.


Your Consular has excellent taste. ^.^

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You should see the case of Blossom Wine (Foresthe, 8 ATC) she keeps chilled for "diplomatic occasions". Not exactly in keeping with the Jedi Code, but she allows herself a few luxuries.


kinda funny, i was touring the jedi ship on a friend and noticed a few bottles on the shelf in thier room, along with enough shot glasses for some drunken board game

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kinda funny, i was touring the jedi ship on a friend and noticed a few bottles on the shelf in thier room, along with enough shot glasses for some drunken board game


Crez, my 100% LS knight has NO IDEA how they got there. Who would ever store such a large amount of drinking paraphernalia in his room? Not me! :jawa_angel:


And, um, it wasn't discovered when I brought a random Chiss trooper lady into my bedroom. Because that's absolutely not something I would do. :rolleyes:

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Crez, my 100% LS knight has NO IDEA how they got there. Who would ever store such a large amount of drinking paraphernalia in his room? Not me! :jawa_angel:


And, um, it wasn't discovered when I brought a random Chiss trooper lady into my bedroom. Because that's absolutely not something I would do. :rolleyes:


surrre, so the lead of havoc squad has nothing better to do than plant incriminating evidence on jedi ships? mmmm-hmmmmm

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surrre, so the lead of havoc squad has nothing better to do than plant incriminating evidence on jedi ships? mmmm-hmmmmm


Excuse me!! I am the leader of Havoc and I have much better things to do with my time! I just can't say them here or the mods will send me another love note XD :p

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Excuse me!! I am the leader of Havoc and I have much better things to do with my time! I just can't say them here or the mods will send me another love note XD :p


ow, they sent ya a note? i didnt get one, but then again i can be a bit more vague with what im talking about with colourful analogies and euphanisms >:3

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Excuse me!! I am the leader of Havoc and I have much better things to do with my time! I just can't say them here or the mods will send me another love note XD :p


But, but, that's what the ******s are for! Post all the dirty words you want and they're magically converted to stars! I like my stars. They're pretty, like special little snowflakes! =D


Actually, I DO try to keep my fic tame because BELIEVE ME, my thoughts are far from G or PG13, we're talking lots of Xs a few NC17s, some wth is THAT??? and etc etc happy cakes.


Back on topic....


I am now picturing all the male LIs completely smashed, singing bad sea chanties in the VIP lounge. What's this? The pubs are gathered with the imps? Unheard of! Except for Draconia being the Emperor's Wrath, she's pulling weight, telling the imp soldiers that if they so much as touch her brothers-in-law, son-in-law and nephews-in-law, that she'll show them why she's the wrath and they're shoveling out commodes!


Vector gets up, wobbling on his feet, and begins to sing a chirpy tune, almost like a bird and an insect were slammed together and rewired, causing the seeing eye dogs to howl in misery. Quinn tries to stand but keeps falling on his ***. Corso is hooting and hollaring at his father-in-law being unable to get up once butt meets deck. Torian is drunkenly fist fighting with Andronikos, who's got his hand on the kid's head, laughing uproariously as his brother-in-law is ineffectively swiping at his stomach.


Doc is trying to get drunk smoochies from his wife, who keeps rolling her eyes as she loves her hubby, but doesn't want slobber on her cheek. Eanelinea is facepalming at both her husband and son-in-law, exchanging exasperated looks with her daughter.


And the other wives/hubbies are either giggling at their men's antics, or wondering what spice they were injecting to voluntarily babysit their drunk men. Oh! That's right. The luffin is good and worth the embarrassment.


I think WAY too much about these things.

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ow, they sent ya a note? i didnt get one, but then again i can be a bit more vague with what im talking about with colourful analogies and euphanisms >:3


Yep lol. But I was fairly obvious with what I said. Actually when I typed it I thought - wonder how long they will leave this here? Haha. Oh well, at least it means they are reading our awesome threads! :p I am sure they are secretly entertained by our minds, how can you not be....

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Yep lol. But I was fairly obvious with what I said. Actually when I typed it I thought - wonder how long they will leave this here? Haha. Oh well, at least it means they are reading our awesome threads! :p I am sure they are secretly entertained by our minds, how can you not be....


Must know what was said. PM me! =D

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I just realized my character's crew is basically Planet Express. Fsmug is Leela, since she's the captain and generally knows what she's doing. Corso is Fry because he never knows what he's doing. Risha is Amy because she's a cute mechanic with rich parents. Guss is Bender because he's nuts. And Bowdaar is Zoidberg because nobody cares.


"Save my friends...and Bowdaar."

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My rl husband doesn't understand why I read this forum. I told him, I feel so at home here :) Hoping to see familiar names on our destination server!


What server? Come to Drooga's Pleasure Barge! You can hang with me!

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bug parties on giraada :rak_03: hosted by one smurfalicious social x hostess


Just rolled Minxy the Agent on Giradda lol, she is only level 2 because I need to go do chores. I expect to start levelling her this weekend....she's already got attitude, too. :D

Edited by Taalbert
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Just rolled Minxy the Agent on Giradda lol, she is only level 2 because I need to go do chores. I expect to start levelling her this weekend....she's already got attitude, too. :D


lol i'll be off and on friday, mostly on evening friday, saturday i promised myself and bf irl time, so again evening. pst, im a night owl <3

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saturday i promised myself and bf irl time


Awww, bf irl time! Well as I said somewhere else, my husband is going away for 6 weeks, so I will have a lot of spare time, no excuse for my agent not to get to Alderaan pretty quickly to see what all this Vector business is about (shhh just don't tell Aric). Doesn't count as cheating if its on a different server, right? ;) What happens on Giradda - stays on Giradda. Just like with Vegas! haha.

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Awww, bf irl time! Well as I said somewhere else, my husband is going away for 6 weeks, so I will have a lot of spare time, no excuse for my agent not to get to Alderaan pretty quickly to see what all this Vector business is about (shhh just don't tell Aric). Doesn't count as cheating if its on a different server, right? ;) What happens on Giradda - stays on Giradda. Just like with Vegas! haha.



funny story... rolled a BH, and i swear someone musta gotten jealous, cause soon after i got ants crawling round in my pc room. and don't worry, i won;t tell him ;)

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