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Tamara and the rest of the crew are playing the drinking game 'I never'. Hilarity ensues as people find out WAY more about each other than they bargained for. Blizz has to be the biggest surprise and the most drunk.


You all are evil. You know what I think of alot. lol


lol i think of that waaaay too much too >.> mostly about how my agent's playtoy gets overly excited from his heightened senses of smell, touch, taste, sound, ect .... some very explicit songs are played to a very primitive rythm :3


Phix catching jorgan rummaging thru her pantry drawer... AGAIN... how many times has she told him thats NOT where she keeps her armaments. bad kitty. BAAAAD KITTY.


Crezelle sneaking into vector's room, wanting to " ya know... play THAT song again >.>" only to find him meditating on the edge of his bed. some time latter he comes back to his senses to find her curled up at his side, asleep. he does radiate tranquillity.

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Khem Val walking up to my SI, Lorien, complaining he's hungry and her rolling her eyes at him and asking if they need to go and hunt some Jedi for him to snack on before grabbing her lightsabre and heading out the door. Ashara chases after them trying to convince them to stay in and order in. Then Xalek saying if Khem's going to hunt Jedi, he wants to come with.


Kanpeki comes stomping out of the 'fresher, wrapped in a towel, because once again someone forgot to clean out Broonmark's fur out of the drain and she she just plain need to yell at someone. Everyone looks to Quinn to deal with the raging Sith because she's his wife.


Vak, my JC, trying to explain to naive little Nadia that getting involved with Tharan isn't such a good idea because of Holiday but little Miss padawan thinks she knows better.

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You all are evil. You know what I think of alot. lol


Eanelinea is correct, you are all evil! :eek: Putting impure thoughts into my innocent little head (canon).


Soft kitty...warm kitty....little ball of .......Darn you guys, that's going to be stuck in my head all day now! :D

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Eanelinea is correct, you are all evil! :eek: Putting impure thoughts into my innocent little head (canon).


Soft kitty...warm kitty....little ball of .......Darn you guys, that's going to be stuck in my head all day now! :D


You're welcome.


Aric does look he'd have very soft fur, provided it doesn't get matted and is regularly groomed and washed. :D


That and I don't have much to do while I'm uploading videos, it kills the recording performance of my machine. Perhaps I should invest in a new computer...

Edited by Kalterien
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anyone ever just get little snippets of thier toon's daily life that wouldn't fit in a bio, or in the fanfic section? i remember chatting with another agent, and we agreed we could picture kaliyo angrily pounding her fist on the shower door, as an oblivious vector has meditated himself into a trance under the relaxing warm spray of the shower.

or my Fhunter walking into her room to find blizz had acess her... um... back massager chest ( yes.. she...gets very sore muscles from chasing down hard to get marks) and finding bits and pieces strewn everywhere, with a happily fascinated jawa.


I always like imagining that my fsmug gets a lot of booty calls from ex-boyfriends, and what kinds of excuses she makes up. I think that since she hired Risha, she makes her answer and tell them that she's dead.


Risha saying she needs to get new shoes and Ayang refusing to buy new ones, because these are just fine and they're broken in and everything!


Calling her adoptive sister, Yasha (my JK), who is ridiculously socially awkward, and letting Guss ask as many questions as he wants. Kira shows up and encourages him because she thinks it's funny.


She's Mirialan and they are supposed to be pretty religious, so I always imagine she prays or performs little rituals fairly often. Also, swearing in Mirialan.


I am working on a fanfic about her now so I've been thinking about her a lot! In the story she's pregnant so I keep wondering if she'll be really excited and like, start knitting all the time or something.

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Melony and Doc's very first, coy look over the shoulder, swagger pimp walk after the hot woman. They unwrap each other like excited kiddies on Christmas only for Doc's eyes to go really wide and see something he'd never associate with Jedi ever. "Stars!" he thinks, staring in awe. "Decorated goodies all for me!"


Harriet pacing back and forth in her quarters mumbling worriedly and in a panicked way as Corso comes strolling in and wonders what has made his wife into a jittery mess. "Baby?" he asks in concern and pulls back slightly at the horrified look that comes across his sexy wife's face.


"My parents!" she exclaims, biting her nails frantically.


"What about them?" he eventually asks.


"They want to come over for a visit!"


Corso frowns, blinking at his wife. "What's wrong with that?"


"Oh, um..." she pauses looking everywhere but at her husband. She's never told him...any of them.


"Well?" Corso begins to get impatient, resisting the urge to fold his arms and tap his foot.


"Er...okay, but promise me you won't divorce me, cause you might want to after this." Corso makes 'I'm listening' gestures. "My mother is a Sith Lord and my father's an Imperial Officer." There's a loud clang as the sound of something solid hitting metal rings through the ship. "Well...he took that better than I expected.


This is fun!!

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Melony and Doc's very first, coy look over the shoulder, swagger pimp walk after the hot woman. They unwrap each other like excited kiddies on Christmas only for Doc's eyes to go really wide and see something he'd never associate with Jedi ever. "Stars!" he thinks, staring in awe. "Decorated goodies all for me!"


Harriet pacing back and forth in her quarters mumbling worriedly and in a panicked way as Corso comes strolling in and wonders what has made his wife into a jittery mess. "Baby?" he asks in concern and pulls back slightly at the horrified look that comes across his sexy wife's face.


"My parents!" she exclaims, biting her nails frantically.


"What about them?" he eventually asks.


"They want to come over for a visit!"


Corso frowns, blinking at his wife. "What's wrong with that?"


"Oh, um..." she pauses looking everywhere but at her husband. She's never told him...any of them.


"Well?" Corso begins to get impatient, resisting the urge to fold his arms and tap his foot.


"Er...okay, but promise me you won't divorce me, cause you might want to after this." Corso makes 'I'm listening' gestures. "My mother is a Sith Lord and my father's an Imperial Officer." There's a loud clang as the sound of something solid hitting metal rings through the ship. "Well...he took that better than I expected.


This is fun!!


lol i was pondering how that would go out my smug introduceing corso to her folks.

the whole " you are going to behave OR ELSE" kind of agreements, akward dinner, lots of akward silences on the agent's ship, ect

one of those cheezy, late in the evening, Crezelle catches him alone, sits him down, and discusses how theres no true good or evil when it comes to which faction, as she describes the horrors she's been dealt by the pubs. " feel this rib. yeah it never set right after 20+ hours of interrogation. yeah they tell you pubs never use torture, but these ones did. Did she ever tell you about how the republic slaughtered her sister's friends in the middle of a party, and then framed her for everything under 50 different suns? nope? odd. Not all pubs are good, and not all imps are bad. I can even introduce you to the nicest, sweetest sith lord you'll ever meet. Do not resent me for what i am, and i will return the favor for you. "

Edited by Crezelle
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I've only created my SW, but I have a whole little background story planned out for my next two characters (SI and JK) after I finish my main.


After Lord Malis was promoted to Darth, he felt kinda lonely with an annoying Twi'lek, a psychotic apprentice, a terrified ship droid, an insane Talz, et cetera, that he decided to adopt a son. This son was a Zabrak, and was a slave. He had been born in Republic space with his brother (the Jedi Knight) 17 years before. The Republic did not care much for this backwater world, and the people there were stricken with poverty. The Iridonian mother was forced to sell her younger, weaker son into slavery. The new slave hated his fortune, hated his family, and sometimes lost control of himself. Darth Malis was visiting the place where the slave worked and saw his potential power. He adopted the slave, branded him with Sith tattoos, gave him the name Tenebris, and demanded Harkun that he be trained. Harking was disdainful, but agreed. Determined to prove that Tenebris was weak, Harkun constantly marred him during his trials. Taking his adoptive father's advice, Tenebris brooded his strength for Harkun. In the end, Harkun failed in failing Tenebris.


Now the Jedi Knight (haven't decided on a name yet), on the other hand, was discovered to be force sensitive at a somewhat late age. However, they shipped him off to Tython nonetheless. He knows he has a Sith brother, but wishes to meet him, brother on brother. He wants to show him the flaws in his ways. Believing in peace, he likes to protect others, and wishes to do so with his little brother. However, he is unaware of the hatred his brother feels for him, for getting to live an easy life, when his brother had to struggle...


I like to think what would happen if they actually did meet. :D

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finally figured out how to explain my smuggler adopting a chiss:

Being half blooded, but looking like a full chiss to anyone who didn't know any better, she was the optional choice. A pub squad on hoth had ambushed a chiss group, and had noticed one of the casualties was a female who had hidden her state of heavy pregnancy under her harsh climate suit ( they were stripping them down of pretty much anything). What was alarming, was her body stirred with signs of life from inside; the child was still alive! They couldn't just let the child die off inside the woman, so they cut it out, brought it to the base, debated on what to do with it, and at that point someone had remembered about a chiss smuggler who had passed by before.

Teumessia didn't want any part of it. Shes a smuggler in her prime. She wouldn't be tied down. Her name itself stood for the mythological fox that was impossible to capture. Corso knew that fact too much: for all intents and purposes he could not keep her all to himself. He had been warned, granted, and darn it, he was foolish enough to agree to doggedly follow her around, at least happy in the fact he would be the only man she would permit to follow her for the long run; every other man would only get a momentary taste of her before she ran off. Now as far as he was concerned, adopting such a cute little baby girl was just the greatest thing he could think of! He knew his somewhat-of-a wife had a heart of gold, and would cave in evetually. He knew how to persuade her to at least come SEE the child they heard of in the holocall. and well..he was right. soon as she saw the little girl, and got to hold her, she melted, and took her in.

And thus became Phix, named after the greek sphinx. Latter on she joined the pub army to repay the people who had spared her life.

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So glad I'm not the only one who's made backstorys


so condense my story (because it's looooooong) into a few meaty chunks.


You've got Zephrus (smuggler) and Eurus (bounty hunter) whos father Boreas was a galaxy renowned smuggler who helped Hylo Vihz break the mando's blockade.


he had a bad deal with a hutt, took his family and hid (successfully) on Onderon, he hid his ship the correlian xs light freighter (known as the fastest ship in the galaxy) hidden in Onderons dense Jungle.


After there mother died, he taught his boys how survive if something happened to him aka how to use a blaster how to pilot a ship etc... 10 years pass.


When Zephyrus was 18 he entered the 'Dxun run'. This is an event where participants fly to and from Dxun when Onderon and it's moon share an atmosphere. Unbeknownst to his father Zephryus competes and becomes the youngest ever winner, this news gets broadcast across the holonet where the Hutts informants recognise the son of there prey, the Hutt puts out a bounty.


Discovering his sons victory, Boreas makes preporations, he makes a holo recording on his old ship and awaits his fate. While Eurus (who was then training to be part of the Iziz royal guard) and Zephyrus were not at home, a talented bounty hunter Roask, kidnips Boreas but not before telling him he respects him as a smuggler.


The sons find there dad missing and a lone datapad telling them where the ship is, on the ship there fathers holo-recording reveals his past and that he has friend on coruscant who can help them


Along with this friend (a gungan who owns a bar for amphibious aliens) and a renowned nautolan smuggler, the 4 secretly sneak into the hutts palace on Sleheyron.


After a while they're seen and a gunfight ensues, Eurus is separated from the rest and fights Roask single handed, here Roask says sorry for kidnapping his father and also says he is a natural warrior, Roask escapes.


The others free a tortured Boreas and shoot there way out meeting up with Eurus. Before they can leave the Hutt orders his snipers to fire, Boreas is hit just as they take off and dies on the ship with his sons.


Back on Coruscant the brothers decide to become smugglers to honour there fathers memory, they're a team for a while but Eurus seeths with Anger that the hutt can get away with killing his father. He abandons Zephyrus and find s the one person who can help him get revenge; Roask.


Eurus finds Roask who agrees to train him, he takes him to his hideout on Malastare where he trains him over the year, taking him on bounties when they arise.


Meanwhile; Zephyrus, not knowing if his brother is even alive or dead, becomes a renowned smuggler and hot shot pilot like his father.


Theres lots of stuff in between that point and the swotor stories but yeah, guess I didn't realise who lengthy these thought processes are written down.


I love the names Zephryus and Eurus because one is the 'lucky' west wind and the other is the unlucky east wind.

Edited by KingMeteor
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Oh, wow.



Livia and Kaliyo on Nar Shadda, in the room of a man they had picked up at a cantina. He is lying face down on the bed, completely sated, and mostly unconscious. Livia reclines near him, propped up on one arm, slowly tracing patterns on his back with her fingernail. She smiles slightly, amused as she watches Kaliyo rifling through his belongings looking for anything valuable or interesting.

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Oh, wow.



Livia and Kaliyo on Nar Shadda, in the room of a man they had picked up at a cantina. He is lying face down on the bed, completely sated, and mostly unconscious. Livia reclines near him, propped up on one arm, slowly tracing patterns on his back with her fingernail. She smiles slightly, amused as she watches Kaliyo rifling through his belongings looking for anything valuable or interesting.


lol. i can picture temple, crez, and kali out at a club, kali and crez grading temple's "persuasion" skills. sometimes they'd give her a grin of approval from across the room, or kali would shake her head, and crez would walk in to show temple how it's done.


and with how agent ship is a femfest if your a femagent:

i can also see lokin working on whatever it is he works on, and vector sneaking in, looking over his shoulders anxiously, and closes the door. " it's begun" he whimpers, " thier songs have synchronised, the star signs have aligned, now begins the song of misery!" . " what on earth are you yabbering on about?" " Can't you sense it? the pheremones... thier hormones have gone into discord! we are afraid. Temple has already begun cravings for sweets, and kaliyo is much more irritable than usual, if that can be possible" " hormones? ohhhh that. well you can hide in here and use the excuse that i'm running tests on you for the next several days until the 'storm' has passed"

"...thank you...we are very grateful "

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and with how agent ship is a femfest if your a femagent:

i can also see lokin working on whatever it is he works on, and vector sneaking in, looking over his shoulders anxiously, and closes the door. " it's begun" he whimpers, " thier songs have synchronised, the star signs have aligned, now begins the song of misery!" . " what on earth are you yabbering on about?" " Can't you sense it? the pheremones... thier hormones have gone into discord! we are afraid. Temple has already begun cravings for sweets, and kaliyo is much more irritable than usual, if that can be possible" " hormones? ohhhh that. well you can hide in here and use the excuse that i'm running tests on you for the next several days until the 'storm' has passed"

"...thank you...we are very grateful "


You win the internets. How would you like them delivered? *rolls on the floor and dies from giggles*


Oh, man, you have to add more to this just for the lolz. Though, would a human, rattaki and a chiss be able to sync up together? Hmm. The mind boggles.


Oh my god! This would happen on my Sith Warrior's ship! Jaesa, Draconia, and Vette. The men folk, including Broonmark, would find ways to leave the ship as often as possible.

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Oh, man, you have to add more to this just for the lolz. Though, would a human, rattaki and a chiss be able to sync up together? Hmm. The mind boggles.


Oh my god! This would happen on my Sith Warrior's ship! Jaesa, Draconia, and Vette. The men folk, including Broonmark, would find ways to leave the ship as often as possible.


I refuse to live in a fantasy world where we still get PMS. Nuh-uh. In my headcanon we've dispensed with that...I have no idea how, but it's not allowed to be a problem :p

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You win the internets. How would you like them delivered? *rolls on the floor and dies from giggles*


Oh, man, you have to add more to this just for the lolz. Though, would a human, rattaki and a chiss be able to sync up together? Hmm. The mind boggles.


Oh my god! This would happen on my Sith Warrior's ship! Jaesa, Draconia, and Vette. The men folk, including Broonmark, would find ways to leave the ship as often as possible.


please, for the love of the galaxy, tell me it's LS jaesa. i have often had nightmares of a PMSed ds jaesa

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I refuse to live in a fantasy world where we still get PMS. Nuh-uh. In my headcanon we've dispensed with that...I have no idea how, but it's not allowed to be a problem :p


Oh, I don't know, sometimes the most prosaic things are kind of fun to think about. Maybe not PMS, but I love the idea of Vector noticing the waxing and waning of the female pheromones in the ship.


I can't help but imagine Broonmark's shed fur gets into everything on my Sith Warrior's ship no matter how often 2V-R8 cleans it.

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Oh, I don't know, sometimes the most prosaic things are kind of fun to think about. Maybe not PMS, but I love the idea of Vector noticing the waxing and waning of the female pheromones in the ship.


I can't help but imagine Broonmark's shed fur gets into everything on my Sith Warrior's ship no matter how often 2V-R8 cleans it.


i am certain he made sure to make his moves right when f!agent was at her .. peak of the cycle. *bionerd chime in* human females actually do go into heat..it's..just a lot less noticeable than other animals

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Oh, I don't know, sometimes the most prosaic things are kind of fun to think about. Maybe not PMS, but I love the idea of Vector noticing the waxing and waning of the female pheromones in the ship.


I can't help but imagine Broonmark's shed fur gets into everything on my Sith Warrior's ship no matter how often 2V-R8 cleans it.


I've wondered how long Quinn would be aboard before Ruth or Vette catches him actually eating. Or sleeping, or otherwise acting unlike a robot. I imagine he would be furiously at work every single time they see him for weeks, possibly months.


I could also see poor innocent Ruth ordering Quinn to help her practice deflecting blaster bolts because Vette refuses to open fire on her. Skill-sharpening aside, danger is the spice of life, right?


I see Doc persuading T7 to clean his quarters because C2 can't get his ridiculously complicated instructions and requirements right. Oh, and Lord Scourge special-ordering actual printed books because he prefers the feel of them when he's reading and thinking things over.

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i am certain he made sure to make his moves right when f!agent was at her .. peak of the cycle. *bionerd chime in* human females actually do go into heat..it's..just a lot less noticeable than other animals


Oh, absolutely. Perhaps this is why he didn't take her up on the earlier attempts. He knew it "wasn't the right time".

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Oh, absolutely. Perhaps this is why he didn't take her up on the earlier attempts. He knew it "wasn't the right time".


naaah. don;t have to be ovulating for recreational purposes. and she was propositioning him, not vice versa. The other times he'd want his chances of her being interested to be higher kinda idea. Not to mention she prolly smelled darn good >:3

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Head canon for which char?:p Well I'll give short versions for them at least.


My smuggler was rescued from the slave block by her adoptive mother, she was between somewhere between the ages of 4-6. She grew up on a trade world, loved to watch the ships come and go was always wondering where they had come from, where the were going and is a large part of why she chose her profession. She has a brother whom she dosen't know about, he knows he has a sister and is using his Havoc resources to try and track her down.


One of my troopers (mentioned above) was a slave untill about age 22 when he killed his master on Nar Shadda, stowed away to Coruscant and the joined the Republic Army Acadamy. He graduated with high marks and was granted a place in an Alderaan garrison, several months later he was recruited to Havoc by one Captain Swiftlight (my other trooper).


My consular is a big-time Coruscant gangsters daughter and she's not exactly nice, which is why she is actually not a full jedi yet and has been placed under the watchful eye of a Guardian (my brothers char ;)). She has softened a bit but she is unlikely to ever become a "true jedi".


My warrior is from a great Pureblood line on her mothers side but what isn't known to those not of her family is that her father was as well. He was murdered by Baras when she was 17 whereupon she swore vengance and has carefully manipulated events to get close enough to kill him. She maintains a facade akin to an teenager to seem like an annoying child rather than a threat to Baras but the old man is very paranoid...

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i am certain he made sure to make his moves right when f!agent was at her .. peak of the cycle. *bionerd chime in* human females actually do go into heat..it's..just a lot less noticeable than other animals


Yup. It's why we, as women, actually DO sync together if we live/work/hang on together long enough. It's evolution's way of making sure we all get a chance to have the best male without having to wait for our turn. Afterall, smart or not, we ARE still animals...to an extent.

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please, for the love of the galaxy, tell me it's LS jaesa. i have often had nightmares of a PMSed ds jaesa


Of course. Draconia did not want a psychotic **** aboard her ship. Plus she's LS V. Gotta love Diplomacy taking away those pesky DS choices she made when people slapped a ***** to her companions.

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Of course. Draconia did not want a psychotic **** aboard her ship. Plus she's LS V. Gotta love Diplomacy taking away those pesky DS choices she made when people slapped a ***** to her companions.


oh i knooow, diplomacy is so wonderful for when you have those bad days, and the brain dammage you suffered because of the sith kicks in, and then -whoopsie- someones lying dead at your feet... oh vector honey, go arrange the founding of an orphanage at some random planet, would you? that's a good dear, scrub away the naughties for me <3

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