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Have you seen this?! VIP-PvP


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I want to thank everyone who has supported our V.I.P. idea, not only those who plan to attend in game but also those who support us here on the forums. Our goal with TOR-Talk and Tribus is to "build a better community." The Tribus guild community is built off of community and respect. We don't want players to have to log into a game and feel like they are "punching into their second job." If that's the case then I think that there is something majorly wrong with the game because people play games to have fun not to stress out.


It troubles me more than anyone to see so many people leaving TOR because it lacks this or lacks that. I stand by the belief that with in a year TOR will be a lot better off then it is now because it will have a lot more content out. I trust BioWare to do what's best for TOR. We've seen so many improvements over the years from their previous game franchises and I expect TOR to be no different.


But in the mean time we, the Jung Ma Community, are doing everything we can to create player driven content for our fellow gamers to enjoy.


So if you're really thinking about quitting TOR at least take a look at the "Jung Ma" server before you go. Try to roll a toon on either faction and see what you think. The community is very active, there are always events going on, WZ Q's are quick, and it's easy to find groups for end game flashpoints and operations.


Here's hoping to see most of you on the battlefield come June 16th.


Again thanks for all your support it means so very much to hear it!


- Tim

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It troubles me more than anyone to see so many people leaving TOR because it lacks this or lacks that. I stand by the belief that with in a year TOR will be a lot better off then it is now because it will have a lot more content out. I trust BioWare to do what's best for TOR. We've seen so many improvements over the years from their previous game franchises and I expect TOR to be no different.


But in the mean time we, the Jung Ma Community, are doing everything we can to create player driven content for our fellow gamers to enjoy.


So if you're really thinking about quitting TOR at least take a look at the "Jung Ma" server before you go. Try to roll a toon on either faction and see what you think. The community is very active, there are always events going on, WZ Q's are quick, and it's easy to find groups for end game flashpoints and operations.


There's such a mixture of excitement and nervousness for whats coming. I'm excited that this event is going to be fun and most likely a success. But I'm nervous that bioware won't implement mainstream pvp content to the game, i guess it doesn't matter because jung ma will always be kickin for their players.

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Tribus creates some really good events, but they aren't the only ones; Jung Ma has a lot of creative people that are implimenting world PvP concepts on both sides of the fence.


Check us out!


Exactly! Which is what makes the "Jung Ma" server so great. It's not just one guild that's trying to make the best out of poor situation it's essentially the entire guild community on both factions. I'm really impressed with the way the community is growing and I look forward to so many more events that other guilds create.


Keep up the good work Jung Ma! You rock as a community!

Edited by iSweeper
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Thanks for the positive feedback, TOR-Talk is definitely here to stay. I also want to make it clear that no matter what, if this event goes great or if it goes sour; our staff will continue to trouble-shoot for issues. Then we will try our hardest to find a solution to those issues. The events we host are experiments, we live and learn from the outcomes. I have full confidence that this event will be successful, I simply can't wait.


Jewa_taken what server are you on? I know for "Jung Ma" we plan of hosting a Guild vs. Guild tournament in the future. But there are also events like "The Royal Rumble" and Kar’tayl Oya’karir coming up quite soon.


The Tribus and Reign guild(s) do "Galactic Roams" quite a lot too. Basically a Joint-Guild operation where Imperials seek out Republic players and occupy their bases. The Alpha Company guild goes out on Republic patrols as well, defending Republic strategic objectives. This is a lot of the norm on the "Jung Ma" server.


Reading up on your links it seems ppl on your server are really committed and putting in an effort.


I'm on Dxun Battle Circle (EU-side), one of the servers that's, uhm, not doing so well.

With such low pop it's hard to find wz's and ops so I really salute you guys for making community-created events for your guilds and entire server pop.


What's left of my guild is planning to transfer to the highest pop pvp server we can when transfers come around, but seeing this maybe I'll have to look into the RP servers on our side of the pond first :)

This looks like alot more fun than just warzone after warzone after warzone.


Best wishes to you all and hope you'll have a great event


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Reading up on your links it seems ppl on your server are really committed and putting in an effort.


I'm on Dxun Battle Circle (EU-side), one of the servers that's, uhm, not doing so well.

With such low pop it's hard to find wz's and ops so I really salute you guys for making community-created events for your guilds and entire server pop.


What's left of my guild is planning to transfer to the highest pop pvp server we can when transfers come around, but seeing this maybe I'll have to look into the RP servers on our side of the pond first :)

This looks like alot more fun than just warzone after warzone after warzone.


Best wishes to you all and hope you'll have a great event



Let me just say that "Jung Ma" has loads of people on ALL the time. Just yesterday (when you first posted this) there were 120 people on Fleet at around 4 o'clock pm eastern. Also if you are considering switching to Jung Ma when server transfers become available and your guild is a little nervous about the RP aspect of the server know this:


RPers aren't a bunch of creepy people that ACTUALLY believe they are this or that person (okay well a few might :p). They are just a bunch of gamers that really take the story of the game seriously. So you might see a guild that might go on "patrol" which means they are walking around in open world PvP looking for enemy players. What does this mean? Well it means if you attack them it's almost a guaranteed guild war with multiple guilds taking part. No joke this sort of thing happens almost every day if not every day!


General, Trade, WZ, Flashpoint, and Operation chats are all normal people talking about normal things an MMO player would talk about. The nice thing about the RP servers in TOR is you don't HAVE to RP if you don't want to but if for some reason you log on and say "Man I really want to go and 'hold' someone up in Open World PvP with my guild or make an arrest." You can! It's very casual RP but that's not to say there aren't hardcore RPers out and about as well.


Anyways that was a lot to take in, sorry for the long paragraphs! Hope that helps though, we'd love to see you on Jung Ma!

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Their last event on hoth was a lot of fun. Really looking forward to this one. Once server transfers are up, I highly encourage those interested in this sort of thing to come over to Jung Ma. RP atmosphere is nice and we have plenty of Open World PvP
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Which side is underdog on Jung Ma(Want to join it)? Today I am starting a new fresh toon on this server....just wanna play for the "weaker side" - if there is such one ;)


Edit: want to be part of this cool event which is just perfect for World PvP lover like me :)

Edited by Ogi-Wan-BG
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Which side is underdog on Jung Ma(Want to join it)? Today I am starting a new fresh toon on this server....just wanna play for the "weaker side" - if there is such one ;)


Edit: want to be part of this cool event which is just perfect for World PvP lover like me :)


It really just depends on who shows up to play that day. The first tor-talk event the imperials won, the second the republic won. Their third is coming mid june.

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