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Dead game is dead?


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Mistakenly made this post in the wrong subforum, posting it here instead.



So I have been on The Fatman server since I started this game in late Jan. This server has been the most populated PVP server for a long time and has always had a fairly large active player base. It was typical to see at least 2 fleet instances up for most of the day. At peak times or on weekends, it was not unusual to be in queue for 30 mins just to get in the game (on freebie weekends you could be in queue for 50-60 mins). Once in the game, PVP queues popped all day and through 6am EST. Just the other day, we had 5 CW instances up at 6am EST on a wednesday.


Fast forward to yesterday, which is a free weekend. Single instance up and less than 30 people at 1am EST on a freebie friday night. The GTN no longer has the abundance it once had and the player base is dwindling. If this is happening on the most populated PVP server in the game, I can't imagine how bad it must be for people on low pop servers. I would be willing to guess that over 50% of the player base on the Fatman have either unsubbed or are in the process of doing so (no motivation to log on = subscription being cancelled soon).


With the lack of any information from BW regarding anything that actually matters to pvp players, my assumption is that this is the end of the road for us. If they actually had anything in the works, we would hear about it. I mean they have no problems pulling content right before a patch after hyping it up, why wouldn't they be more than willing to provide information on future PVP updates? The real answer to me is, THERE IS NONE. Most PVPers would be happy with 8 person queues until the ELO rated system could be implemented, but I am pretty sure the only way this will be implemented now is as a last ditch effort to save subs.


  • Dimishing player base - CHECK
  • No updated content other than "fluff", (I mean legacy) - CHECK
  • Zero updates from the development team regarding status of said content - CHECK
  • Constant bugs on every patch - CHECK
  • Development team saying something is fixed in the patch notes and it is not fixed in game - CHECK
  • New bugs to go along with the old ones that never get fixed - CHECK
  • Cancel subscription- CHECK


GAME OVER, time to wait for GW2.

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You do realize that players joining for the free weekend are directed to Zakkeg Beast and possibly a couple other servers and not fatman. The odd person might roll on another server like fatman but fatman is not going to see a big influx because of the weekend. Edited by JerokTalram
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Yet another wall of text about why someone quit.


gotta say, for someone that complains about people posting why they leave, you sre do stalk them and are usually one of the first to read the posts.


Me thinks dost does complain to loudly and reading peoples leaving posts is your dirty little obsession.


Why else would you complain about every single one posted?


Bothers you that much, stop reading them,


Their titles are pretty dead on normally as to what they are about

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Been a lot of those. Makes me wonder if some part of the system is rotted and festering.


Unless I see 1.3 million of them, I am not worried, and frankly don't care. Lots of people play games and quit them. The people still playing the game don't care why others quit.

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Hello everyone,


We do appreciate when anyone has taken the time to express their thoughts and concerns. We will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. However, we do value any feedback and do encourage anyone to voice their feedback on the forums.


Don't forget that you can also use the In-Game Customer Service Portal to report any issues you encounter! We encourage you to report any bugs you encounter in-game through this system so that our developers can track and address bugs.


In regards to communications we want to direct you to the following thread: Hello Anyone Home Hellooooo *Knocks on BioWares Door*


Hey folks,


I just wanted to clear up some things and let you know that we are listening and that more information regarding Game Update 1.3 will be coming soon. We’re in internal testing on the major features right now, and we’re getting closer every day to deploying Game Update 1.3 to the Public Test Server – but we can’t guarantee there won’t still be hurdles. We’re also working on several new developer blogs about Game Update 1.3 that we know you want to hear more about (including one about character transfer details). We know that you’re looking for specific details, but we want to avoid releasing any information that is incomplete. Rest assured that we are absolutely listening and are working to bring you the information you want.


We appreciate your discussions here on the forums and we’ll try our best to step in wherever we can (and we’re always here reading, gathering your concerns, and passing them on internally), but there will be times when we really can’t say anything. As a result, you’re going to be hearing a lot of “soon” and “we’re working on it” because that’s as specific as we can get right now. When we can get more specific, we will. If we’re quiet, it doesn’t mean we’re not listening and it certainly doesn’t mean we’re not working to bring you more information – our goal is to always bring you accurate information as soon as we can.


Thanks for your patience as our developers continue to work diligently on maintaining the quality of Game Update 1.3 and releasing it to you soon.


If you have a specific suggestion or individual piece of feedback, we encourage you to post in the Suggestion Box forum or to make a thread regarding your issue in the relevant subforum.


We thank you for your time and your understanding that we've closed this thread.

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