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Are the Sith really Evil?


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Your second fact is one hundred percent wrong. C-Canon has never, not even once, overrode G-Canon. Only Lucas can override G-Canon. That's why it's called "G-Canon."


ahh don't start him... this has been explained to him already... your stepping on a giant dog doo landmind right now

Edited by Liquidacid
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Your second fact is one hundred percent wrong. C-Canon has never, not even once, overrode G-Canon. Only Lucas can override G-Canon. That's why it's called "G-Canon."


So Leland Chee is a liar now? I suggest you check your facts.


EDIT: Seriously, starwars.com needs to bring the blogs back up so I can copy/paste and provide links.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Bane always struck me as the kind of person who would understand that abstract labels like "good" and "evil" don't really mean much... they are just convenient labels people use usually as excuses ...


Yeah, but Bane would never, ever label himself as good. If you call yourself good, you are saying that you obey certain moral standards. (These standards might be different from society to society.)

If you call something/yourself evil, you are saying that you break certain moral standards. Bane knows very well that he is breaking the moral standards of almost all societies in the galaxy, even those of the Sith of his time.


So he knows that he is evil in the eyes of every society. And he doesn't try to argue that he is not. He just doesn't care.


like "You shouldn't do that it's evil" ... not really a reason or an explanation... it's pretty much just saying "Don't do that cause I/our society/our religion don't like it"


Not exactly. If I say "you shouldn't do that, it's evil" I assume that the other one knows some sort of moral standards we both agree on. When he say's "no, it isn't", I will try to go back until I find at least some basic moral standards we agree on. When I found it, I can try to explain why I think this also means what he is about to do is evil.


a lot of it is contradictory too... like I've seen Jedi call Sith out for being "liars" and "dishonest" as if those are bad or evil things to be/do but then they turn around and wave their hand while screwing with peoples minds... how is lying to someone different from making them believe something that is untrue with the force? if anything I'd think screwing with someone else thoughts would be worse... lol


You know, Jedi use lies and mind tricks, but they are among their last resorts. Same with killing. If possible the Jedi try to avoid it.

For Sith, these are legitimate methods to get what you want. They use it whenever they want.


See the difference?

Edited by Maaruin
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Well, before that?

(Dark Jedi vs Jedi)


It's not exactly sure.


The Dark Jedi started with creating monsters, the light Jedi said this wasn't good. The Dark Jedi said the light Jedi must join them. The light Jedi said no. I don't know which side shot first, wookiepedia only says that much.



In all the wars where the agressor is known, the Sith were the ones who attacked.

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So Leland Chee is a liar now? I suggest you check your facts.


EDIT: Seriously, starwars.com needs to bring the blogs back up so I can copy/paste and provide links.


Which facts are you refering to? Do you mean when Leland Chee said this:



Specifically at the 1:45 mark where he explains things like how Boba Fett is still alive? Or at the 1:11 mark where he comes right out and says that they try to make everything fit together (films, books, games, etc) into one universe so that there are no contradictions?

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Your second fact is one hundred percent wrong. C-Canon has never, not even once, overrode G-Canon. Only Lucas can override G-Canon. That's why it's called "G-Canon."


Lucas can also change his mind and decide a charector is still alive, especially when we didn't exactly see Boba Fett's dead body.


Back to topic.


The Sith can't even be compared to the United States either, while we have black marks, we ended up learning from those and no longer find that behavior acceptable. The Sith not only continue to find behavior like slavery and potential genocide as acceptable, they continually come up with new ways to inflict more pain and suffering on others simply for their own amusement.

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Which facts are you refering to? Do you mean when Leland Chee said this:



Specifically at the 1:45 mark where he explains things like how Boba Fett is still alive? Or at the 1:11 mark where he comes right out and says that they try to make everything fit together (films, books, games, etc) into one universe so that there are no contradictions?


Thank you for helping to prove my point. Since it's never shown in the movie that Boba Fett dies, it does not actually contradict the film. However, since George DID say that Boba Fett was dead in the commentary, yet approved him to come back, Fett's return was written by different authors. That made it C-Canon.


One of the quotes from Leland's blog was when he answered a question about C-Canon overriding G-Canon. He said "Well, there's the Boba Fett thing...." Now, someone else was under the mistaken impression that the name "Jaster Mereel" was that exception. However, there was only one thing he could have meant, since the only thing that was G-Canon with Boba Fett was his death, and the only thing in C-Canon that overrides what George said in that commentary was his "resurrection" and continued survival in post-RotJ.


To clarify Jaster Mereel, the name was originally meant to be Fett's real name, but ended up being used by Boba Fett as an alias instead. That was the only thing that got retconned by Episode II. However, the retconned name and backstory were attributed to the actual character of Jaster Mereel, who was Jango Fett's mentor. That made it C-Canon again, and explained why both Jango and Boba would use it as an alias from time to time. In conjunction with Boba Fett, it never overrode G-Canon. If it had, Jaster Mereel would still be considered his real name.

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Of Course they're evil. the very nature of the force when a jedi turns to the darkside causes that force user to crave more power. and the way that power is increased through the darkside is by creating fear/hate distrust and outright murder. it feeds that darkness and makes it grow.


When sidious allowed vader to destroy Alderan the fear created just before it exploded was felt through the entire force and thats when obi-wan made his famous comment to luke.


it's the emotions that are negative that feeds the sith. so if your evil you don't think killing 40 million people is a bad thing. if your good you would never kill 40 million people and you have your answer.

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Greetings everyone!


We appreciate the interesting and constructive discussion that is taking place on whether or not Sith are actually evil. We recently did have to remove several posts for not being in compliance with our Rules of Conduct.


We understand that in threads like this, it can be easy to use real-life examples for comparison which often include religious and political discussions. Given the volatile nature of such topics, we do not allow them on the forums. However, we do allow you discuss them if it is politics and religions that take place only in the Star Wars Universe.


We ask that going forward in this thread, you please keep your analogies based in the Star Wars Universe. If you see anyone who may not be following our Rules of Conduct, please report their post to our Community Team for investigation. This will help keep the thread open, on-topic and constructive.


Thank you for your assistance and please enjoy your discussion! :jawa_smile:

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Of Course they're evil. the very nature of the force when a jedi turns to the darkside causes that force user to crave more power. and the way that power is increased through the darkside is by creating fear/hate distrust and outright murder. it feeds that darkness and makes it grow.


When sidious allowed vader to destroy Alderan the fear created just before it exploded was felt through the entire force and thats when obi-wan made his famous comment to luke.


it's the emotions that are negative that feeds the sith. so if your evil you don't think killing 40 million people is a bad thing. if your good you would never kill 40 million people and you have your answer.


It's not always negative emotions.

They just use rage and hate more, because they are more potent then the other emotions.

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It's not always negative emotions.

They just use rage and hate more, because they are more potent then the other emotions.


i disagree, love is just as strong as hate is, the difference, is if you hate something it's easyer to chop it into bits. making hate an evil emotion.

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i disagree, love is just as strong as hate is, the difference, is if you hate something it's easyer to chop it into bits. making hate an evil emotion.


just as many if not more people have killed or hurt others because of love as they have because of hate... just saying

Edited by Liquidacid
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just as many if not more people have killed or hurt others because of love as they have because of hate... just saying


sorry i disagree, you don't kill because your in love, ppl kill because of jealousy, or because of the anger that comes with loss of love. but not actually because of the emotion love, its other emotions that not having love causes,


so love is good. not being able to handle lost love is bad, ask anakin

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i disagree, love is just as strong as hate is, the difference, is if you hate something it's easyer to chop it into bits. making hate an evil emotion.


You probably have hated someone before.

Does that make you evil, because this emotion is, "evil"?

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sorry i disagree, you don't kill because your in love, ppl kill because of jealousy, or because of the anger that comes with loss of love. but not actually because of the emotion love, its other emotions that not having love causes,


so love is good. not being able to handle lost love is bad, ask anakin


people kill and do harm to protect things they love all the time... you don't have to "lose love" to have it cause you to do "bad" things.... also neither love nor hate are evil... both are perfectly natural and healthy... but as both can be extremely intense they can both cause people to do irrational things that society considers "evil"

Edited by Liquidacid
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In my opinion the sith aren't evil. The sith are all about using your passions, your emotions, to fuel the use of the force. I imagine that in the begining, the sith planned to use their emotions for the good of everyone, but over time, corruption spread amongst their ranks, and perverted the sith ways. The jedi and the sith are two halves of the same device. Neither group can be complete without the ideals of the other. Are the sith evil? I don't think they are, but as they say, the road to hell is often paved with good intentions...
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In my opinion the sith aren't evil. The sith are all about using your passions, your emotions, to fuel the use of the force. I imagine that in the begining, the sith planned to use their emotions for the good of everyone, but over time, corruption spread amongst their ranks, and perverted the sith ways. The jedi and the sith are two halves of the same device. Neither group can be complete without the ideals of the other. Are the sith evil? I don't think they are, but as they say, the road to hell is often paved with good intentions...



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