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and that is exactly how it should be :) There should be the technology becoming available for faster content, like they are doing. Now I believe that every patch should be implemented real time without servers having to go down. That's one thing that the heroengine can do. Real time patching WHILE servers are up. I hope they have more technology to keep it up :) Don't you guys think? And it seems the more it goes, the more optimized this engine is getting. It seems like it to me anyway
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and that is exactly how it should be :) There should be the technology becoming available for faster content, like they are doing. Now I believe that every patch should be implemented real time without servers having to go down. That's one thing that the heroengine can do. Real time patching WHILE servers are up. I hope they have more technology to keep it up :) Don't you guys think? And it seems the more it goes, the more optimized this engine is getting. It seems like it to me anyway


There won't be a patch on tuesday. If there were, the servers would come down.

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There won't be a patch on tuesday. If there were, the servers would come down.


Oh I am just saying they should have technology becoming available to finally not have servers come down or something like that, where they can make changes in real time. I thought I heard the heroengine can do that..hmm maybe I heard different?

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Oh I am just saying they should have technology becoming available to finally not have servers come down or something like that, where they can make changes in real time. I thought I heard the heroengine can do that..hmm maybe I heard different?


Maybe, but from what I understand is that they have heavily modified the hero engine for this game.

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No, but you also live with the bugs for months, before they even bother patching the game.


How's that different from this game, except that they introduce new bugs with patches and remove content?

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How's that different from this game, except that they introduce new bugs with patches and remove content?


Play a F2P game, and you'll see for yourself. The bugs they have are very much game breaking, and you will live with them for long periods of time before they get fixed.


This game with weekly or mostly weekly patches is a far better system. How would you feel if one of your core abilities became totally and utterly useless, then had to wait 8-12 weeks before it's fixed?

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and that is exactly how it should be :) There should be the technology becoming available for faster content, like they are doing. Now I believe that every patch should be implemented real time without servers having to go down. That's one thing that the heroengine can do. Real time patching WHILE servers are up. I hope they have more technology to keep it up :) Don't you guys think? And it seems the more it goes, the more optimized this engine is getting. It seems like it to me anyway


You have a fundamental misunderstanding of reality. They do not take the servers down to simply add or tweak content. That may be a great possibility of the Hero engine WHEN IT IS WORKING.


The reason they have to take the server down is because they have BUGS that need to be fixed since the game CLIENT and SERVER are both BROKEN.


If they are only updating the client, then they can just boot you out of the game until you patch your client. That's a definite possible situation where they don't need to take down the servers. However, when they have fundamental problems with the code on the servers, they have to take them down to update them.


They need to have servers down for at least a couple of hours to make sure they didn't severely bust anything.


Would you prefer to be in the middle of an operation, get that one sweet item you've been trying for the last several weeks, then have the server glitch out because they pushed new code out live?


BioWare did not hire this guy.


I think they aren't patching next week because they are just going to let the current bugs sit live until they push out 1.3. It may be that so much changes in 1.3 that they don't want to look back at 1.2.x to fix them.


That just means I get to play Diablo 3 for a few weeks, after my game time runs out next week, to see if they finally fix enough bugs for me to come back.

Edited by EJedi
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Who wants to bet that while they wont take the servers down during the scheduled weekly maintenance period, they'll pull an absolute BS reason to pull the servers down Friday night (AEST) for an "emergency" patch?
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There are multiple levels to patching--some can be done without restarts and others cannot.


There are multiple levels to maintenance--some things can be done without disconnecting the production environment from the users and some cannot. And even for those things that can, you sometimes want to disconnect anyway.


Server maintenance does not equal patching.


Game downtime does not equal restarting the servers. Sometimes it is network maintenance, infrastructure changes, security updates, hardware upgrades/replacement, software updates, and a number of other things which you either don't want or can't do while people are connected to the server.


Maintenance windows are a necessity to the health of the servers and the network infrastructure.

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How's that different from this game, except that they introduce new bugs with patches and remove content?


Pitfalls of the game bro. Fix one thing, maybe no damage, sometimes fix something, and BAM! Two things are broken. . .

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Who wants to bet that while they wont take the servers down during the scheduled weekly maintenance period, they'll pull an absolute BS reason to pull the servers down Friday night (AEST) for an "emergency" patch?


Well if they get it going great :D

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