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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Should Space Missions be Free-fly missions?


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No. Star Wars is about people. MMORPGs like TOR are about characters, not space ships. Space combtat is a good mini game...and it ends there.




Its not a question of "should" its a matter of "cant" (at this stage.)


What planet are you all on (no pun intended) when talking about making the space combat more like Eve online / Elite? You think the developers can knock this up over night? Dream on.


Let them focus on the ground play first. Its brilliant and Bioware are going to be very busy sorting out the bugs and future content.


I like the space mini games as they are, a no fuss attractive shooter.


Its like asking your car to sprout wings and fly. Seriously, think of the development involved in order to do this shnizzel.

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As long as its not like SWG where you fly straight for 10 minutes, dogfight with a few tie fighters, and then fly 10 minutes back to the space station. That was incredibly boring.


SWTOR space missions put you into the action and don't drag on. It's a perfect break from questing for people who don't like PvP.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Taking off from ground spaceports -> atmospheric flight -> space -> hyperspace jump is what id like to see in the future.




I love the SW universe and love space combat simulators.


The current space flight system is okay as a diversion, but it's boils down to nothing more than a single-player minigame tacked on to a multi-player game.


I understand that BioWare specializes in terrestrial systems with intricate story lines, so it makes sense that they wouldn't have a more immersive flight system available right at launch. Keep in mind that SOE didn't release any space flight at all until 16 months after the original launch (Jump-to-Lightspeed expansion).


Still, I hope that BioWare takes a page from SoE's mistakes and ultimately listens to their customers and provides them with what they ask for... a 'realistic' 3D space flight & combat system.


Additionally, it would be super cool if they could have some of the following, but this is only a wish list:


  • Joystick support. I don't want to fly my ship in 3D space with my mouse. If/when you implement free-flight, be sure support joysticks.
  • Multi-player ships, including turrets, and Pilot vs WSO (weapon systems) positions (ie. division of labor on more complex ships).
  • Remove restriction where I can't have another player of my same class on board my ship. If they're in my group, they should be able to board my ship.
  • Hyperspace Jumps: the current system is fine (imo). Only thing I'd suggest is maybe giving players the choice to either 'insta-jump' or to coast along through hyperspace at a more 'normal' pace. Great for RP'ers wishing to have briefings before a battle engagement.
  • Atmospheric spaceflight and dog-fighting above a minimum height (so as not to interfere with terrestrial gamers) would provide an extra dimension of realism to both terrestrial and pilot players; especially over hot war zones like Ord Mantell or Balmorra.
  • Orbital Flight (around a planet) shouldn't have such a small confined space like SWG had. Make it larger, give people the ability to actually fly to the other side of the planet and maybe even leave orbit and venture off into inter-planetary space. Set a large limit to the size of the zone but just make it large enough that you'd really have to be determined (fly in one direction for 10-20 mins at full speed, or whatever) to end up running into the edge.
  • Smooth Transition to/from terrestrial to space flight (ie. allow me to actually fly into and out of the atmosphere). This is a tough one that I can live without, but you'd blow me away, BioWare, if you could actually pull it off.


Some suggestions I hope BioWare seriously considers.

Edited by KaulDerrah
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What do you think, should Space Missions be free-to-fly missions? (Think about it, do you want to be in charge or let someone else be pulling the strings.)
Yes, I think they should. Space is the one aspect of this game where I think SWG still had the edge.


Being able to navigate around obstacles, make escapes and use real strategy is a given to me in any Space battle. Using the mouse to position that targetting reticule is not Space Combat, it's glorified wack-a-mole.

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I don't mind a rail-shooter as long as they push out better quality, incorporate speederbike scenes while dodging terrain and shooting, alot can be done with a rail system to tell a great story, when used at the right time and quantity.


Makes me miss the old Rebel Assault series, best rail-shooter imo



I'd also like a Battlefront II style system, could also be used to tell story, and even great pvp


Even tho i made master pilot on two of the three factions in SWGJTL i only did it because the CE destroyed all my land gear and made it useless, it was ok but they could have done -much- better... I do miss my B-Wing and Grevious's ship, could solo the corvette in those things

Edited by Dironox
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