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Alderaan Republic quest "Paladins"


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Hello there.

I'm sorry if i've chosen an inappropriate forum section for my question, but there isn't one dedicated to questing.

So my question is:


What happens if you choose not to surrender to the Thul guy and attack him instead? Will all the three hundred hostages be killed? And if so, what happens next? Broken relationships with Organa house or?


Thanks in advance for your answers!

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That's what happens:




You: "You're a dead man, you understand me."

Wolf Baron: "Heronus, order the hostages to be executed. No you'll see why I'm known as House Thul's best dualist."


You fight and kill them all, together with the Organa guy.


Organa Guy: "So much blood..."


And then the message about the Sith apprentices comes in and you get your new task.



House Organa can't demand you to turn yourself in. You helped them voluntarily and you're on the planet because of other reasons. Asking that from you would ruin their relations with the Jedi Order or General Garza. (Smuggler does what he wants anyways.)

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  • 6 years later...

Yes, I realize this is a post from 2012... but hey, I found it so it's not out of the question that someone else will as well.



When you return to Castle Organa, there's also a bit about the blood spilled due by the Wolf Baron's hands being a stain on our house's honor followed by another statement that there are other houses under Thul and that someone else would rise up to take the Wolf Baron's place.


Saving the hostages seems the appropriate choice for a Jedi Guardian but I feel like there's too much at stake for the Consular to give him/herself up w/out a guarantee of escape. Then again, my Jedi Knight refused as well, seeing the mass murder of innocents as a political/propaganda win. ;)


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