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Combat Sentinel - Ataru

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Just wondering how good of an idea this would be.


I currently have a Sith Maruader who is a watchman(annihilation) who focused on burn(bleed) effects because it was suggested to me before and it seems to work pretty good.


But I`m considering playing a Jedi Sentinel soon and don`t want to go the same route in terms of build. I remember when planning my Maruader that Ataru idea seemed like a good choice but I figured I should check here first, how valid a build is it to do Ataru?


Last people I asked about it claimed it sucked and required way too much investment but this was on a different website. I was curious as to what people here would think.

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I like combat. In PVE it's a beast, and as long as you don't get focus fired without a healer likeso in PVP. it's utility is great for teamplay (yout cannot be kited, Camo frees you from roots, you root with Crippling Throw and Master Strike and trancendense gives an insane speed boost). Also replacing Slash with Blade Rush and popping Zen combined with a crit-procced Blade Storm and Precision Slash makes for a burst of damage that will have most people to their knees in no time.


I'm currently shifting between Watchman and Combat to find my favourite. Haven't decided yet.

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Just wondering how good of an idea this would be.


I currently have a Sith Maruader who is a watchman(annihilation) who focused on burn(bleed) effects because it was suggested to me before and it seems to work pretty good.


But I`m considering playing a Jedi Sentinel soon and don`t want to go the same route in terms of build. I remember when planning my Maruader that Ataru idea seemed like a good choice but I figured I should check here first, how valid a build is it to do Ataru?


Last people I asked about it claimed it sucked and required way too much investment but this was on a different website. I was curious as to what people here would think.

The Combat/Ataru build is more than valid for either PvP or PvE. I leveled my first character as an Ataru Sentinel and had a blast, and still PvP on him regularly.


The entire build is based on Ataru form strikes (20% normally, but 100% on Blade Rush and 50% for 6 seconds after Blade Rush). While leveling, it builds up slowly it seems, but the incremental improvements to the Ataru form in the middle of the skill tree really shine once you get Blade Rush (which completely replaces Slash on your action bar). 100% crit chance for Blade Storm, Precision Slash + Master Strike is loads of burst damage, and the extra run speed is just icing on the cake.


I've never tried a Watchman/Juyo Sentinel, so I don't know what I'm missing, but I've enjoyed the heck out of my Ataru guy!

Edited by MagicmanNC
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Combat/Ataru is more than valid for PVP and PVE.


In both it provides the highest burst possible though it does require a lot of skill to get that kind of damage output. Watchman cannot reach as high burst as Combat can, but you have to be really good to get that burst out. There was a Sentinel on here who made a post about it.


Full War Hero armor could get around 25k in 10 seconds from Watchman (Respectable to be sure) but as he claimed he dominance another Sentinel came forward and posted his log where he was able to pull out over 30k in 10 seconds with Combat.


I'd say the two specs are comparable.

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if you like to:

1. escape from being snared and putting your rivals in the awkward situation to hunt you down again or move on and risk being rushed down.


2. stop enemies dead in their tracks with a healing debuff from either chasing you/running over fire pits and acid baths/escaping the fight


3. build up focus until you know the opponent is low on CC abilities so you can align zen with precision slash and throw out 6 blade rushes that from my own experience has secured the doom of many tanks and healers trying to out last it let alone any other class


4. have a "second" dispatch every 9 seconds that can hit even harder with precision slash prempted


5. help team mates reach objectives/places quicker then your average sentinel.


6. only to have to look out for your own buffs rather then checking for dots on your opponents.


then the combat tree is for you

Edited by waywardstrider
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even if it does have a higher burst as you claim, (going by 10 sec is a bit long for "burst" imo, I'm more interested in what can be done within 1-2 gcds to make it impossible for healers to react) combat has a major issue which is that all of its best burst rotations have precision slash at start if someone stuns/pacifies you the moment they see precision slash you are pretty much S.O.L.


Watchman on the other hand still has dots ticking while stunned/pacified and can just pick up where they left off when the stun wears off. watchman also has shorter cooldown on interrupts and it has heals which are pretty important. cleanses do hurt watchman a lot but fewer classes have access to cleanses and many who do don't use them for reasons unknown.


I lvled up as combat back in the day but even after 1.2 I'm pretty much just watchman now, focus if I feel like hitting the imps hard enough to make them leave. combat is nice for huttball but its just to susceptible to well timed cc for my taste.

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even if it does have a higher burst as you claim, (going by 10 sec is a bit long for "burst" imo, I'm more interested in what can be done within 1-2 gcds to make it impossible for healers to react) combat has a major issue which is that all of its best burst rotations have precision slash at start if someone stuns/pacifies you the moment they see precision slash you are pretty much S.O.L.


Watchman on the other hand still has dots ticking while stunned/pacified and can just pick up where they left off when the stun wears off. watchman also has shorter cooldown on interrupts and it has heals which are pretty important. cleanses do hurt watchman a lot but fewer classes have access to cleanses and many who do don't use them for reasons unknown.


I lvled up as combat back in the day but even after 1.2 I'm pretty much just watchman now, focus if I feel like hitting the imps hard enough to make them leave. combat is nice for huttball but its just to susceptible to well timed cc for my taste.


The amount of people on my server with the timing and knowledge to stun/debuff right after precision is 0. Even if not, wouldn't happen often enough to matter. To me it is a playstyle thing. The utility of combat makes up for the sustained damage decrease.

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