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Stormcaller/Firebrand HM Watchman Struggle


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Hey all, just want to make sure I am not the only one with this issue.


I am primarily a Watchman Sent and when I am working through my priorities on Stormcaller in particular when I force leap to build focus (close quarters) the jump take me too close to the front of the boss and I get hit with his frontal cleave sometimes which hits fairly hard.


Do any other Sent's struggle with this? I've had to respec Combat for this fight a few times just to maxmize DPS but I would prefer to stick with Watchman if it all possible.


Just wondering if I am doing something wrong.

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My group has the tank on the right side of Stormcaller's turret, and as long as he holds aggro, he takes the frontal cleaves and I can stay in front. The tank turns the turret to me, though, to eat the Double Destructions.
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I always preffered the tank in front just because it makes it easier to plug the stronger healer on fireman's right (I.e. closer to the center) to be able to toss the occasional helper heal storyteller-side (and since ours is a save he can also mix his dot onto each just to help a t ad on Dpsusing leap for when the trandoshans POP out, and returning from them helps a lotas to not use it at a bad time where I'm eating too much damage, though I will admit I am much more versed on the fight as a commando then my sent who is still a tick undergrad for it technically
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Hey all, just want to make sure I am not the only one with this issue.


I am primarily a Watchman Sent and when I am working through my priorities on Stormcaller in particular when I force leap to build focus (close quarters) the jump take me too close to the front of the boss and I get hit with his frontal cleave sometimes which hits fairly hard.


Do any other Sent's struggle with this? I've had to respec Combat for this fight a few times just to maxmize DPS but I would prefer to stick with Watchman if it all possible.


Just wondering if I am doing something wrong.


Just stand to the side of the TURRET, regardless of which way it is facing and you should not have a problem in watchman or combat spec. Both specs will be higher damage than any other class (pending on the player) So if you find watchman easier to play, just stick with that, i have done the event as both specs without a problem.


It may be a case that you are staying in front of him too long after you get in the way of his beam stuff?

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Thanks for the reply, I wish that was the case so I could make it an easy fix.


Currently I stand to the right of the turret (slightly behind), when I hit force leap in the Watchman spec it jumps me sideways (purely horizontally - I wish I screen captured it) and I get hit if the cleave is being used. I adjust immediately back to my previous position. Instead of jumping just straight up in a purely linear fashion it is almost like the target on the boss that leap is attached to is located at the front of Stormcaller and leap adjusts to it.

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I wasn't kidding :) I was able to figure it out via Watchman though for me at least. If you are even a point half way to the front of the tank force leap will slide you horizontally to cleave range. If however you angle yourself slightly to the rear of the tank when executing it, the move will keep you at the back.


Simple adjustment I know, thanks for the feedback though. We actually just downed them last night on HM for the first time, woot!

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