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I am at the stage where I can min/max and I am wondering if i should totaly cut out accuracy or try to baalance it or what?http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/d1151d3e-b7a1-4463-8dc7-4aef42a50c4e check out my wishlist, that was my original target as far as what I am aiming for.
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I never thought min/maxing was important for PvP. Unlike PvE, you're not up against a timer and static combat/rotation. I am running with "defensive" set bonuses, unlike most DPS PTs, I dont feel I am lacking in burst at all. What I lack in crit bonus (Eliminator) or damage (Combat Tech), I make up for it with an extra 6sec of Energy Shield. Because I am constantly going against marau/Sent/Snip/GS/Tanksins, so it benefits me more. Min/Max dont help when your opponent blows his CD and you cant do much damage, or when you are stunned, etc...

PvE however, min/max to your heart's content...

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I'd recommend at least around 5% extra accuracy, just for a bit of way of life. you'll still be able to have around 77% surge and high power (the what, 37 power accuracy mods I think are WH/BM such? Can't recall since I'm not online right now there).
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exphryl make a wishlist with your min/max.




Just click wishlist. I'm actually almost there (I need to update the gear section too to what i have, maybe later), however D3 kicked my swtor playtime in the nuts so taking a week off to get my OCD fix of that game.


I'm missing about 3 pieces to rip mods of to complete that. I am a bit fortunate on my server that the 16 people that queue, will endlessly queue and lose to our premade over and over. No other way to get comms and they like to try to get on our side. Quite a bit of dedication on their part :) It helps me get comms pretty quickly with little wait time for queues.


I'm not to perfect in the math part, but I still have yet to see any reason to use a Power Augment over Main Stat augment, other than saying you have more power. So if somebody could correct me on this I'd be greatly appreciative :)

Edited by exphryl
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So you decided to go with the wh bracers afterall? and go power over aim as far as the mods?

I think I got where you were going. Then I came up with this. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/d1151d3e-b7a1-4463-8dc7-4aef42a50c4eOn my wish list I have no way of converting surge into crit. Id like to increase my crit chance a little without taking the bonus damage below 500 but I cannot do that without losing accuracy .


I found that no matter whether I stacked Aim or power My bonus dmg would be about the same. I may just stay with my original plan just with a bit of accuracy


The challenge now is to find the highesst possible Bonus dmg while maintaining 95% accuracy, 30% crit and 75% surge

Edited by Hardened
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