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Simple request for a tentative schedule


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This is NOT a QQ thread about the staggered release. So don't do it. Don't. I see your fingers going there...don't do it.


Ok? Ok!


So what this thread is is a simple request for something that Bioware likely ALREADY has, but for whatever reason will not give us - a tentative schedule of wave invites.


Now I'm not asking for an hour by hour break down, but rather a simple day to day /idea/ of which dates will be invited. They have to have already composed something like this; wherein they decided to do dates X to Y on a certain day.


All this thread is asking for is a simple, tentative 'schedule of events'. That's it. What may or may not happen on any particular day. All you have to do, Bioware, is simply make sure you call it tentative and slap the old 'subject to change ' on it and you'll be fine.


Staggering your release was fine. I get that. Staggering your release and not even giving us -some- idea of which day we should be checking our emails with great justice, is not.


Post a reply if you agree or disagree. Don't QQ about the staggered release. Don't do it. Not what this thread is for.

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Now i personally have no issue with waiting.

However i do have an issue with waiting to see if i have to wait more....


Bioware you have basically been saying. "we can't tell you WHEN you're getting in because there are variables that could influence it"


However when requested to just let people know IF they would be getting in you ignored it. Now personally I like many others most likely did, assumed this would be because you would be inviting throughout the day. So you weren't sure what your cutoff amount was.


However with the tweet saying there would be ONE MORE WAVE SENT. And it's about noonish central time. This meant you were fully aware of what your cutoff amount was. So you could have sent out emails to people alerting them to the fact that they WOULD be getting in SOME TIME today. And then sent them another email or whatever to alert them that they could get in.


Instead you make people wait, and rage, and troll... etc.


It just seems very, very poorly thought out and obviously has irked many people.


You have people waiting to see if they get invited. When you could have made it so much easier then that.


Oh well, rant off, back to hoping i get in today, and taking solace in the fact that I'm almost positive i'll get in tomorrow.

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I get that they've said that they won't give a schedule out, but why? People are already raging HARD. The rage is only going to get worse as time goes on. Why? Because people are just as insane as Bioware thinks they are....actually, scratch that - they're crazier.


Every day people are going to think, 'This is my day! :)" Then if they don't get invited they're just going to come here and rage anyway.


Do you guys even understand what 'tentative' means? It means it -MIGHT- happen that day. MIGHT. MAAAYYYBBEE. Possibly. Perhaps. An unknown probability that it will. It may or may not.


Anyone who doesn't understand that are the same people who are just going to rage endlessly anyway. You're better off posting the freaking thing for the rest of us who are sane enough to realize - 'Oh, cool. So I'll just chill until blarghday.' Then if blarghday rolls around and we don't get invited we'll know it's because something went wrong. It happens though. Just means we'll be at the front of the line for the next day.

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They most likely wont give out a tentative schedule because then a lot of people will QQ that BW lied about when they could play when their tentative time comes and then goes.


^^ This


Don't set the expectation if you think there's a chance you might not meet it.

That's the philosophy they're operating on.


Every MMO prior to this has been a sterling example of stating something as "possible" to only have a vocal contingent of the forum goers perceive that as "promise" and then proceed to defecate all over the forums.


If you think these forums are bad at the moment with all the whiners, just imagine how bad it would be if they stated "We think all of those who entered their codes by July 31st will get in today" but due to whatever circumstances, actually make the cut date July 27th.


You'll get your email day-of just like everyone else will. Accept it and move on.

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They most likely wont give out a tentative schedule because then a lot of people will QQ that BW lied about when they could play when their tentative time comes and then goes.


They're already complaining that Bioware lied when they really didn't.


It just makes sense to release a conservative schedule and just explain if anything goes wrong. It helps make the wait easier for me and I'm sure a lot of other people.

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^^ This


Don't set the expectation if you think there's a chance you might not meet it.

That's the philosophy they're operating on.


Every MMO prior to this has been a sterling example of stating something as "possible" to only have a vocal contingent of the forum goers perceive that as "promise" and then proceed to defecate all over the forums.


If you think these forums are bad at the moment with all the whiners, just imagine how bad it would be if they stated "We think all of those who entered their codes by July 31st will get in today" but due to whatever circumstances, actually make the cut date July 27th.


You'll get your email day-of just like everyone else will. Accept it and move on.


Here's the problem with that philosophy - it's naive and counter to what they've already done.


They have ALREADY said they're going to be doing four waves of invites a day. So if something goes wrong and they only do three one day, people are going to RAGE. People will probably rage harder since they have zero idea of what dates are getting invited. The same people that would read 'tentative' as 'promise' would rage anyway.


I would even go so far as to say that by even telling us it began today those same people are going to look at every day as a 'promise'. And every day they don't get in they're going to rage harder.



What I'm asking for isn't to calm down those people. Mostly because those people will rage about anything anyway. I'm asking for this for the rest of us - the MAJORITY of people.

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They obviously don't care about how much their players rage and cry so releasing their rough schedule (which they said they are ahead on) and failing to meet those dates shouldn't matter. Yes it would piss people off, but so does sitting here without a clue. I'd rather be told I'll get in Thursday and not get in until Friday then sit here all week hoping today is the day and being disappointed more and more with each passing hour.
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They obviously don't care about how much their players rage and cry so releasing their rough schedule (which they said they are ahead on) and failing to meet those dates shouldn't matter. Yes it would piss people off, but so does sitting here without a clue. I'd rather be told I'll get in Thursday and not get in until Friday then sit here all week hoping today is the day and being disappointed more and more with each passing hour.


Thank you! Someone else who gets it.


What they're doing doesn't really make any sense.


'We don't care that you don't like our staggered release. We -do- care about telling you stuff'





Unrelated: Whoa whoa whoa....these forums censor colloquial acronyms? Seriously Bioware? Seriously? w t f? I'm not saying the word.

Edited by Lord_Ixigan
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At the very least I think BW could tell us what the dates were for the people that were already invited. At least that way people would be able to look at it and go "Oh well they just invited july 21 - August 10 people and I ordered September 2nd so it's getting close to my time". Everyone is just getting pissed off because they all want to play, and it's kinda ridiculous to ask people to just sit at their computer refreshing their email all day waiting on something that might or might not be on the way.
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They obviously don't care about how much their players rage and cry so releasing their rough schedule (which they said they are ahead on) and failing to meet those dates shouldn't matter. Yes it would piss people off, but so does sitting here without a clue. I'd rather be told I'll get in Thursday and not get in until Friday then sit here all week hoping today is the day and being disappointed more and more with each passing hour.


You're getting in on the 20th. There, now you don't have to sit and wait a week without having a tentative date.

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Official launch date is 12/20 to the best of my knowledge. None of us have been misled by Bioware, EA, or LucasArts one bit. They clearly stated what the parameters were for early access, and even apologized for not being able to be more specific, or be able to accomodate everyone. Let it go.
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Official launch date is 12/20 to the best of my knowledge. None of us have been misled by Bioware, EA, or LucasArts one bit. They clearly stated what the parameters were for early access, and even apologized for not being able to be more specific, or be able to accomodate everyone. Let it go.



There's a lot wrong with this.


The most obvious is that you don't advertise some kind of early access reward for pre-ordering, then give people the finger when you don't actually invite them to that early access. That's not what this thread is about anyway.


We understand that they have SAID they can't be more specific. However, at this point, they're in that annoying zone in between 'no info at all' and 'full disclosure'. We KNOW they're doing 4 waves a day. We know that they -intend- to get everyone in over the next six days. Those of us who would actually like to enjoy that extra perk of 'early access' simply want to have some idea of what day we should try to set aside.


Is it tomorrow? The next day? Maybe Saturday?


Let me see if I can relate this to everyone a bit better:


Ever see that episode of Family Guy where Stewie gives Brian one free shot? Brian accepts the offer, but doesn't tell Stewie -when- that shot will come. So Brian tortures Stew relentlessly by dropping hints or feinting a hit. Finally Stew just breaks down and basically loses his mind.


We are Stewie. Brian is Bioware. We know that our 'shot' is going to come...some time...in the near future. But when? Is it...NOW! Uh...another wave just got invited....maybe, NOW! Nope....not another wave yet......now??!! Nope, not yet...maybe tomorrow.


Maddening stuff, hmm?

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Oh and just a point of clarification:


It's not that Bioware -can't- be more specific, it's that they don't want to.


Whenever a company says they -can't- do something, what they really mean is that they're either too lazy or too scared to do it. Desire and ability are two completely different things.

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The only reason I would love a tentative schedule is so that I can stop wearing out my refresh button on my email and it would stop the OVER 9000 emails from my husband saying "OMG OMG OMG WHEN!" LOL


Aside from that people will not understand the definition of the word tentative and will start shenanigans over it. Personally I think the nearly biblical torrent of QQ rage tears flowing through this forum is amusing. There are not nearly enough lifeguards on duty, enter the flood at your own risk hahaha

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There's a lot wrong with this.


The most obvious is that you don't advertise some kind of early access reward for pre-ordering, then give people the finger when you don't actually invite them to that early access. That's not what this thread is about anyway.


We understand that they have SAID they can't be more specific. However, at this point, they're in that annoying zone in between 'no info at all' and 'full disclosure'. We KNOW they're doing 4 waves a day. We know that they -intend- to get everyone in over the next six days. Those of us who would actually like to enjoy that extra perk of 'early access' simply want to have some idea of what day we should try to set aside.


Is it tomorrow? The next day? Maybe Saturday?


Let me see if I can relate this to everyone a bit better:


Ever see that episode of Family Guy where Stewie gives Brian one free shot? Brian accepts the offer, but doesn't tell Stewie -when- that shot will come. So Brian tortures Stew relentlessly by dropping hints or feinting a hit. Finally Stew just breaks down and basically loses his mind.


We are Stewie. Brian is Bioware. We know that our 'shot' is going to come...some time...in the near future. But when? Is it...NOW! Uh...another wave just got invited....maybe, NOW! Nope....not another wave yet......now??!! Nope, not yet...maybe tomorrow.


Maddening stuff, hmm?



Good lord, you use Family Guy as part of your argument & I suppose expect to be taken seriously? I don't know how old you are, but it's a fact that until 25 years of age the pre-frontal cortex of the human brain, responsible for rational thinking & behavior, hasn't fully developed yet. If you're over 25, go see your doctor.

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This is NOT a QQ thread about the staggered release. So don't do it. Don't. I see your fingers going there...don't do it.


Ok? Ok!


So what this thread is is a simple request for something that Bioware likely ALREADY has, but for whatever reason will not give us - a tentative schedule of wave invites.


Now I'm not asking for an hour by hour break down, but rather a simple day to day /idea/ of which dates will be invited. They have to have already composed something like this; wherein they decided to do dates X to Y on a certain day.


All this thread is asking for is a simple, tentative 'schedule of events'. That's it. What may or may not happen on any particular day. All you have to do, Bioware, is simply make sure you call it tentative and slap the old 'subject to change ' on it and you'll be fine.


Staggering your release was fine. I get that. Staggering your release and not even giving us -some- idea of which day we should be checking our emails with great justice, is not.


Post a reply if you agree or disagree. Don't QQ about the staggered release. Don't do it. Not what this thread is for.


I honestly don't know what the problem is? This is the best launch ever! I know I can't remember the last time I had this much fun. Honeslty....Hitting the 'Refresh' key over and over and over and over again is no different than hitting the 'numbered' keys repeatedly in game. Who can honestly tell me that they don't feel 'heroic' checking their email every few minutes? Comon now. In two weeks this will be all behind us and we'll be scratching our heads wondering what all the hype was about. Er.....


Sorry.......I did it.


Ruined my image of Bioware.

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The only reason I would love a tentative schedule is so that I can stop wearing out my refresh button on my email and it would stop the OVER 9000 emails from my husband saying "OMG OMG OMG WHEN!" LOL


Aside from that people will not understand the definition of the word tentative and will start shenanigans over it. Personally I think the nearly biblical torrent of QQ rage tears flowing through this forum is amusing. There are not nearly enough lifeguards on duty, enter the flood at your own risk hahaha


The whole shenanigans thing is kind of my point: They've already started and it's only going to get worse ANYWAY.


At this point the extra anger from a schedule would be like throwing a match on a bonfire.


I really don't see the point in them not releasing the information. Well, actually, I do see -a- point, but rather the point is now so far gone as to be meaningless.

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