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Can SWTOR be Saved ?


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They'll probably come up with "buy Panda expansion, get all D3 DLCs free" offer... :p


Perhaps, but I don't think that will have the same effect on the playerbase. How many people have been paying a WoW subscription the last 6 to 8 months and not even logging in?

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There are some real rabid people out there disappointed with the whole DRM aspect of D3 and I bet if they could return the game they would.


I too hate that part, where you have to be online to play the game in single player but i also understand that. They have a Auction house and a Real money auction house if they allowed regular offline play the game would have been easier open to hacks/cheats and then people would use that to take advantage of the Real money AH.

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There are some real rabid people out there disappointed with the whole DRM aspect of D3 and I bet if they could return the game they would.


I know. Error 37 anyone? Teehee.


I laughed so hard at the memes about "can't log in to play a single player game".

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Perhaps, but I don't think that will have the same effect on the playerbase. How many people have been paying a WoW subscription the last 6 to 8 months and not even logging in?


As long as money flows in, I doubt that Blizzard cares.


New challengers are also failing right and left, so that WoW might keep much of it's current subscribers until Titan comes out to give Blizzard another big payday.

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I know. Error 37 anyone? Teehee.


I laughed so hard at the memes about "can't log in to play a single player game".


I have yet to have an issue, although I did wait a couple of days post launch to play.

The game is a multiplayer game if you want it to be. Kind of nice to have the option in what use to be a single player only experience.

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True in a way. But lets not forget GW2 is free to play and not P2P. And it looks like Arenanet is taking their time with GW2, they arent pulling a SWTOR and rushing it out.


In terms of Content, based on the beta while i got to lv 18 it seemed plenty, pvp was fun, leveling was fun, and hell there are even transfers working in beta.


To be fair, TOR has excellent PvP (IMO) pre-50. Expertise kills it for me.


Still any rational person is not expecting SWTOR to have 8 years of content, the problem is that is doesnt have the BASIC features such as LFG tool, transfers and it is very easy to get to lv 50 and fully gear up while in wow in its early days it took a while to get to lv 60 and then a while to fully gear up.


Many of the repeat posters in these "TOR are dying" type threads are expecting TOR to have launched with features that new MMOs typically do not launch with. That includes LFG. A LFG tool is not a basic feature at release - there is no need for it for a few months. Now, obviously TOR is ready for it and it should have came in 1.2 - it is certainly late.


For the record, I was raid-ready geared in Rift in about the same amount of time that I was in TOR.

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I have yet to have an issue, although I did wait a couple of days post launch to play.

The game is a multiplayer game if you want it to be. Kind of nice to have the option in what use to be a single player only experience.


Technically, the game is always multiplayer - since you must authenticate online before you can do anything in game. When you play single player, you choose not to play multiplayer - but you are still most certainly connected at all times to Blizzard's Diablo servers.

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As long as money flows in, I doubt that Blizzard cares.


New challengers are also failing right and left, so that WoW might keep much of it's current subscribers until Titan comes out to give Blizzard another big payday.

I would hope in the next 3-4.5 yrs someone can come up with a viable product before "Titan" hits. Who is to say "Titan" will even be another blockbuster? Only time will tell.

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I would hope in the next 3-4.5 yrs someone can come up with a viable product before "Titan" hits. Who is to say "Titan" will even be another blockbuster? Only time will tell.


If "Titan" is held to the same standard that TOR (and other recent MMOs) is - it will fail in a spectacularly tremendous way - just how TOR, Rift and a plethora of MMORPGs apparently have recently.

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Technically, the game is always multiplayer - since you must authenticate online before you can do anything in game. When you play single player, you choose not to play multiplayer - but you are still most certainly connected at all times to Blizzard's Diablo servers.


Well sure, it just puts you in-game solo and then the option arises to play with buddies trying to get on your friends list, but I am with you. It is a great hack and slash to pass the time if you have nothing better to do. Beats the piss out of railed space combat :w_smile:

Edited by Evironrage
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If "Titan" is held to the same standard that TOR (and other recent MMOs) is - it will fail in a spectacularly tremendous way - just how TOR, Rift and a plethora of MMORPGs apparently have recently.


Are you now suggesting that TOR has failed?

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Well sure it just puts you in-game solo and then the option arises to play with buddies trying to get on your friends list, but I am with you. It is a great hack and slash to pass the time if you have nothing better to do. Beats the piss out of railed space combat :w_smile:


Why would you compare D3, which has nothing to do with WoW other than a lock-in subscription reward, to TOR at all?


D3 is a complete game. Space combat in TOR is just a cute mini-game. Apples to cars in differences.

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If "Titan" is held to the same standard that TOR (and other recent MMOs) is - it will fail in a spectacularly tremendous way - just how TOR, Rift and a plethora of MMORPGs apparently have recently.


As a Blizzard game, an heir to WoW Titan will sell probably as much as any WoW expansion so far even if it's the worse MMO ever. Long-time subscriptions are naturally another matter.

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As a Blizzard game, an heir to WoW Titan will sell probably as much as any WoW expansion so far even if it's the worse MMO ever. Long-time subscriptions are naturally another matter.


You have no way of knowing that. Using your line of reasoning, EQ2 should have outperformed EQ1 but as far as I'm aware, I don't think EQ2 has ever even broken EQ1's record of 720,000 subscriptions at the same time.


While "Titan" may receive a bump in the initial pre-orders from WoW (even it is even similar), there is no data to suggest it will be as popular as WoW is/was.


My suspicion is that "Titan" will be viewed and compared by the MMORPG genre more critically to WoW and it's flaws even more drastically criticized than other MMORPGs - since they will be hoping to see Blizzard "do it again" with a new MMO.

Edited by Raeln
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Why would you compare D3, which has nothing to do with WoW other than a lock-in subscription reward, to TOR at all?


D3 is a complete game. Space combat in TOR is just a cute mini-game. Apples to cars in differences.


I was merely discussing if I had time to kill. Currently, for me, all of TOR does not have the entertainment value D3 possess. It was just a knock on at SC, because I still feel compelled to rail against it whenever I get the opportunity.

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I was merely discussing if I had time to kill. Currently, for me, all of TOR does not have the entertainment value D3 possess. It was just a knock on at SC, because I still feel compelled to rail against it whenever I get the opportunity.


Yeah, yeah - I get it, you hate space combat. Whoopee. It's the same thing as WoW's bombing missions - they are on rails and people don't go crying over them all the time. In fact, the general public loved them and wanted more of them. That was what Bioware was trying to emulate - not Diablo 3.


Maybe space combat should have been free range. That probably would be big enough to warrant it's own expansion. From my knowledge of software development, I can tell you that space combat on rails requires just a fraction of the code, artwork assets and testing that a full fledged free range space combat (WITH PEEVEEPEE) would require. I hope we see that free range space combat as an expansion in the future - I really do, but for now I'm glad we got space combat on rails because if it wasn't on rails - it wouldn't have been in the game right now at all.


Then people would have been complaining about how we had ships with guns but nothing to fight.

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Yeah, yeah - I get it, you hate space combat. Whoopee. It's the same thing as WoW's bombing missions - they are on rails and people don't go crying over them all the time. In fact, the general public loved them and wanted more of them. That was what Bioware was trying to emulate - not Diablo 3.


Maybe space combat should have been free range. That probably would be big enough to warrant it's own expansion. From my knowledge of software development, I can tell you that space combat on rails requires just a fraction of the code, artwork assets and testing that a full fledged free range space combat (WITH PEEVEEPEE) would require. I hope we see that free range space combat as an expansion in the future - I really do, but for now I'm glad we got space combat on rails because if it wasn't on rails - it wouldn't have been in the game right now at all.


Then people would have been complaining about how we had ships with guns but nothing to fight.


Not that I want to derail this thread, but it would not have required an expansion, just some forethought on the devs part to make encounters instanced and have perimeters/boundaries. They chose the easy way out. Poor choice imho, but I was not at the office when this choice occurred.

Anywho I am glad there are enough of you who wish to continue playing: BW worked hard to produce a fair amount of good story, but coupled with suspect game play makes for just an average MMO. I do hope they keep 500k subbers so they can stay profitable. I never like seeing games disappear off the radar because of a few early miscues.

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Not that I want to derail this thread, but it would not have required an expansion, just some forethought on the devs part to make encounters instanced and have perimeters/boundaries. They chose the easy way out. Poor choice imho, but I was not at the office when this choice occurred.

Anywho I am glad there are enough of you who wish to continue playing: BW worked hard to produce a fair amount of good story, but coupled with suspect game play makes for just an average MMO. I do hope they keep 500k subbers so they can stay profitable. I never like seeing games disappear off the radar because of a few early miscues.


To make a PEEVEEPEE game out of free range space combat, it would have required a lot more than some instancing and boundaries. Let's face it, most of the rage against space combat stems from the issue that players can't fight other players in their ships. Since that is the case, not only would multiple "battlegrounds" need to be created with new artwork assets, new code and a bunch of testing - but now all sorts of progressive items need to be created, tested, balanced against other class' ships, tested again. Then a system built to dole out these awards according to commendation or rank.


Would it be fun? absolutely so.


Is it just a small thing to add? - absolutely not. That's a lot of code, artwork assets, UI development, testing and balancing. Far more than getting "space combat on rails" in the game for launch as a small mini-game for players to pass time off while waiting for friends to log on.

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No, it hasn't failed - though there are some forum posters that spend all day on the TOR forums claiming it has.


It hasnt failed yet. But it is failing at the moment. When you have 90% of servers light during prime time is a sure sign its going downhill.

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Short answer is no.


Medium answer is no, they had a chance at the release and screwed up.


Longer answer is no, they had a chance at release and screwed it up. Additionally, too much time and money was spent on voice acting that everyone spacebars through when they could have been working on gameplay mechanics, faction balancing, and other countless other factors.


They screwed up when they named it "The Old Republic". It should be called "The Old Sith Empire", because no one freaking plays republic (which is moot because the game is dying a slow death for both factions anyway).

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You have no way of knowing that. Using your line of reasoning, EQ2 should have outperformed EQ1 but as far as I'm aware, I don't think EQ2 has ever even broken EQ1's record of 720,000 subscriptions at the same time.


While "Titan" may receive a bump in the initial pre-orders from WoW (even it is even similar), there is no data to suggest it will be as popular as WoW is/was.


My suspicion is that "Titan" will be viewed and compared by the MMORPG genre more critically to WoW and it's flaws even more drastically criticized than other MMORPGs - since they will be hoping to see Blizzard "do it again" with a new MMO.


EQ2 launched just before WoW, which hurt it. It got about 250 000 - 300 000 subscriptions at best. EQ1 never had 720 000 subscriptions, highest reported was 430 000.


When it comes to Titan, remember that it will get most of it's publicity from mainstream media. It's launch will be an Event and MMORPG genre will have little to do with it.

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EQ2 launched just before WoW, which hurt it. It got about 250 000 - 300 000 subscriptions at best. EQ1 never had 720 000 subscriptions, highest reported was 430 000.


Fine. 430k is still more than 300k.


When it comes to Titan, remember that it will get most of it's publicity from mainstream media. It's launch will be an Event and MMORPG genre will have little to do with it.


If it's a MMORPG, then the MMORPG genre will have much to do with it and it will be critically compared to WoW.

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Which still has an opportunity to come around. BW has a very narrow window of opportunity here to turn things around. They got lucky that GW2 launch has been pushed to Fall or Thanksgiving.

GW2 release date isn't out yet only thing AN has said is that it will be out in 2012. they said "As always, we have not announced a launch date to anyone. Any launch date you see that isn't directly from us is pure speculation." and that was on the 15th;http://www.gamespot.com/news/guild-wars-2-opening-june-28-report-6376809

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