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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can SWTOR be Saved ?


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Decursive was crutch #2 or #3 with DBM topping that list. Not trying to provoke anything, just saying.


I think TOR deserves some praise for creating content that doesn't make a player feel like they "need" Decursive.

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There was a lot of forum noise over queue times. It didn't seem to be isolated by server, though I'm sure some servers were more effected than others.


Ah ha. I will be honest I did not enter the RIFT forums to do anything but compare and contrast my specs against others. Occasionally I went on to see what was up and coming, but just never really ventured into the gen topics. I missed the boo hooing. Yay me?

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I think TOR deserves some praise for creating content that doesn't make a player feel like they "need" Decursive.


I have been struggling with that concept (I mean that very lightly). As I am happy there are not a wealth of debuffs to tend to it did add an element of difficulty having to constantly multitask. That being said, the raid encounters they produced don't really allow for a ton of time to stop and decurse every 5-15sec, which in turn means healers can focus in on their duties.

I suppose I agree with you if forced to answer one way or another.

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No one will EVER compete with a feature-list of an eight-year-old MMO. Get real. People have been touting "TERA launched with a LFG!!1!1" Well, guess what, it didn't either. So far, TOR has been right in the average of every other MMO ever launched with the timeframes of feature implementation. That's just FACT.


Of course it's fact. I doubt Tera is going to be anymore than another "WoWkiller" in a long line of "WoWKillers" that have all gone exactly nowhere, just like TOR. While TOR had the best chance to do it, it stuck so close to the so-called Magic Formula that its trying to get players of the same demographic.


If Bioware wanted to not have to make the inclusions of expected features, then they should have worked to make their game nothing like World of Warcraft, instead of making it a cheap knock-off of WoW and blowing all their budget on cut scenes.

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I think TOR deserves some praise for creating content that doesn't make a player feel like they "need" Decursive.


Yeah, the lack of addons in SWTOR is IMO and certainly could be a strength. It's certainly not doing any harm.

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One thing is to kill off some servers, there are way to many of em and all are underpopulated. With fewer servers around that are more highly populated will breath some life back in the game, atm its annoyingly hard to get groups for flashpoints and heroic quests, its time consuming and really instills the feeling that the game is in a down hill, fewer but more populated servers would combat that feel. Thats imo the first thing they should do, dont know how it looks in north America but in Europe evry server is light......
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Ah ha. I will be honest I did not enter the RIFT forums to do anything but compare and contrast my specs against others. Occasionally I went on to see what was up and coming, but just never really ventured into the gen topics. I missed the boo hooing. Yay me?


If you avoided the TOR forums, you would probably not have heard about how TOR's future is nothing but doom and gloom. It's amazing how viral marketing by other companies can sow a little seed that uneducated forum posters grow into the proverbial Jack's beanstalk.

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Of course it's fact. I doubt Tera is going to be anymore than another "WoWkiller" in a long line of "WoWKillers" that have all gone exactly nowhere, just like TOR. While TOR had the best chance to do it, it stuck so close to the so-called Magic Formula that its trying to get players of the same demographic.


If Bioware wanted to not have to make the inclusions of expected features, then they should have worked to make their game nothing like World of Warcraft, instead of making it a cheap knock-off of WoW and blowing all their budget on cut scenes.


Why does every MMO have to be a "WoW-killer"? Why can't a MMO just offer something different? Personally, I am sick and tired of medieval MMOs. Pandas was just the last straw. EVE just doesn't mesh with me (why you stick me in the ship all the time CCP?)


I like TOR because it's similar to what I like and is set in space (read: it's NOT about elves and dwarves). I personally could care less if WoW dies. I just want a quality space-based game to play right now.

Edited by Raeln
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Yeah, the lack of addons in SWTOR is IMO and certainly could be a strength. It's certainly not doing any harm.


I love it. I love that I can come home from work and not dread seeing a patch being installed. I don't have this sinking feeling of wondering how playable my UI is going to be for the next week.


As I said earlier, I only want to see click-casting/mousever targeting and some very light macro'ing functions.

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Sorry but I don't remember there being a significant number of folks complaining about que times once RIFT implemented their LFD tool.


I do. People were still spamming in chat for groups even while sitting in the queue. And it's because, at first, there were not many 50s ready for the content. In fact, at first, the only people completing the endgame stuff were guilds that focused primarily on that.


PuG groups didn't get up and going until quite a bit later.

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Why does every MMO have to be a "WoW-killer"? Why can't a MMO just offer something different? Personally, I am sick and tired of medieval MMOs. Pandas was just the last straw. EVE just doesn't mesh with me (why you stick me in the ship all the time CCP?)


I like TOR because it's similar to what I like and is set in space (read: it's NOT about elves and dwarves). I personally could care less if it WoW dies. I just want a quality space-based game to play right now.


Answering the bolded part. That's exactly the question I'm asking. Why didn't TOR offer anything different of any merit? Story is good and all, but it's a finite resource and will be exhausted. The gameplay and environment are what keep people sticking around for a long time. The gameplay in TOR is no different than WoW. Nothing new to look at. nothing innovative. Nothing to set it apart.


When the only real innovative selling point to TOR is something I can get through watching Youtube for free, it's disappointing.

Edited by Bluerodian
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If Bioware wanted to not have to make the inclusions of expected features, then they should have worked to make their game nothing like World of Warcraft, instead of making it a cheap knock-off of WoW and blowing all their budget on cut scenes.


I have a feeling that if any game was released, had "MMO" as it's genre, and remotely offered any features players want, you'd call it a "WoW knock-off"... :rolleyes:

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After Daniel Erickson came out today against x server lfg again The likelyhood that this game can be saved is dropping again. It seems they still have not learned the lesson being taught to them by fleeing customers.


Being optomistic i can only hope that he said that because same server is all they have and they are working on cross server but they do not want to ruin the false hype around 1.3., but false hype is something else i wish they would have learned not to do in 1.2.

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I have a feeling that if any game was released, had "MMO" as it's genre, and remotely offered any features players want, you'd call it a "WoW knock-off"... :rolleyes:


Only if they aped WoW's gameplay style as closely as TOR does. I don't call Eve a WoW knockoff because its style is quite different.

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I have a feeling that if any game was released, had "MMO" as it's genre, and remotely offered any features players want, you'd call it a "WoW knock-off"... :rolleyes:


So do you truely not believe this was a wow "knock off"? have you seen the skill comparrisons between the two games?


Just face it, they made vanilla wow and tried to beat current wow with it. atleast now if there was ever an idiot who thought that it would work, people have this game to point to when telling them to shut up.

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I do. People were still spamming in chat for groups even while sitting in the queue. And it's because, at first, there were not many 50s ready for the content. In fact, at first, the only people completing the endgame stuff were guilds that focused primarily on that.


PuG groups didn't get up and going until quite a bit later.


Fair enough, but puggers should expect to wait to randomly hit up end-game raid content. I know some won't, but they will always be in for a rude awakening if they rush through to the end.

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So do you truely not believe this was a wow "knock off"? have you seen the skill comparrisons between the two games?


Just face it, they made vanilla wow and tried to beat current wow with it. atleast now if there was ever an idiot who thought that it would work, people have this game to point to when telling them to shut up.


Actually, I consider it an EQ "knock-off" since that's what WoW is. ;)

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Actually, I consider it an EQ "knock-off" since that's what WoW is. ;)


EQ = Forced grouping style leveling game that took a damn long time. Few quests. Very tight knit community. Raiding with 70+ people in a single non-instanced raid. PVP that allowed you to loot your opponent's corpse. Brutal Death penalties.


WoW = Mostly solo leveling. Quest heavy and comparatively short. Very loose and hostile in-game community. Instanced Raiding with a progressively smaller amount of people. Little to no Death penalty. PVP that serves no real purpose.


TOR = Mostly solo leveling. Quest heavy and comparatively short. Very loose and hostile in-game community. Instanced Raiding with a progressively smaller amount of people. Little to no Death penalty. PVP that serves no real purpose.


WoW evolved from EQ. TOR straight up ripped WoW off without further evolution.


Inversely it could be indicative of a much deeper problem that all these companies have yet failed to recognize, and that is that WoW's style of gameplay is an evolutionary dead-end and is unable to evolve further, which means the only right and proper thing now is to let it slip away in to extinction.

Edited by Bluerodian
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EQ = Forced grouping style leveling game that took a damn long time. Few quests. Very tight knit community. Raiding with 70+ people in a single non-instanced raid. PVP that allowed you to loot your opponent's corpse. Brutal Death penalties.


WoW = Mostly solo leveling. Quest heavy and comparatively short. Very loose and hostile in-game community. Instanced Raiding with a progressively smaller amount of people. Little to no Death penalty. PVP that serves no real purpose.


TOR = Mostly solo leveling. Quest heavy and comparatively short. Very loose and hostile in-game community. Instanced Raiding with a progressively smaller amount of people. Little to no Death penalty. PVP that serves no real purpose.


WoW evolved from EQ. TOR straight up ripped WoW off without further evolution.


*shrugs* If you want to keep it that narrow, don't let me stop you. But the big picture shows that TOR is as different from WoW as WoW is from EQ and EQ2.


Hell, EQ2 got kung-fu pandas over a year ago. Guess who's copying that? I'll give you one guess...

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*shrugs* If you want to keep it that narrow, don't let me stop you. But the big picture shows that TOR is as different from WoW as WoW is from EQ and EQ2.


Hell, EQ2 got kung-fu pandas over a year ago. Guess who's copying that? I'll give you one guess...


With the exception of the bolted on cutscenes, which would work just as well with a different gameplay system, the differences between TOR and WoW are superficial at best, and the Gameplay is what I'm talking about here.

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With the exception of the bolted on cutscenes, which would work just as well with a different gameplay system, the differences between TOR and WoW are superficial at best, and the Gameplay is what I'm talking about here.


Gameplay? TOR is using well-known, familiar, time-tested and liked gameplay mechanics used by pretty much every MMO (including EVE, it's just flavored differently, still same trinity), annnnnd...that's a bad thing?

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Gameplay? TOR is using well-known, familiar, time-tested and liked gameplay mechanics used by pretty much every MMO (including EVE, it's just flavored differently, still same trinity), annnnnd...that's a bad thing?


Yes it is, because it's the same crap warmed over again, and again, and again, and again, and again...

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