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Can SWTOR be Saved ?


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I played atari 2600 and there was never a LFG tool... honestly comparing a current MMORPG release to a game that released 7.5 years is silly.


And that's why I usually compare to only the most recent MMOs. Rift being one, launched without an LFG tool. In fact, TERA, which launched AFTER TOR, is the first MMO to launch with one. Ever.

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1.3million aint accurate as of now, You'll see.

If the server transfer/merges dont happen ASAP amongst other stuff, they'll be lucky too still have half a million subscribers in the coming month(s)


I am not sure that the game can be saved. It is just to buggy, broken, linear, and devoid of life with dropping popuations to the point of not feeling like an mmo. The gameplay is just pure bad in so many ways that it could form the basis of a class for new devs on what not to do. I think that it will quickly decline to a supprisingly low number of subs (hopefully enough to support it for those who do enjoy it) and then limp along into obsecurity.


I would never have believed that in the age of games like WOW (among others) which define a starting point and with an IP as compelling as Star Wars, any company could put forth such a poorly designed and badly comceptualized and badly implemented game such as SWTOR. It is just sad.:(


My wife and I still play because there is nothing better out there (sad commentary) and we love Star Wars. But I feel us coming to the poin where those reasons will not be enough

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I am not sure that the game can be saved. It is just to buggy, broken, linear, and devoid of life with dropping popuations to the point of not feeling like an mmo. The gameplay is just pure bad in so many ways that it could form the basis of a class for new devs on what not to do. I think that it will quickly decline to a supprisingly low number of subs (hopefully enough to support it for those who do enjoy it) and then limp along into obsecurity.


I would never have believed that in the age of games like WOW (among others) which define a starting point and with an IP as compelling as Star Wars, any company could put forth such a poorly designed and badly comceptualized and badly implemented game such as SWTOR. It is just sad.:(


My wife and I still play because there is nothing better out there (sad commentary) and we love Star Wars. But I feel us coming to the poin where those reasons will not be enough


Can it be saved? Yes. Will it be saved? No. I had high hopes for Warhammer Online... I mean Star Wars:The Old Republic.:cool:

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Can it be saved? Yes. Will it be saved? No. I had high hopes for Warhammer Online... I mean Star Wars:The Old Republic.:cool:


Warhammer failed because they listened to their devoted customer base ;)

Rift went down to 250k subs because again, they listened

Edited by Skidrowbro
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Warhammer failed because they listened to their devoted customer base ;)

Rift went down to 250k subs because again, they listened


and swtor lost 300k because they listened to the cries to open more servers just after launch.


No wonder we can't have nice things.

Edited by Ignicity
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Warhammer failed because they listened to their devoted customer base ;)

Rift went down to 250k subs because again, they listened


so what do you suggest then, that bioware/ea doesnt listen to their community and what they want?

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and swtor lost 300k because they listened to the cries to open more servers just after launch.


Actually, the server transfer software they had ready since launch, and was supposed to be implemented with servers culled back over a month ago, was broken by a last-minute change to Legacy.


It is what it is. The plan they had was great, til the most important part got broke.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Saved? yes... F2P! (for every 1 person who disagrees there will be 15 who will agree, just like for every 1 person who leaves cuz it went f2p 15 more will join)


also: re-vamp pvp... (off topic but pvp needs help, pronto)


its kinda funny, more people on this thread than in my entire server :p

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Saved? yes... F2P! (for every 1 person who disagrees there will be 15 who will agree, just like for every 1 person who leaves cuz it went f2p 15 more will join)


also: re-vamp pvp... (off topic but pvp needs help, pronto)


its kinda funny, more people on this thread than in my entire server :p


Really? Champions Online is now F2P, they lost players.

City of Heroes is now F2P, they lost players.


Where the hell are you getting data to support this far-fetched lunacy?

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And that's why I usually compare to only the most recent MMOs. Rift being one, launched without an LFG tool. In fact, TERA, which launched AFTER TOR, is the first MMO to launch with one. Ever.


Actually Tera launched a year ago in Korea. The game has been out for over a year now. That's why it has an LFG tool for the US players already. Everything that is currently in the Korean version of the game is in the US version.


Tera did not launch with an LFG tool.


Let me say this again.


Tera is not the first MMO to launch with an LFG tool. The game's original player base had to wait for 8 months to get an LFG tool.

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Actually Tera launched a year ago in Korea. The game has been out for over a year now. That's why it has an LFG tool for the US players already. Everything that is currently in the Korean version of the game is in the US version.


Tera did not launch with an LFG tool.


Let me say this again.


Tera is not the first MMO to launch with an LFG tool. The game's original player base had to wait for 8 months to get an LFG tool.


Ohhh, I see. Well, thank you for the correction.

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Really? Champions Online is now F2P, they lost players.

City of Heroes is now F2P, they lost players.


Where the hell are you getting data to support this far-fetched lunacy?


funny how you named 2 games that lost pop (one released in 04 and the other in 09) lol, here are games that gained pop...

Aion, AoC, DDO, LoR... just a few off the top of my head right now...

Edited by JaeAXP
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funny how you named 2 games that lost pop, here are games that gained pop...

Aion, AoC, DDO, LoR... just a few off the top of my head right now...


lolz, so at least you can agree that F2P does not necessarily make a game more popular.


Thank you for helping me disprove your point.

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funny how you named 2 games that lost pop (one released in 04 and the other in 09) lol, here are games that gained pop...

Aion, AoC, DDO, LoR... just a few off the top of my head right now...


Look at most the MMOs that launched since 2005, and the trends of the first six months: spike then drop, spike then drop, spike then drop, spike then drop. That's the typical first half-year trend. What is atypical is an upward trend AFTER that.


TOR has her work cut out for her to do that.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Also @JaeAXP


This graph disproves your Aion theory.


...and this one disproves your Age of Conan theory.


In fact, only two of the games you mentioned increased in popularity after moving from subscription to F2P. They are LoTRo and DDO.

Edited by Ignicity
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Yes, it could be saved, bioware just needs to do some things:


- crossrealm pvp

- server merge, because noone likes to play on empty servers, iam sorry but if bioware will do only optimistic server merges (like if they hope that millions will return to game, that pretty optimistic), they need do pessimistic server merges, every friend i have, including me willing to wait 10mins on queue to log in to server instead play on light server at peaktime. Also my friend on a server with 150pop at peaktime not liked to wait 20-40 minutes for a wz, they log in to play not to wait.

- Dont lie into the face of the customers. u promised lots in 1.2, and most of the things never arrived. many from my guild quitted the game because of that lies, because they expected rated wz etc.

- pvp balance, iam sorry, but juggernauts too imba, seriously, its ok if a player can hit 7-9k dmg easily with one very long cd, but come on, with an AOE?

- and the last one, bioware react to gamebreaking mistakes too slowly, they think its good to fix it only in next patch, and so they leave that thing in the game until next patch, well, dont need to say, lots of soa bugs was pretty nice for raiders, when it reseted at 2-3% without reason, missing platforms, and it stayed so for months! i dont even mention juggernaut aoe dmg, that should have been fixed 2days after 1.2



So swtor could be saved, but it wont happen. Bioware too slow, sometimes i have a feeling there is extremly big chaos in that company, probably because of the push from the worst company of the world (yes, its EA!).

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lolz, so at least you can agree that F2P does not necessarily make a game more popular.


Thank you for helping me disprove your point.


we were talking about making it popular? thought it was to save the game... well i was mistaken

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Also @JaeAXP


This graph disproves your Aion theory.


...and this one disproves your Age of Conan theory.


In fact, only two of the games you mentioned increased in popularity after moving from subscription to F2P. They are LoTRo and DDO.


i could stand corrected...I have seen them somewhere online myself, lets say those are accurate, well AoC stop'd somewhere in between 2010-2011... but Aion is the only one i can compare it to and it still has a bigger population than swtor... so yes i still stick w/ f2p will save swtor, for how long, dunno lol

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I was under the obvious misconception that having "populated" servers would make it "saved".


You are correct, so make it f2p and see population rise (thats a fact), but how long it rises, stabalizes and falls will vary... esp with stiff competetion w/ furtue mmo's coming out this year.


btw, you were the one who mentioned popular, for some odd reason.

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You are correct, so make it f2p and see population rise (thats a fact), but how long it rises, stabalizes and falls will vary... esp with stiff competetion w/ furtue mmo's coming out this year.


btw, you were the one who mentioned popular, for some odd reason.


I repeat... F2P does not necessarily mean that the population will rise.


See graphs of previous examples.



You seem to think that popularity has nothing to do with population.

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I repeat... F2P does not necessarily mean that the population will rise.


See graphs of previous examples.



You seem to think that popularity has nothing to do with population.


f2p will make pop rise, EVERY game that went sub to f2p has seen pop rise, FACT... how long it last and falls and it will fall (another Fact) is another story... but enough of this thread, if i say u win can we stop now before i see this :p


Greetings everyone,


We know that many of our players are interested in talking about subscription models for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. You may want to join that conversation, already in progress, here:




We will be closing this thread now. Thank you for your feedback!

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f2p will make pop rise, EVERY game that went sub to f2p has seen pop rise, FACT... how long it last and falls and it will fall (another Fact) is another story... but enough of this thread, if i say u win can we stop now before i see this :p


Greetings everyone,


We know that many of our players are interested in talking about subscription models for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. You may want to join that conversation, already in progress, here:




We will be closing this thread now. Thank you for your feedback!


I'd be happy for you to let me win, but only because your "facts" are not facts. Fact's normally have data supporting them. To use LOTRO and DDO as examples while discounting Aion, AoC, CoH and CO is illogical.

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they caved at the start and made to many servers, then once the free 30 day people left and the wow groupies, there where to many servers, not to mention the fact that people have become very ignorant in this game.

i was leveling an alt and got a H4, asked in chat, there where 12 people on the planet leveling, didnt get a single response. it was like this all the way up to 50, there where people but all ignored any lfg comments even for H2.

this is an mmo but people are treating it like a single player rpg.

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