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What annoys me about people....


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Is that anti-social behavior in a online game DEFEATS THE POINT. Its 8:25 PM, I'm on Taris, there's a good 30-40 people on-no one's talking, even a little. I ask for 15 minutes for anyone to help out on a couple 4 man heroics.....dead silence, nothing. People, its a online game, part of that game is designed around teaming with others, don't tell me you can solo a 2 person heroic easily, least of all a 4 person one. If everyone decides to be closed-mouthed social malcontents, well that hurts the game, and it can possibly drive away people who think, "screw it, no one wants to play, or help out, or even be friendly, I'm bailing."


Not necessarily. It's not possible to play this game without other people. If it's this game that someone wants to play without others, their best bet is to be anti-social. It's a shame not everything is soloable, like ops & heroics. Many people schedule their game time tightly and other people wandering in and babbling about nonsense or failing retardedly in groups takes time and time is valuable, especially when we're paying money just to be here.

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Is that anti-social behavior in a online game DEFEATS THE POINT. Its 8:25 PM, I'm on Taris, there's a good 30-40 people on-no one's talking, even a little. I ask for 15 minutes for anyone to help out on a couple 4 man heroics.....dead silence, nothing. People, its a online game, part of that game is designed around teaming with others, don't tell me you can solo a 2 person heroic easily, least of all a 4 person one. If everyone decides to be closed-mouthed social malcontents, well that hurts the game, and it can possibly drive away people who think, "screw it, no one wants to play, or help out, or even be friendly, I'm bailing."


I enjoy the social aspect just as much as you do. Just because people didn't answer you for 15 minutes doesn't mean they aren't being social though.


I run stuff with guildies and friends all the time and often don't talk in general chat because people often flame unnecessarily, bully, or things like that... so I prefer communicating with and playing with like-minded people (i.e. guildies).

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Unfortunately any kind of computer games sometimes does promote anti social behaviour becuase you are not going out and experiencing life.


I do admit though, it is usually dead silence on some planets. What does annoy me though if I whisper someone for help and I get no reply. I usually think there are 2 reasons


1. The player has gone AFK and they have not seen my message yet

2. The player is an ignorant little brat who should belong on my ignore list.


It is not hard to say no to someone, at least then the person knows and you can go on and ask the next person

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TOR is the least Social MMO I have ever played.

I am not a very Social person but It kinda creeps me out how little people talk or group or anything in here.

Normally I play In RP Servers. No one is in the bars here.

CoH they are all in Pocket D.

Anarchy Online they are all in the bar.

WOW they are hanging around Orgrimar or The INN.

Neocron Online, They were all in the bar.

Ragnorok Online, They were all in a Market.

Ultima Online, We had Bank Sitters and Inn Sitters.

Everquest They were all In the Inn.

I could name 15 more. Just people hanging out being social.

TOR? Just me and the Tumble Weeds.


^^ This

I've yet to do any heroics / FP's because of it! and yes I do call outs all day... :( boring!

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You seem like an intelligent person. Tell me, have you tried Elder scrolls Online which isn't meant to be released until 2013 and which also has little information out about it currently?


You are comparing swtor to an mmo that is not even out yet and could be a huge disaster for all we know. Think before you speak.


Theres already fresh ideas to add co-op for example. 100 vs 100 vs 100 how MMO that is for you? Best player in PVP can be promoted to Emperor? Thats MMO stuff.

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i turn off main chat rooms and stick to guild chat, and if a guild mate helps and im free to help i always will.

Plus im mostly social on team speak, makes it 100 times more easy.

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Is that anti-social behavior in a online game DEFEATS THE POINT. Its 8:25 PM, I'm on Taris, there's a good 30-40 people on-no one's talking, even a little. I ask for 15 minutes for anyone to help out on a couple 4 man heroics.....dead silence, nothing. People, its a online game, part of that game is designed around teaming with others, don't tell me you can solo a 2 person heroic easily, least of all a 4 person one. If everyone decides to be closed-mouthed social malcontents, well that hurts the game, and it can possibly drive away people who think, "screw it, no one wants to play, or help out, or even be friendly, I'm bailing."


Speaking of "anti-social behaviour".............


Good example.

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^^ This

I've yet to do any heroics / FP's because of it! and yes I do call outs all day... :( boring!


Also this. I've done exactly 2 flashpoints both were with people I knew who convinced me to buy the game. They got bored and left after a month and I stupidly resubscribed because Star Wars but I haven't been able to find anyone at all to run missions with or even talk to. I don't want to reroll after hours of work on this one char on another server.


People might say "Well join a guild" but when the most people I've ever seen on Fleet is 30 and the chat is silent as a grave I don't really know how one would go about finding a guild to join. Maybe server mergers will help. But right now it's rather aggravating. It's gotten to the point where I don't understand why TOR isn't just KOTOR 3 since I don't even remember the last time I grouped with someone/saw anyone outside of Fleet.

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The heroics aren't worth the time and effort involved to round people up when you consider how nominal the loot and XP payout is. If they were worth more maybe that would change things.


Hopefully the soon-to-be server merges and LFG tool will help solve this as well.

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Is that anti-social behavior in a online game DEFEATS THE POINT. Its 8:25 PM, I'm on Taris, there's a good 30-40 people on-no one's talking, even a little. I ask for 15 minutes for anyone to help out on a couple 4 man heroics.....dead silence, nothing. People, its a online game, part of that game is designed around teaming with others, don't tell me you can solo a 2 person heroic easily, least of all a 4 person one. If everyone decides to be closed-mouthed social malcontents, well that hurts the game, and it can possibly drive away people who think, "screw it, no one wants to play, or help out, or even be friendly, I'm bailing."


They don't have to talk if they don't want to and if they don't want to help a person that is there choice , now get over your self and move on.

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It happens. Here're some possible reasons.


Some players...


-only group with their friends or guildmates



I must have forgotten other possible explanations but oh well.




Because the last 10 times i have had someone in my group that was not a guildie/friend they ninja'd gear for their companion.

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Because the last 10 times i have had someone in my group that was not a guildie/friend they ninja'd gear for their companion.


Gosh! You're really unlucky! I think since the SWTOR launch, I pugged for heroics and flashpoints maybe... 800 times? I witnessed about 4 ninja gear incidents. Only two were intentional because the other two players were new to mmorpgs and didn't understand the differences between the Greed and Need buttons.


P.S. Talking about flashpoints. Last weekend, I lfm for Hammer Station and I received like 12 tells in 20 seconds! It's my new record! :p

Edited by Sammm
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Gosh! You're really unlucky! I think since the SWTOR launch, I pugged for heroics and flashpoints maybe... 800 times? I witnessed about 4 ninja gear incidents. Only two were intentional because the other two players were new to mmorpgs and didn't understand the differences between the Greed and Need buttons.


P.S. Talking about flashpoints. Last weekend, I lfm for Hammer Station and I received like 12 tells in 20 seconds! It's my new record! :p


Thats just the last 10 times....it happens all the time. And it is intentional cause they give me a additude about it when i ask why they needed on something they can't use. Also this is in later missions like RR and foundry and CWG so its not like these guys are new.

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Thats just the last 10 times....it happens all the time. And it is intentional cause they give me a additude about it when i ask why they needed on something they can't use. Also this is in later missions like RR and foundry and CWG so its not like these guys are new.


Sorry to hear that. I think one day, we'll have an "intelligent" loot system. The AI loot system will be able to distribute wisely the loots. It will check our current gear, character level, team composition and everything we possess in our inventory+storage and will know exactly which player needs it more. I think that in the future, we won't even need to roll for items.

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