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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A short comparison - travel time


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Instant travel does not have to mean teleported. It can be thought of as just cutting out the passing of time/actions that take you from point A to point B.


For instance in movies they cut out the boring bits but it is still obvious that significant time has passed. No one wants to see people in movies doing the mundane chores of life, or driving for an hour in traffic etc, movies cut them out but time in the movie has still passed, the actor goes from home to work instantly.


SWTOR could do the same, you somehow select what planet/location you want to go to and then it loads it up directly. To make it clear it wasn't teleporting they could add a cutscene montage of reaching ship, ship launching, ship in space, ship landing, unboarding ship -> then continue playing at the new location.


The traveling time sink isn't an issue when playing alone, but when others are waiting on you or you want to travel to a lower planet to help a friend it becomes a big issue.


The sort of instant travel I describe above can still be tempered by making your arrival be at the shuttle or starport of the planet, not directly at some specific content on the planet. So you would then still need to taxi to the specific part of the planet.


Just one idea, I'm sure there are holes to be picked in it though.

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There's such a simple solution to this problem. Just have the Black Hole be a destination on your galaxy map. Just give it one of those little miscellaneous icons right next to the planet.


See that's still too convoluted. ALL dailies need to be accessible on Fleet.


They need to add two shuttles to the Fleet departures bay where the Tython and Ord Mantell shuttles are.


-One shuttle for off Fleet Flashpoints/Operations that will transport the party straight to the starting gate.


-The second shuttle for Dailies that has a list of all lvl 50 area Dailies. Select the area and you get dumped near the mission terminal like you do in Black Hole.


But instead of taking the ship on Corellia to that spot you take the ship on the fleet and it drops you at the shuttle in Black Hole. Set up something similar for drop off points at each daily.


And you can ride this shuttle back to the fleet.


What that would mean is that I can get on the fleet and shout for "dailies". I don't have to shout for a specific daily even. I can then group or solo. I can run to the ship on the fleet, pick Black Hole, I'm transported, run through my missions, get back on the transport and I'm back on the fleet. Then I can click the transport again, pick Belsalvis (or where ever) and be shot to Belsalvis near the mission terminal.


For other types of questing I think normal travel should exist. If everything in the game becomes fast travel you lose a sense of the scope of the "universe" you are playing in. But for daily comms, daily pvp, and grouping to get to a flashpoint, a player or party should be able to instantaneously dive into that content without delay.

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Travel time has got to be in the top 5 reasons I'm just waiting for my time to run out.


I'm not saying I want my characters to magically blink from one mission objective to the next, but the number of loading screens I see just to go from one planet to the next is a pain in the neck. Even when I'm going around on my speeder, there's NOTHING drawing my attention off the map to see where I'm headed. I rarely have to worry about coming across enemies, as they seem to be spread out far enough (and enough distance from main roads) where they don't care I'm going to blow up their compound in 10 minutes when I finally get there.


Sure, there might be some "kill a dozen guys on your way there" bonus quest, I'll just as soon take out 12 of 'em at the gate in lieu of plodding across the entire zone picking off 2-3 every few minutes.

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I really just want a travel to ship and return to last location like in kotor. I know its not comon in mmos but it is awesome and this game needs a couple of awesome quality of life features. it would be really easy to just make it open world only and if you travel on your ship the return point is lost.


but really you should beable to shuttle from fleet to planetside in one load screen, and also have the stations removed all together. they are pointless and only there for some reason I have never heard a explanation for but bioware refuses to remove them

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See that's still too convoluted. ALL dailies need to be accessible on Fleet.


They need to add two shuttles to the Fleet departures bay where the Tython and Ord Mantell shuttles are.


-One shuttle for off Fleet Flashpoints/Operations that will transport the party straight to the starting gate.


-The second shuttle for Dailies that has a list of all lvl 50 area Dailies. Select the area and you get dumped near the mission terminal like you do in Black Hole.


But instead of taking the ship on Corellia to that spot you take the ship on the fleet and it drops you at the shuttle in Black Hole. Set up something similar for drop off points at each daily.


Well, why not both? For those of us who pretty much live on our personal starships, a quick way to get to the dailies hubs would be nice, as well as the thing on the fleet.


I mean, the point of dailies isn't that they should take a lot of time, I don't think. For me, I'm trying to knock these things out as quickly as possible so that I can get on with what I really want to be doing, whether that's PvP or questing with an alt, or even just roleplaying. I resent that I'm losing even ten minutes on zone change transitions and pointless travel when I already have a limited playtime budget.


I'm pretty confident that BioWare will eventually get around to making it easier to get to these hubs, whether it's through some kind of quick travel that you have to purchase through legacy or whatever.

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Patience...the travel ease that was mentioned in the OP's post in WoW wasnt implemented until the Cataclysm launch...YEARS after its debut.


I would rather the priority go to other fixes, ie, population, bug fixes, legacy improvements.

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2 different types of mmos. One is fantasy, the other is sci-fi. 2 different tech.


A. Setting is irrelevant


B. Star Wars may look like sci-fi at first glance, but it's fantasy. The technology just works, no effort to explain how. And it's essentially about space wizards and their magical Force


Sic-fi is Star Trek, a Phillip K Dick novel, etc. This is fantasy.

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Patience...the travel ease that was mentioned in the OP's post in WoW wasnt implemented until the Cataclysm launch...YEARS after its debut.


It happened much earlier than that, actually. In WoW's first expansion, the new "central city" area had portals leading to the 4 main cities for both factions, another teleportation that took you to a remote old-world location with relatively quick dungeon access, and, eventually, a final portal that sent you to a daily quest zone.


Yes, they improved upon it in Cataclysm by adding the little "circle of zone portals" to main cities, but the idea has been there since TBC.


There's no reason for this game to have such a convoluted travel system when its competition has been using a better method for several years.

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The long and the short of it for me is that the travel system is both too long and too short.


It's too long when one wants to get into quick action. Really, for FPs the travel should be instant (it doesn't even need any lore explanation, it's irrelevant - it's just like in an old film wher eyou have the dotted line for travel).


It's too short when one wants to "smell the roses" and walk around being immersed, board your ship, hang out in your ship, go to space, go to other planets. It's absurd that we still have a system where as soon as you enter your spaceship you automatically take off. It completely disconnects you from feeling you're actually piloting a starship.


Redundancy BW, redundancy, we need to have lots of ways of doing the same thing, to suit different requirements, playstyles, characters, etc.


Sometimes I just wanna click one button to get into an FP from anywhere. Sometimes I want to potter about solo and drink in the atmosphere and take my time. Both options are necessary.

Edited by gurugeorge
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What got to me in the end was that when you are on a planet and get into a wz.... Once the wz is finished the entire planet has to load again...


So I basically never got in que when on a planet when it really started getting to me and went on my ship instead since that takes less time to load...

Edited by Xrayll
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What got to me in the end was that when you are on a planet and get into a wz.... Once the wz is finished the entire planet has to load again...


So I basically never got in que when on a planet when it really started getting to me and went on my ship instead since that takes less time to load...


Ditto. I only queue for PvP when I'm on my ship or at the fleet. It has happened a few times that I got a prompt for a new PvP match that actually expired by the time the planet I was on reloaded.


Not sure what can be done about that. It's just kind of unfortunate, I think, because I really like doing the warzones, but I put them off while I'm questing.

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