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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Interesting read: Storm Preparation


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wonder if we will get any update any time soon ...

because a good time already past and still we dont know anything about.. anything really


and guess and predictions are not exactly what this community full of negative and fanboys need right now.

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Not really. As of a year ago, the Sims franchise had exceeded 156 million sold. I haven't seen the current figure.


Even if you look at just The Sims 3 and its add-ons, you're looking at the base game, six full blown expansions, five stuff packs (minor expansions), two more packs already announced (one releases in early June and another in mid-July), a yet to be announced seventh expansion which is likely to release in October/November and then on top of the copies sold, you have to throw in all of the sales from the Online Store. There's also a stand-alone Sims 3 spin-off (Sims Medieval) and it's expansion.


That's all since release in June 2009--just under three years ago.


The sales from this game will never reach those numbers.


I have played the Sims (at least the first one) and thought it was great (at least novel) for the first couple of weeks but soon got bored beyond belief and have never thought about getting into the genre again.


It just amazes me how well this franchise does when I would not play this for free as I would rather use my entertainment time on something I would consider enjoyable.


Not sure why so many like a "sim" that is as far from reality as you can get. It's a virtual world playground and not a actual simulator of anything but masquerades as it.


Sorry just my $ 0.02....



P.S. I guess this is the epitome of a casual game and what EA means about a "casual" player...

Edited by Monave
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