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remember back at launch? early access?


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They needed a few more then they launched with... they never needed 150 servers.


I completly agree with you. I am not sure if you were disagreeing or agreeing with ME, but you are correct. I don't know why they opened up all those servers, I only know that they did.


Remember how I said that I left my original server for another server and it was the best thing I ever did? Well see my original server was an RP PVE server. I don't RP....at least I never have before, but it seemed that the people on the RP servers were more mature. So I left Shien RP PVE server for Lord Adraas RP PVE server. Everything was great at first, but here lately the population of Lord Adraas has dropped from Heavy to Standard. So last night I said "SCR*W IT!" I re-rolled brand spanking new on Jedi Covenant because it is CONSISTANTLY always very highly populated. As I was running through Korriban, I noticed that player after player were asking about the server in gen chat. Turns out not only was I switching servers and re-rolling, but at least (and this is no exaggeration) ten others were doing the exact same thing I was at the exact same time.


Keep in mind this was just last night....my first night on my new server. I don't know how long it has been going on, but it would seem that others like us are fed up with low populations and are sick and tired of waiting for mergers or transfers or anything else. I said it before and I will say it again.........This is the best move I have made thus far. Yes it sucks that I have to abandon all my gear and legacy and everything else I have accumlated....including all that stuff from teh rackghoul plague, (god I spent a lot of time doing those things for what appears to be nothign now) but if it means that from here on out I will have no problems finding a group for heroic quests , FP's, WZ, PVP and eventually operations and heroic FP's then SO BE IT. I don't mind grinding out another main character. I am even an exact duplicate of my char on the other server. I can spacebar through everything because I have already read it. It shouldn't take long at all and THANK GOD there are always people on this server.


You should all come to Jedi Covenant. Help make this a super server.........or you can just wait until this summer when they more than likely offer up free transfers to places you don't want to go anyway. I just don't understand why they don't just merge these servers. Transfers aren't really going to help I don't think. They are just going to complicate the problem. If you just merge them then problem solved.....on to the next thing.

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+10: this ... this ... and more this! Instead of patiently waiting out the 3+ weeks it took BW to fix those queue issues, the cranky mob got their wish. This is a classic example of "be careful what you wish for."


The perception that Bioware isn't listening is unfounded. I think they learned their lesson from this, and finally grew a disdain for kissing the collective glutials of onery grandstanders. Good for them. They are paying attention and quietly fixing things, not that ranters can see this past their own petulance.


Well said

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I am absolutely ecstatic that the rpers, the rampant sw fanfic crowd, and people that play the game once a week and aren't even 50 yet are happy with the game.


But you are a minority, if you weren't, subs would probably be on the rise.


Unfortunately rpers and extreme casuals really *aren't* what make MMOs.


Wow you totally described me. I am sw fan and I do play about once a week and I've been playing since launch but I'm still not lvl 50 yet. No reason to be

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So I guess here is the moral of two stories.


SWTOR came out first and decided to open up a ton of servers so as to avoid the complaints of long que times. The result........more low populated servers than even seems possible 5 months later.


"The Other Game" (don't lock this I didn't name it and I am making a point) did the exact opposite. Their server space is way lower on launch day than SWTOR. What will "The Other Game" be like 5 months from now I wonder?


Seems to me that SWTOR did exactly the right thing in opening plenty of servers. I mean the forums of "The Other Game" are brutal with rage. But to me it only seems logical that now that enough time has passed, Bioware should fix what was initially a good idea, but has evolved into a problem. I don't think transfers are the answer. Seriously....why don't they merge a bunch of servers? It truly staggers my mind.


Does anyone have an answer as to why they are so against merges?

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if implemented soon enough then there would be one less problem. one less MAJOR problem. I am just afraid that transfers are going to do nothing but open up a whole NEW can of worms. THink about it. Usually in transfers they offer free transfers from high populated realms (usually with que times to get in) to lower realms. THERE ARE NO QUE TIMES ON ANY REALM.


So that means they are going to try and offer people from a standard populated server (which isn't all that full...i promise) to a light populated server. What will the effect be? TWO lightly populated servers instead of one standard and one dead one. I just can't wrap my head around it. It seems so obvious to me what the answer to this dilemma is. instead of trying to spread out what is already a thin population (relative to the number of servers mind you) even thinner seems silly to me. I mean aren't all the worlds on all servers set up for......i forget what it is called but you know when there are too many people on a planet teh game will create "Korriban 2" or "Korriban 3". Why not merge a bunch of servers and let the game do that?


I would love for a mighty Dev to help me understand the logic or transfers over mergers.

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That launch was spectacularly smooth. A fact made more obvious by the absolute, unmitigated disaster that is the launch of Diablo 3.


^ This is so true. D3 had one of the worst launches I've ever experienced. The servers were down so much, it was frustrating. I'm not one of those "OMG ISSUE, EFF IT" player. I'm still playing D3, and since Early Access with TOR, I have been playing regularly, as is my boyfriend.


We play on a RP server, which is usually Light - Standard. We enjoy the lack of ques. I remember sitting there the first days having an que time of a few hours. But I didn't quit then.


I remember when my old laptop had serious issues with the game (even though it met minimum requirements), and I had to figure out how to make it playable. I didn't quit just because my computer had trouble.


So I won't quit over petty things. I'll "quit" when I cannot pay to play any longer, or the game officially closes. I don't know about you guys, but I truly enjoy being a Jedi or Sith, or even a character like Han (even though I hated him in the movies).

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Bioware did what was needed for the launch but failed to handle the next part, the predictable loss of population.


I'm still amazed by thoses so called MMO veterans that think themselves as the core audience of MMOs but who failed to change of servers after the first month when we started to see population loss.


Again, yes I blame Bioware for not being ready at that time for transfers/merges but as they didn't gave any hint of such systems after the first month, why thoses people stayed on their servers ?


Problem is the loss of playing customers seemed to drop really fast, they did lose 400,000 in subs in 2 months time, and this doesn't count the people who quit playing still having time left, and people who play no where near as much as they used to. So for me, what happened is I moved to one server, leaving a level 37 character, it was good for a little bit and then all of the sudden it died around level 30. Started over on another server, same thing, it dies when I got to around level 35. by this time I am bored of playing the same content over and over again, I am tired of recreating my characters.

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if implemented soon enough then there would be one less problem. one less MAJOR problem. I am just afraid that transfers are going to do nothing but open up a whole NEW can of worms. THink about it. Usually in transfers they offer free transfers from high populated realms (usually with que times to get in) to lower realms. THERE ARE NO QUE TIMES ON ANY REALM.


So that means they are going to try and offer people from a standard populated server (which isn't all that full...i promise) to a light populated server. What will the effect be? TWO lightly populated servers instead of one standard and one dead one. I just can't wrap my head around it. It seems so obvious to me what the answer to this dilemma is. instead of trying to spread out what is already a thin population (relative to the number of servers mind you) even thinner seems silly to me. I mean aren't all the worlds on all servers set up for......i forget what it is called but you know when there are too many people on a planet teh game will create "Korriban 2" or "Korriban 3". Why not merge a bunch of servers and let the game do that?


I would love for a mighty Dev to help me understand the logic or transfers over mergers.

Personally the logical move would be to allow free transfers to any server one level higher in status (light to standard, standard to heavy, etc.) and paid for all else. This would include single character, whole legacy and guild transfers, though managing the naming conventions would likely be a logistics nightmare as someone pointed out earlier. Once the low pop servers became no pop servers, then they could be used for failovers or something.


I do like your idea of combining same server instances into one (no Korriban 2 or Korriban 3, just a single Korriban.)

Edited by GalacticKegger
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if implemented soon enough then there would be one less problem. one less MAJOR problem. I am just afraid that transfers are going to do nothing but open up a whole NEW can of worms. THink about it. Usually in transfers they offer free transfers from high populated realms (usually with que times to get in) to lower realms. THERE ARE NO QUE TIMES ON ANY REALM.


So that means they are going to try and offer people from a standard populated server (which isn't all that full...i promise) to a light populated server. What will the effect be? TWO lightly populated servers instead of one standard and one dead one. I just can't wrap my head around it. It seems so obvious to me what the answer to this dilemma is. instead of trying to spread out what is already a thin population (relative to the number of servers mind you) even thinner seems silly to me. I mean aren't all the worlds on all servers set up for......i forget what it is called but you know when there are too many people on a planet teh game will create "Korriban 2" or "Korriban 3". Why not merge a bunch of servers and let the game do that?


I would love for a mighty Dev to help me understand the logic or transfers over mergers.



I am 99% sure that the free server transfers are going to be for transfers from a badly populated server to a better populated server, not the other way around which would be moronic. I really can't believe that Bioware would be that stupid to make their servers even more less populated.

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I am 99% sure that the free server transfers are going to be for transfers from a badly populated server to a better populated server, not the other way around which would be moronic. I really can't believe that Bioware would be that stupid to make their servers even more less populated.


That's not what I meant. I sometimes explain things in a completly backwards way. In my effort to be thorough I end up making no sense.


What I meant was my experience with free transfers is like this....They offer people in HIGH to FULL realms a choice to go to one of three LIGHT realms. To me this will likely only create TWO (at best) Standard realms. I just left a standard realm for a heavy one. See their names of STANDARD is misleading because they not only have HEAVY but VERY HEAVY. I would only want to be on a HEAVY or VERY HEAVY because it just doesn't seem like there are near enough people on STANDARD. I can't even imagine what life must be like on LIGHT.

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It was certainly the smoothest MMO launch of all time.


The problems with dead servers now aren't how they managed the inbound load at launch. The problems are actually:


  1. The game failed to keep players' attention.
  2. The technology supports too few players per server at peak load.
  3. APAC players created characters on US servers which were subsequently moved off, with no corresponding consolidation of US server populations.

Edited by DarthTHC
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That's not what I meant. I sometimes explain things in a completly backwards way. In my effort to be thorough I end up making no sense.


What I meant was my experience with free transfers is like this....They offer people in HIGH to FULL realms a choice to go to one of three LIGHT realms. To me this will likely only create TWO (at best) Standard realms. I just left a standard realm for a heavy one. See their names of STANDARD is misleading because they not only have HEAVY but VERY HEAVY. I would only want to be on a HEAVY or VERY HEAVY because it just doesn't seem like there are near enough people on STANDARD. I can't even imagine what life must be like on LIGHT.


There aren't enough HEAVY / FULL realms to do this and nobody's going to want to move off of them anyway. Hopefully BioWare has figured that out already.


If they have figured it out, they are most likely to enable transfers from a large number of light servers onto a small number of light servers with the goal of turning that small number of light servers into a small number of standard to heavy servers.

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There aren't enough HEAVY / FULL realms to do this and nobody's going to want to move off of them anyway. Hopefully BioWare has figured that out already.


If they have figured it out, they are most likely to enable transfers from a large number of light servers onto a small number of light servers with the goal of turning that small number of light servers into a small number of standard to heavy servers.


My point exactly. I hope they have figured something out. It still seems logical to merge but as long as whatever they choose works then more power to them.

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At least I'm not experiencing Error Code 37


Been playing co-op friends and atm I am a lv45 monk on act2 nightmare.

* So how the swtor servers doing?


- Is the fanboy motto still "Re-roll on fatman or jedi covenant" :rak_03:

Edited by Valperion
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Only thing Bioware could have done outside of not adding any new servers, to shut up the whiney players would have been to be a bit more conserveative, about it, I place 80% blame on the whiners 20% to Bioware for giving into them.. shame shame shame..LOL They try to make the game more playable for more people, whats this world coming to..LOL
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Only thing Bioware could have done outside of not adding any new servers, to shut up the whiney players would have been to be a bit more conserveative, about it, I place 80% blame on the whiners 20% to Bioware for giving into them.. shame shame shame..LOL They try to make the game more playable for more people, whats this world coming to..LOL


Did they change something from beta?

* Its been the same super easy casual grind ever since launch.

* Sadly the warzone xp is gone, but grouping is still effective on dead servers.:D

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Been playing co-op friends and atm I am a lv45 monk on act2 nightmare.

* So how the swtor servers doing?


- Is the fanboy motto still "Re-roll on fatman or jedi covenant" :rak_03:


Level 45 after two days??? Really?


Didn't someone post something at one point and time on some forums about not being able to kill that which has no life.

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