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I Miss Georg Zoeller


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LOL!! Like you have any sway or power over that. :rolleyes:


Seriously, this attitude that just because you pay $15/month makes you Chief and CEO of the game development has GOT to stop...


We're gamers. End users. Nothing more.


LOL ^^^ Delusional.


PSSTTT... we're their CUSTOMERS.....


You know ... the guys that keep them employed, keep their bills paid, and allow them to continue to work?



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LOL ^^^ Delusional.


PSSTTT... we're their CUSTOMERS....


You know ... the guys that keep them employed, keep their bills paid, and allow them to continue to work?




Really? And if you, one person, stops paying your $15/month, who's getting fired? Losing their job? Unable to pay their bills? No one. The above comment that I responded to was made with just such an air of superiority.


But, if you really think you wield such power, don't let me stop you from being king of your little world.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Same here. His "father knows best" attitude never sat right with me.


Basically my biggest issue. Whenever a concern was brought up about an aspect of the game, Zoeller was most likely to say the equivalent of "Learn to Play". When that happens with every question and concern, there's a problem.

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Really? And if you, one person, stops paying your $15/month, who's getting fired? Losing their job? Unable to pay their bills? No one. The above comment that I responded to was made with just such an air of superiority.


But, if you really think you wield such power, don't let me stop you from being king of your little world.


Alone we are nothing, together we are to be reckoned with.

Edited by Tuscad
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I doubt anyone can organize a staged boycott large enough to affect employment.


Just a lot of unsubs lately, I am getting worried. Honestly, I have considered leaving until 1.4

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LOL ^^^ Delusional.


PSSTTT... we're their CUSTOMERS.....


You know ... the guys that keep them employed, keep their bills paid, and allow them to continue to work?




Actually, no. It's time many in the so-called community understood their true place in the pecking order. We, the customers, don't keep these guys employed. The investors do. We contribute very little to the bottom line of both EA and Bioware. The only role we, the customers, have is to be present in enough numbers to convince the investors that putting more money into EA is worth their while. So long as we continue to buy their games (or subscribe, in this case), then the investors will continue to hand EA and Bioware money. If we don't, then the money goes somewhere else.


Then, and only then, will the employees of Bioware not be employed anymore, and unable to pay their bills. Why else do you think TOR is not in EA's top category? It's because there are far more customers for FIFA and Madden than there are for TOR. You really need to stop magnifying the power you have.

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I remember a lot of hateposts and even accusations beeing a liar thrown at him right here at the forums. After that i would not post anything else here myself too.


Perhaps you're right, there was a lot of 'hate' and 'accusations' directed at the man who seemed COMPLETELY BAFFLED that a lot of people are rarely out of combat for the requisite 8 seconds necessary to allow them to use their medpacks again. In Huttball.


He lost a LOT of credibility with that statement and the 'he doesn't even play his own game' REALLY took off after that.

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So there's negative 200 people working on the game now? That article you linked even showed there were only 800 people at the studio.


Lol, I am so far behind on this, last I heard they had 665 employees. I remember thinking that they needed 1 more to make their deal with the devil (EA) appropriate.

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