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Rebel Scenario: Imperial Base Attack.

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I wonder if any of ya remember any of the elaborate VS threads that I have posted? Well this here is another one! Well...not so much of a VS thread, its more of an Op thread. Anyway for those of you unfamiliar, I will be posting a scenario of what is going to go on, from there I will provide the equipment, the strength and whatever else each side has at their disposal. So without further ado here it is.



Scenario: Alliance Intel has uncovered an Imperial base on a small forest moon(No not Endor). The base itself has a command bunker, two barracks, and a communications station, the imperial stormtroopers strength is 100 men, plus 20 officers. There are 2 stormtrooper gunner teams manning heavy E-web blasters on the outer perimeter about 10 meters from the base, they base also is refitting 2 AT-ATs and 6 AT-STs. Rebel forces have secretly landed using a GR-75 medium transport, their numbers include 68 specforce fighters and they have with them 2 Bantha-2 cargo skiffs(military modified for 3 guns) and even were able to bring with them a single T2-B repulsor tank.


The specforce is a mix of Pathfinders(10), Wilderness fighters(52), and Infiltrators(6). The specforce fighters have several objectives that they must do, in order for the mission to be complete.


Rebel Objectives


1. Acquire Imperial data on convoys within the system.


2. Sabotage any vehicles before they are suited up.


3. Escape



Rebel Equipment


1. A280 rifles(Wilderness fighters only.)


2. DL-44 blaster pistols(everyone)


3. Thermal detonators(everyone)


4. Time Bomb(Infiltrators only)


5. DH-17 rifles(Pathfinders only.)


6. Vibroknives(Infiltrators only.)


7. E-17d sniper rifle(Infiltrators only.)


8. 1 T2-B repulsor tank.



Imperial Equipment


1. 2 heavy E-web blaster rifles


2. E-11 rifles


3. DH-17 blaster pistols


4. Thermal Detonators


5. 2 AT-ATs(under construction, not usable.)


6. 6 AT-STs(under construction, not usable.)



So folks, can the Rebel specforce get their objectives done? Or will they fail? Please provide somewhat of a description, of how you guys think it would all play out. Looking forward to seeing some interesting responses.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I'm going to go Rebels. The Infiltrators will breach the base. Once the infiltrator teams are far enough. Depending how far the base is from the forest, the Bulk of the force will attack the base from the forest using the brush to mask their true numbers with the tank providing heavy fire. Most of the base will be put on alert and, so the infiltrators will don Storm Trooper armor ((Assuming this isn't the 501st Garrisoned or any cloned battalion here)) and make their way to the vehicle bay and plant the charges. If they can succeed the infiltrators will also do some 'Friendly Fire" to thin out the enemy ranks and frag some officers* When the charges are set, the infiltrators will attack from the inside and make their way to a safe clearing in the base and wait for ex-filtrate via the skiffs.
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Neat, mine would go like this.



The rebel force moves close to the base, using the trees, bushes as camo. 3 Infiltrators with their sniper rifle, target the E-web teams while the other 3 go around them to sneak into the base. The Infiltrators move quietly throughout the base splitting up, one of them heads towards the vehicles while the other 2 go for the command bunker to gather the data. Once inside, there are 2 stormtroopers standing guard near an officer on the terminal, there is also another officer to his left and another to his right.


The two Infiltrators take out their vibroknives, and made a light noise to get the 2 stormtrooper's attention who go over and investigate. They are quickly grabbed, and their throats slit before being dragged behind a wall and as the officers turn around to find out whats going on the 2 Infiltrators throw their knives plus another hitting the officers in the chest killing them. The 2 then proceed to get the data on the convoys within the system, meanwhile the one Infiltrator had just finished placing the time bombs each for 10 seconds activating them but before he could make his way out a stormtrooper spotted him and with quick thinking he pulled out his DL-44 and shot the trooper.


Of course the shot also alerted the other stormtroopers in the area, sending the base on high alert and right to where the Infiltrator's position was. Upon arriving the time bombs exploded killing the Infiltrator and a squad of stormtroopers with 2 officers, who had been sent to deal with the situation. Meanwhile this was the signal for the rest of the force, as they came out with their blasters blazing while the 3 Infiltrators with their sniper rifles killed the E-web gunner teams before they could do any damage. The Infiltrators in the command bunker quickly fled, leaving behind another time bomb on the terminal as it soon exploded upon leaving the bunker and upon arriving joined the other rebels in the firefight.


Now the rebel force was outnumbered, and so they began to retreat. The T2-B tank came in to lay down some fire, while the skiffs came in to pick up some of the men before fleeing back to their transport with the rest of the force right behind them. However the tank had taken some damage, due to thermal detonators so the crew abandoned it but not before rigging the tank with thermal detonators and as the stormtroopers began to give chase they were blown back by the tank's explosion. This gave the rebel force enough time to get onto their transport, and leave the planet having completed their objectives.




Come on folks, I see views but no replies lets see what ya'll think!

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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With a couple of neat little tricks, the Rebels would win this easily. Possibly even without the vehicles.


Step 1. Wilderness Fighters scout the area and find any additional exits to the Imperial base. (Assumes by 'Wilderness Fighters' the OP refers to combatants who would work well on a forest moon).


Step 2. Infiltrators take out the Stormies on the E-Webs by sneaking up on them and cutting their throats. Voila. Rebels now have 2 E-Web Heavy Repeating Blasters and half a dozen of their team disguised as Stormtroopers (Note: Remove comlinks from Stormie helmets).


Step 3. Reposition the E-Webs so one is aimed at the front door and one is aimed at the back door. Fighters in Stormie armour cover any additional exits after Infiltrators have helped remove the guards there.


Step 4. Investigate the Imperial walkers. Plant charges on the walkers' power cores after stunning/killing the repair teams.


Step 5. Step 4 probably attracted attention from inside the base, so step 5 is is mostly drowned out by the sounds of the E-Webs cutting down anyone foolish enough to step out of the bunker.


Step 6. Bunker Assault, thermal detonator style... Pick a door. Specforce troops go through that door. I'd expect the doorway to be pretty well guarded from the other side, so I'd lead with a thermal detonator. Take the comlinks (prepared by the specforces squad while waiting for the other teams to get into position), place 2 them speaker to receiver against each other, knock the gain up to full, and as your assault is starting, turn both sets on. Cue deafening ear bleeding feedback into every Stormtrooper helmet that still has his comlink active (which will be, without fail, every single Stormtrooper still alive), and one useless communications system. Hold the entrance... E-Web crew moves their gun up and into the bunker. Used to hold the escape route.


Step 7. Specforce troops work through the base, aiming more for stealth than brute force, letting the wilderness fighters mop up the Stormtroopers while they hunt down the command centre. All officers except the man in charge are killed or taken prisoner.


Step 8. Man in charge is forced to access the Imperial database, then is stunned. Data downloaded, vehicles called in, base looted, then Rebels are on their way with all the data and their prisoners.


Step 9. BOOM!!! Bye bye Imperial vehicles.

Edited by dazednconfuzed
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With a couple of neat little tricks, the Rebels would win this easily. Possibly even without the vehicles.


Step 1. Wilderness Fighters scout the area and find any additional exits to the Imperial base.


Step 2. Infiltrators take out the Stormies on the E-Webs by sneaking up on them and cutting their throats. Voila. Rebels now have 2 E-Web Heavy Repeating Blasters and half a dozen of their team disguised as Stormtroopers (Note: Remove comlinks from Stormie helmets).


Step 3. Reposition the E-Webs so one is aimed at the front door and one is aimed at the back door. Fighters in Stormie armour cover any additional exits after Infiltrators have helped remove the guards there.


Step 4. Investigate the Imperial walkers. Plant charges on the walkers' power cores after stunning/killing the repair teams.


Step 5. Step 4 probably attracted attention from inside the base, so step 5 is is mostly drowned out by the sounds of the E-Webs cutting down anyone foolish enough to step out of the bunker.


Step 6. Bunker Assault, thermal detonator style... Pick a door. Specforce troops go through that door. I'd expect the doorway to be pretty well guarded from the other side, so I'd lead with a thermal detonator. Take the comlinks (prepared by the specforces squad while waiting for the other teams to get into position), place 2 them speaker to receiver against each other, knock the gain up to full, and as your assault is starting, turn both sets on. Cue deafening ear bleeding feedback into every Stormtrooper helmet that still has his comlink active, and one useless communications system. Hold the entrance... E-Web crew moves their gun up and into the bunker. Used to hold the escape route.


Step 7. Specforce troops work through the base, aiming more for stealth than brute force, letting the wilderness fighters mop up the Stormtroopers while they hunt down the command centre. All officers except the man in charge are killed or taken prisoner.


Step 8. Man in charge is forced to access the Imperial database, then is stunned. Data downloaded, vehicles called in, base looted, then Rebels are on their way with all the data.


Step 9. BOOM!!! Bye bye Imperial vehicles.


All well and good Daze. Not sure why everyone thinks Infiltrators would don on Stormtrooper armor lol, they have their own armor on themselves.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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All well and good Daze.


I used to play Star Wars RPG, lol. I've had practise at this kind of thing before, with far fewer resources...


Not sure why everyone thinks Infiltrators would don on Stormtrooper armor lol, they have their own armor on themselves.


Good infiltration technique. If you are dressed the same as everyone else in a building, especially wearing that building's security uniform, and wearing helmets so no chance of facial recognition, what more do you need to infiltrate the place?

Edited by dazednconfuzed
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Good infiltration technique. If you are dressed the same as everyone else in a building, especially wearing that building's security uniform, and wearing helmets so no chance of facial recognition, what more do you need to infiltrate the place?


While true, however they are already wearing their own armor. Infiltrators like to stay light on their feet and be silent, stormtrooper armor isn't really quiet nor all that great with mobility plus getting into the armor means they would need to get rid of the armor they are already wearing and by that time other stormtroopers could come in. Not saying they could or anything though, but just saying is all.


Edit: Also folks, planning another Scenario thinking a space one.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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While true, however they are already wearing their own armor. Infiltrators like to stay light on their feet and be silent, stormtrooper armor isn't really quiet nor all that great with mobility plus getting into the armor means they would need to get rid of the armor they are already wearing and by that time other stormtroopers could come in. Not saying they could or anything though, but just saying is all.


Edit: Also folks, planning another Scenario thinking a space one.


Whil you are quite right about them changing armour, I was just thinking it would be so much easier to infiltrate a Stormtrooper held facility by wearing Stormtrooper armour. It doesn't have to be the infiltrators wearing it, any of the company could.


Space scenario should be fun :)

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I wonder if any of ya remember any of the elaborate VS threads that I have posted? Well this here is another one! Well...not so much of a VS thread, its more of an Op thread. Anyway for those of you unfamiliar, I will be posting a scenario of what is going to go on, from there I will provide the equipment, the strength and whatever else each side has at their disposal. So without further ado here it is.



Scenario: Alliance Intel has uncovered an Imperial base on a small forest moon(No not Endor). The base itself has a command bunker, two barracks, and a communications station, the imperial stormtroopers strength is 100 men, plus 20 officers. There are 2 stormtrooper gunner teams manning heavy E-web blasters on the outer perimeter about 10 meters from the base, they base also is refitting 2 AT-ATs and 6 AT-STs. Rebel forces have secretly landed using a GR-75 medium transport, their numbers include 68 specforce fighters and they have with them 2 Bantha-2 cargo skiffs(military modified for 3 guns) and even were able to bring with them a single T2-B repulsor tank.


The specforce is a mix of Pathfinders(10), Wilderness fighters(52), and Infiltrators(6). The specforce fighters have several objectives that they must do, in order for the mission to be complete.


Rebel Objectives


1. Acquire Imperial data on convoys within the system.


2. Sabotage any vehicles before they are suited up.


3. Escape



Rebel Equipment


1. A280 rifles(Wilderness fighters only.)


2. DL-44 blaster pistols(everyone)


3. Thermal detonators(everyone)


4. Time Bomb(Infiltrators only)


5. DH-17 rifles(Pathfinders only.)


6. Vibroknives(Infiltrators only.)


7. E-17d sniper rifle(Infiltrators only.)


8. 1 T2-B repulsor tank.



Imperial Equipment


1. 2 heavy E-web blaster rifles


2. E-11 rifles


3. DH-17 blaster pistols


4. Thermal Detonators


5. 2 AT-ATs(under construction, not usable.)


6. 6 AT-STs(under construction, not usable.)



So folks, can the Rebel specforce get their objectives done? Or will they fail? Please provide somewhat of a description, of how you guys think it would all play out. Looking forward to seeing some interesting responses.

As a nerd, this stuff keeps me alive, even though I stink at it. :p


As expected, I send the infiltrators in first to establish a sniping position. My primary goal is to separate the imperials from their defensive positions, and take those defensive positions ourselves. To that end, while three Infiltrators sit in the sniper nest, the other three move in close and lob a couple grenades toward the E-Web position and any outside defenders. I get a bit of a bonus blast here, as the E-Web power cells are highly volatile. Under cover of the smoke, the three lay as many time bombs as they can carry at the doors. When a force emerges to check on the E-Web operators, bombs go boom. The remaining forces will be shot at by the snipers, who will gradually draw them away from the base entrance, firing as they go and staying under cover. Meanwhile, the main force will enter the base and concentrate not on room clearing, but on getting to and securing the landing pad. The enemy troops do not have to be destroyed, just held off long enough for a successful data download. Once the landing pad is fully secure and the evac transport has landed, then my troops will secure the data, have the refitted skiffs blast the vehicles, and get out. Unsubtle, inefficient and not the best way to do it, but it's the best I could come up with at the moment. Leave all thermal detonators behind as a present.

Edited by Mirdthestrill
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I wonder if any of ya remember any of the elaborate VS threads that I have posted? Well this here is another one! Well...not so much of a VS thread, its more of an Op thread. Anyway for those of you unfamiliar, I will be posting a scenario of what is going to go on, from there I will provide the equipment, the strength and whatever else each side has at their disposal. So without further ado here it is.



Scenario: Alliance Intel has uncovered an Imperial base on a small forest moon(No not Endor). The base itself has a command bunker, two barracks, and a communications station, the imperial stormtroopers strength is 100 men, plus 20 officers. There are 2 stormtrooper gunner teams manning heavy E-web blasters on the outer perimeter about 10 meters from the base, they base also is refitting 2 AT-ATs and 6 AT-STs. Rebel forces have secretly landed using a GR-75 medium transport, their numbers include 68 specforce fighters and they have with them 2 Bantha-2 cargo skiffs(military modified for 3 guns) and even were able to bring with them a single T2-B repulsor tank.


The specforce is a mix of Pathfinders(10), Wilderness fighters(52), and Infiltrators(6). The specforce fighters have several objectives that they must do, in order for the mission to be complete.


Rebel Objectives


1. Acquire Imperial data on convoys within the system.


2. Sabotage any vehicles before they are suited up.


3. Escape



Rebel Equipment


1. A280 rifles(Wilderness fighters only.)


2. DL-44 blaster pistols(everyone)


3. Thermal detonators(everyone)


4. Time Bomb(Infiltrators only)


5. DH-17 rifles(Pathfinders only.)


6. Vibroknives(Infiltrators only.)


7. E-17d sniper rifle(Infiltrators only.)


8. 1 T2-B repulsor tank.



Imperial Equipment


1. 2 heavy E-web blaster rifles


2. E-11 rifles


3. DH-17 blaster pistols


4. Thermal Detonators


5. 2 AT-ATs(under construction, not usable.)


6. 6 AT-STs(under construction, not usable.)



So folks, can the Rebel specforce get their objectives done? Or will they fail? Please provide somewhat of a description, of how you guys think it would all play out. Looking forward to seeing some interesting responses.


This is a night mission, heavy stealth protocols in effect:


The Sappers... err Rebel infiltrators would cut the wire fence around the base in a blind spot behind a building. While that is going on, the Riflemen (Pathfinders) will be lining up shots and acting as Overwatch all around the perimeter of the base itself. Three Infiltrators would sneak around and place demo charges on the comms center, and the AT-ATs / AT-STs. The second Sapper team infiltrates the headquarters bunker of the base itself, sneaking up on the guards and silencing them with vibroblades and hacking the intel from the main computer as the other half of the infiltration team secures the base's inner perimeter AO. Meanwhile, outside Wilderness Soldiers (Rangers) move up to the Heavy Blaster Battery positions and sneak up on the outside guard details, taking them down as quickly and quietly as possible while the outside Overwatch Riflemen keep the action in their scopes, prepared to render assistance if required. Once the intel has been obtained, the Sappers exfil the AO through the same hole they came in, as the outside Riflemen and Rangers all DD back to the shuttle, the Sapper Commander pops the det switch, and boom goes the comms and vehicles. Mission complete. By the time any sleeping officers and soldiers can make it outside to see WTH just happened, the Rebels are long gone.


So the variables are accounted for:

If the Imps aren't expecting trouble, they'll probably be running a 25% security detail with guard shifts being 2 hours long. The Rebels would have plenty of time to pull it off.


Now, if they are running a 50% security detail and expecting trouble, it would still be doable in the time frame alotted. They would just be cutting it a bit close, and would have to devote more Wilderness Troopers to both sides of the fence to assist in taking down the Imperial guard patrols.


EDIT: To be fair, the Pathfinders should have the Sniper rifles, as the Infiltrators would be needed inside the perimeter itself.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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