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How long until Bioware gets its act together?


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It doesn't take a degree in business management to see that this entire game is being handled poorly. Especially on the customer service/relations side of things. Why is it necessary to lock any thread that even mentions another game or company? People are honestly looking for answers. Are you really so insecure in your position and ability to make this game successful that you have to resort to locking these threads so they get burried? Are you really interested in 'keeping the forums tidy'? Or is it that you lock threads on similar/duplicate topics so the forums have more of an appearance that everything is hunky dory?


Everyone knows what game comes out tomorrow, and whenever it gets mentioned here, thread locked. Mention how another gaming company runs their show? Thread locked. People rightly express their concerns about the same topics every day. If a new thread is created, it's quietly locked and buried under the guise of 'organizing the forums'. Why? Honestly, why? Why do this instead of taking 5 minutes to communicate with your clients? I have said this before, but if I communicated with my clients in such a poor fashion, I would be terminated on day 1.


All of this time is spent pruning the forums to hopefully eliminate the bad perception you guys have while threads like those in my signature go unanswered for months. Does anyone at Bioware realize that you could avoid the situation entirely by doing something simple like communicating? It's not hard. When someone asks a question, you answer. And no, "it's coming soon", "we're looking into it", "possibly in the next patch" are not answers. If you are restricted from giving real answers because your development is in such disarray that you have no clue then I don't know what to say. At least TRY. Come back and say "It's being developed now. Don't hold us to this, but we're estimating next month".


These stall tactics, vague answers, and the complete unresponsiveness are getting really old. I'm honestly shocked that a company like Bioware is responsible for how things have been handled with this game. This game has been out since December and there has been zero change in your MO. You deliberately avoid the tough questions, and bury what you don't like seeing. It's time to man up and run your game and community relations like adults. The recent report of losing 25% of your subscriber base should tell you that you're doing something wrong and it's time to change. I am sure many of those losses were due to poor customer service and lack of good communication.


Proper communication does wonders. You can do something simple right now. Good communication with the people paying your salaries will go a long way towards repairing the negative perception and ill will. Or you can continue to do and say nothing and watch what's left of your game crumble before your eyes. Have a nicely profitable game with a healthy subscriber base because you communicated effectively. Or don't and continue your stonewalling/denials.


I know which one I'd pick.

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