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when do you get your healer for sentinal???


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level 30 no healer so far...?


Gear up your C2-N2 droid with top gear and he will be an adequate healer until you receive another. I've run Heroic 4s before with 3 players and my C2 droid and he did just fine.


Just make sure you've got appropriate gear for them, all +Aim, alacrity and I'd usually go with power, but that's just me. Some may prefer critical and surge.

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Gear up your C2-N2 droid with top gear and he will be an adequate healer until you receive another. I've run Heroic 4s before with 3 players and my C2 droid and he did just fine.


Just make sure you've got appropriate gear for them, all +Aim, alacrity and I'd usually go with power, but that's just me. Some may prefer critical and surge.


Alternately the Sent + Kira "just kill 'em before they do enough damage to you to matter" approach can be fun. While I was starting to feel a bit squishy this way shortly before doc it was a lot of fun... then again three 50's now have shown me that I'm just not all that keen on using tank companions at all.

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  • 8 months later...
Alternately the Sent + Kira "just kill 'em before they do enough damage to you to matter" approach can be fun. While I was starting to feel a bit squishy this way shortly before doc it was a lot of fun... then again three 50's now have shown me that I'm just not all that keen on using tank companions at all.


The only problem with this is that after you get Doc Kira kinda falls to the wayside. There are too many enemies later on where taking her with you is just asking to get yourself killed. She's great early on but she tanks horribly and once she is gone you become the focus for the damage and the medpac cooldown is just too long. If I want to blow 10k every few hours on medpacs to get through a pita fight, then let me lol!

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