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Wheres all the excitement gone?


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Just browsing through a few game news sites, and I can see NOTHING about SWTOR in the news, apart from the obvious 400k subscriber loss.


Its all about these new games coming out, why people are so excited for them etc.. A new year, a new chance for gaming. SWTOR is so last year (why right before new year? )


It seems like this game has just fallen into the shadows.


That pretty much sums it up ^


Same reason you turn on the daily news and see doom and gloom of new and epic proportions. Sells papers....and influences people like yourself that seem to need others in agreement in order to enjoy something?


Not sure on that. I know that I enjoy this game and that will not change based on what others do or do not write about it.

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I know that I enjoy this game and that will not change based on what others do or do not write about it.


I still broadly enjoy the game, unfortunately of the 30 people that came here with me, every single one has quit.

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My parents first TV was a black and white, my current TV is a hi-def plasma. You want to play in the game you better plan on having a next gen product or you will be left in the dust. Edited by Puppup
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