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Annihilation and Council Fight in EV


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Maybe it already has been discussed, and in that case I missed the topic and apologise for the repeat.


I want to notify a bug?/problem concerning marauders Annihilation for the Council fight in EV.


Annihilation strength is based on bleeds and those bleeds who crits heal the entire raid for a small amount of HP each time.

THIS passive healing LOCKS the Marauder for doing any damage each time it's healing someone in the raid (so not doing damage 90% of the fight). As per fight mechanic, one cannot help but once another player, it makes the Annihilation marauder powerless.


The only alternative is to NOT USE Rupture or Deadly Saber and gimp yourself of a good chunk of your dps.


It sucks... :rak_01:

Edited by Makkoo
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Your bleeds only heal you. Berserk heals your party. Don't use Berserk during the council fight. Just take it off your bars temporarily.



thanks for the tips. I'm so used to have Berserk in my rotation that I forgot about that. :eek:

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Another option is to have the OP leader move an annihilation marauder into a group all by themselves. This will allow you to use your berserk without issue. If there are multiple Annihilation marauders, they each need to be in a separate group.
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Another option is to have the OP leader move an annihilation marauder into a group all by themselves. This will allow you to use your berserk without issue. If there are multiple Annihilation marauders, they each need to be in a separate group.


remember that requires people to have the ability to problem solve, and that is something almost no-one has anymore.

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Another option is to have the OP leader move an annihilation marauder into a group all by themselves. This will allow you to use your berserk without issue. If there are multiple Annihilation marauders, they each need to be in a separate group.

Yup, this is how I've always done it.

Edited by PenoNation
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Maybe it already has been discussed, and in that case I missed the topic and apologise for the repeat.


I want to notify a bug?/problem concerning marauders Annihilation for the Council fight in EV.


Annihilation strength is based on bleeds and those bleeds who crits heal the entire raid for a small amount of HP each time.

THIS passive healing LOCKS the Marauder for doing any damage each time it's healing someone in the raid (so not doing damage 90% of the fight). As per fight mechanic, one cannot help but once another player, it makes the Annihilation marauder powerless.


The only alternative is to NOT USE Rupture or Deadly Saber and gimp yourself of a good chunk of your dps.


It sucks... :rak_01:


When your bleeds crit normally, they heal you for 2%.


When your bleeds crit through Berserk being active, they heal your party.


Just get the raid leader to switch you to your own group. Home free.

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