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50 PVP Watchman - What abilities will I "never" use?


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Hello. I'm still a long way to fifty but I like to set up my bars early so I can get the feel for things later. I know now I'll be using alot of abilities that I probably won't at 50 so I'm wondering are there any abilities that you just will Never use at 50 and are there some that are seldomly used but more situational?


I'm looking at Blade Storm, Master Strike and Riposte and just don't see if I'll be needing those at 50 for pvp or not? I imagine Riposte might be a bit useful but I'm not really sure. I've looked up alot of priority lists and don't see any of these ever mentioned at all. So are these pretty much useless in pvp later on?

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I am a Watchman Sentinel, Valor rank 75, and this is my spec http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/jedi_knight/sentinel/#::fe2f2ef14efe3fe11f10ef5df2


I don't use riposte, or slash(replaced by merciless slash), and I do not use crippling throw as much even though I should more. I use every other move though and you should as well.


Situational Moves:

The only situational move I can think of is Leg Slash for its slow effect and low focus cost. I use this move during transitions between gates in voidstar while defending or during transitions between nodes in Civil War. Essentially, when you need to slow the enemy team use leg slash.


Force Sweep is situational because we aren't a Burst aoe class like the focus sentinel/guardian is so its a low priority skill.


Some people use slash, I do not, and I understand if your merciless slash is on cooldown you can use slash, but its still a low priority skill.


Crippling throw gives a small healing debuff on the target(20% reduced healing recieved), useful for burning down a healer who's trying to keep himself up.


I have a rotation guide, if your wondering about prioritizing abilities as a sentinel.

Rotation Guide:


*Basically all the skills I use are on my hotbars*

Edited by blazerSERVE
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I'm lvl 42 but I pvp a lot, you're going to use master strike whenever the opportunity arises I.e they're slowed and are to dumb to use cc, it happens quite a bit and hit likes a truck.


I use slash when everything is down and I need to focus dump to 5 focus for Merc slash when it comes up, its Dmg plus it builds centering.


I very rarely use bladestorm and I imagine ill use it even less when I get dispatch. I only use it now when I'm rooted and I'm certain they will die to it, other than that its useless

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I use every ability at level 50. The one I use the least would have to be Bladestorm. Only time I use this is when I'm trying to finish someone off and get stuck out of range without dispatch available.


I almost took riposte off my action bar awhile ago because I never used it. Now I use it all the time. It's good for burst since it's not on GCD. I also use it on other sents/mara. Throw pacify on them to help proc riposte.


Master strike is awesome. You will learn to use this when Mericiless slash is on CD

Edited by GaryCartel
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I think one of the biggest things with this class as compared to the others I've put a significant amount of time into is that within each spec there's a situational use for just about everything, with perhaps riposte being the sole thing I'd feel comfortable taking off my bar entirely.


Blade Storm-- If someone gets you snared at say 35% health and starts to run away blade storm + dispatch can do wonders rather then twiddling your thumbs, may not get the kill but will take you to where leap +merciless slash can kill him.


Likewise pinned just out of melee from a node capper/door plant you can use this to have crippling throw up for situaitonal needs.




Master Strike--WHile at first glance it seems tough (all the idjit has to do is knockback or run away) there are many times where it is worthwhile anyway.


1.Even if they do run before the final hit, the pretty much unavoidable opening part is good focus-free damage.


2.Dislodging gunslingers/snipers in cover (or making them pay for staying in cover)


3.someone else being stunned/stasis'd/just busy dealing with someone else and not aware of you


4.Making attackers pay for staying on-node/door



Other things that feel situational (lower use) but still handy at times:


Cyclone Slash-- Stopping spam plant attempts, usually more voidstar door then the other two or healer with his guard too close together-- sweep/cyclone will do a number on that tank's health.


Slash-- This isn't until level 40 (i.e. your 31 point merciless slash) but at this point it seeps way down as you'll be spending more time on higher priorities, still has use as a filler when you've got more'n enough focus and high priorities like merciless/cauterize are on cd.

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In watchman spec the only abillities i never use are the 2x pve only abilities (pummel strike and opportune strike i think) Since i mostly only pvp or do pve operations and there is nothing currently on my bars id want to swap out for those two abilties.


Blade Storm is on my bar but it is probably my 'least' used ability. It really only gets used when ive recently swapped from combat to watchman and adjusting 'habits'. Other than that ive used it for inturrupting a bomb plant / capping point when leap is on cooldown and im moving too slow to hit with a melee attack for example.


To the guy that does not use slash... why not? What do you use when merciless, cauterize, overload saber, master strike etc are all on cooldown? Sure you want to use a certain amount of strikes/zealous/leap etc to make sure focus is up ready for the abilities i listed, but without Slash you will have times when your on full focus and all thats ready to hit with is strike, zealous or slash. If slash is not on your bar, your lowering your dps really

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In watchman spec the only abillities i never use are the 2x pve only abilities (pummel strike and opportune strike i think) Since i mostly only pvp or do pve operations and there is nothing currently on my bars id want to swap out for those two abilties.


Blade Storm is on my bar but it is probably my 'least' used ability. It really only gets used when ive recently swapped from combat to watchman and adjusting 'habits'. Other than that ive used it for inturrupting a bomb plant / capping point when leap is on cooldown and im moving too slow to hit with a melee attack for example.


To the guy that does not use slash... why not? What do you use when merciless, cauterize, overload saber, master strike etc are all on cooldown? Sure you want to use a certain amount of strikes/zealous/leap etc to make sure focus is up ready for the abilities i listed, but without Slash you will have times when your on full focus and all thats ready to hit with is strike, zealous or slash. If slash is not on your bar, your lowering your dps really


I always forget about that 'big melee smack when a mob is incapacitated' thing as I believe every class has some variation so I don't really associate it with actual class abilities--though since on this character I actually am in melee range I've used it once or twice just for the hell of it.

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