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Seeking suggestions on PvE Spec/Improvements


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First time asking about anything on this forum so I'm going to thank anyone in advance for reading my post.


My situation is that I'm torn between Carnage and Annihilation specs for Ops PvE, my 8man guild is 3/4 HM EC and clearing anything else with ease and I generally find myself top dps in the vast majority of fights. I currently play Carnage(5/31/5) and in the past have played Annihilation to similar dps numbers with about the same gear as I play Carnage. I've read recently that crit/surge are less important than I've previously invested in and would seek any advice from experts in either spec.


My Armory as it stands now: Click Here


For Those not wanting to look at my Armory my stats are as follows: 1871 Str(no stim), 439 Bonus Dmg, 100.54% acc, 40.55% crit, 79.09% surge

Edited by Dyslexicon
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drop crit get some power/surge enhancments....replace the Advanced Deft Mod 25A and Advanced Potent Mod 25 for Deft Mod 25. You are at the point to where you need more power over anything else.


Agreed... You should also swap out your strength augments for for power ones, and replace your crit crystals with power crystals. These 2 steps will up power by 172. I recently reduced my strength by 162 and increased power by the same amount(by augment swapping) and it increased my ops dummy dps by 100.


I would be sure and get some solid parses before and after. If you use ACT, you can copy and paste this right into Excel and run comparions on it. This will help you understand your class a better and how stat changes affect you.

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