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Should the LFG be a random LFG ?

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One of the major hurdle to run a flashpoint (in addition of manually finding people...) is to find a flashpoint that everyone want to do.


That's why ''a certain game'' tried two different concepts. The first concept was to give a gear token for running a specific heroic dungeon, or to a lesser degree a specific normal max level dungeon (thus, everyone knew that this was the day to run this). Everyone was happy when this was a easy heroic (Hellfire Ramp...uh.... or Steamva...uh again) and everyone was screaming bloody murder when this was hard ones (like Durn...uh, the charade is getting harder to mainatain). It was used for the first and good chunk of second exp.


Then this ''other game'' switched to the pure random. . You queue for a random, and you got tokens for it. (You could also tag for a specific, but you would not get the tokens)


What you think of it ?

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The one coming in 1.3 will have a "random" option. As well as options for specific instances, FP.s etc. And story mode Operations will also be inc. This was in the Pod Cast. Only thing which irks me is...it will not be cross server. Edited by Valkirus
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What's the point when your server is empty?


Excellent point. WoW tried the same server LFG tool and when I was on a well populated server, it still took a long time to get a group. Finally they wised up and made it cross server. Best addition they ever did.

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I read that we'll have both specific and random options. Right now, I don't need a lfg tool because it only takes me usually seconds to form a hc/fp group but I'm still looking forward to 1.3. :)


Long live SWTOR!

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I wanted to add..there will be specail tokens you can earn by choosing the random one. Really, the system they are coming out with is identical to WoW's. And they will find out just like WoW did..same server one is not going to work well on low pop servers.
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Hello there,


You might be interested in the new

that was recently released. Damion Schubert and Daniel Erickson talk about the 'Group-finder' feature planned for patch 1.3. They do talk about a random feature in there as well.




Hope this helps! Have a great day!

Edited by Trineda
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Yep, as it says the podcast the new group finder will allow both choice of flashpoint or a random. And apparently something extra is awarded for the random, which will be interesting to find out what it is exactly.


To be honest, I have no problem with single-server tool, as long as when they do the transfers they make it such that most if not all of the servers are standard, and that most hit heavy at peak time.

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