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Im going sith warrior but want to know wat playstyle allows u stay alivr longer n take more damage a marauder or jugg? Also wat shud i specialize in thr skill tree to take more damage? 2nd quest wat marauder style is good for solo play n wat skill tree to level up as marauder?
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If you want to stay alive longer and soak up damage, then Juggernaut is the way to go. The skill tree you'll need is Immortal, and maybe a little bit of Vengeance. As an Immortal Jugg, there is almost nothing that will give you serious trouble in PvE and leveling if you're properly geared and use your skills right; for PvP, I'd reccomed to either go as a Marauder, or, if you're a Jugg, to switch to a more damaging build with Rage and Vengeance.
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If you want to absorb more damage stay away from Marauder. They wear medium armor as opposed to a Juggernaut's heavy armor. Honestly, it seems to me that you'll want to choose Vengeance or Rage Juggernaut. Good survivability and really good damage output.


Marauder can be really good, but it's harder to get right if you've never done SW or JK before. All the different specs have different roles to each other as well, so it really all depends on what sort of play style you have and what you'd like to be doing that will determine what you're best suited to.

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Ok, your questions were:

1) wat playstyle allows u stay alivr longer

2) wat shud i specialize in skill tree to take more damage

3) wat marauder style is good for solo play

4) wat skill tree to level up as marauder

5) go rage or vegenance

6) Which one is dps as marauder on skill tree as a assasin


My answers are:

1) Juggernaught is the tank tree, it has heavy armour and skills for defence. However, Marauder has some very excellent survival cooldowns. For long term survival, though, you want Juggernaught.

2) The left spec for Juggernaught is the defence tree.

3) The centre spec (for Ataru form) is only if you want a challenge. The right spec is better on a juggernaught (or, maybe it's the only viable damage spec. Haven't tested the theory). The left spec (Juyo Form) is definitely the easiest, giving you an excellent self heal, consistent sustained damage, and avoids armour via internal damage

4) You make it sound like you asked "How do I defend" and then picked the attack class. Whatever. Like I said before, Juyo spec is the easiest tree. Ataru is about the same result that any class could get, it's the juyo spec that gives sentinels a bad name.

5) Uh... Vegenance (wrong) is a juggernaught tree, last I checked. Rage is the shared tree, so I guess you'd want that on your marauder. On a jugg, however, I'm conflicted. People say that rage is the only viable tree for them, but I've seen a few people say good things about the centre spec. Rage is probably the same level of OP on a jugg as the juyo spec is for Marauder.

6) Assasin is a completely different forum, mate. And I can't even tell what you're asking here. ALL trees for a marauder are damage, the centre and right tree are damage for an assasin. If you're asking how to make an assasin as deadly as a marauder, or vice versa... Go find a guide.

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