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Can i get some feed back on this vanguard skill set


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This is the worst spec I have ever seen.


Compare Storm and the talents you put into it, considering storm only does 450 Kinetic damage to...


Hold The Line, in tactics and the talents you take to get there.


Compare it, right now.


See what I mean?


Smoke Grenade vs Gut.


The problem is that everyone and their uncle, they are all geared against Kinetic energy, it is the one spell damage type that is most commonly mitigated by class defensive measures. The most damaging type of spell damage is elemental.


Storm is a Kinetic Damage.


Smoke Grenade doesn't do any damage.


I honestly feel like your build is just kinda trolling me, lol.


Rebraced Armor and Ceramic Plating, really?

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I dont know what your play style is or what type of build you were aiming for... Every build is not for every person so dont worry about the people who are not providing and good feedback or just being negative... I am sure you were looking for feedback that is constructive.


Now I assume you were trying to find a good hybrid build... one that is good in PVE without getting destroyed in PVP. Now i am a tanking spec so I can tell you if thats what you were looking for I probably wouldnt spend the point in Storm. Noone takes Storm for the damage. Its nice because in PVP i often close the distance between me and a healer pretty quick while interrupting but that point could probably be better put somewhere else. I need it for my tank spec to open up the tree. I would probably take the points out of Defensive Measure as well... i had it and loved it but i found out that taking those two points and putting them in a damage increase was more beneficial for me. Smoke Grenade works... it increases your survivability.. if nothing else it lets you stay alive long enough to hold a node until reinforcements can arrive. It saved me plenty of times.. Ceramic Plating is pretty much a PVE tanking skill... But it does decrease the Adrenal reuse time... which is a plus so i would keep it. Shields dont really provide protection much against players in PVP... Taugrim has done plenty of research and testing.. but for PVP shields are not the way to stay alive so if that your goal than you can shift alot of those points.. But for PVE it helps immensely...


I assume you went to Assault because you wanted to increase your damage while using plasma cell.. Tactics have some nice perks but it has more buffs/debuffs which are good depending on your play style. For a hybrid build i dont think its that bad.. just a little shifting is required. The only thing i have in Assault tree is Heavy Stock, which i love but I cant give you good feedback that i have used on that tree. Also if your not gonna go all in on Static Field just take it away.. so Recap i would probably take those 4 points and move them to Assualt tree since it seems thats your play style. You damage will increase and survivability shouldnt be affected.


Hope this is helpful

Edited by rororomeo
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Okay, we need to know more about what you want before we can give good build advice. So:


Are you looking for PvP, PvE, or a mix of both?

Are you wanting to tank or DPS?


There are a lot of talents that are incredibly powerful for some things, but horrid for others. For example, Storm and Defensive Measures are essential PvP talents, but you can easily skip them for PvE. If you could tell us exactly what you want out of this build, we can help you turn it into something that will work much better.

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Philosominac is correct. Like I said we just need to know more of what you are aiming for if you want some good feedback. Plus the link you posted is no good. Even when I took out the extra http: it still doesnt direct you to a skill set.


One thing i will say though is if you are focusing on increasing the damage of your High Impact you should invest in Focused Impact. With 3 points it ignores 60% of the targets armor.

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Okay, here's the thing with your build. Unless you go full tank spec with Ion Cell, shields aren't worth it all. With the second spec you linked and no tank gear, you'd have a 7% shield chance and 24% absorption. That translates to a 1.7% defense increase, and that only applies to maybe 1/3 of the hits you'll take in PvP. When you consider that you're giving up a Power Generator (which is a huge amount of DPS) and a bunch of DPS talents, that's really not a good spec.


If you're looking for a build with good defenses that can still do decent damage, you should probably use the Iron Fist build. It looks something like this, although there's quite a bit of flexibility. The important thing about Iron Fist is that it gives you all of the non-shield-related defensive boosts of Shield Spec, but gives you some bonus damage in stead of shield/absorption. This will have high defenses in PvP. In this spec, you take 9% less damage from all sources, IP debuffs the enemy for -4% damage, and you get +60% armor. This will give you a significant defensive boost.


You could also go deep Assault. Assault will give you cooldowns under a minute on Reactive Shield and Adrenaline Rush. Since you can use them so often, you'll almost always have your cooldowns available for a hard fight, giving you a large (if temporary) defensive boost. You'll also do significantly more DPS than Iron Fist or your proposed build(s) would. If you're willing to sacrifice some DPS for defenses, an Assault build like this would be pretty good.

Edited by Philosomanic
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If you're looking for a build with good defenses that can still do decent damage, you should probably use the Iron Fist build. It looks something like this, although there's quite a bit of flexibility.


I don't get this build at all. Why would you take Gut, which deals Kinetic damage + Internal when you take, Intimidation x 3, Demolition x 2, jacking up the elemental damage and not take Energy Blast?


This whole build is an Anti-Caster build. That is it, with the reduction of Riot Strike, Interupts and Harpoon CD's, the whole purpose of this build is to have a bit of armor to SLOWLY and ineffectively kill healers or casters, ever so slowly.


There is no damage with this build, there is no point to this build, it does absolutely nothing for you, except maybe let you take 4 more hits in a Wz that has turrets that you can call out incs on. Pretty pointless imo.


Again, if you want to do DPS and kill casters, take a DPS build. If you need to tank damage to help you live longer you aren't very good at Pvp imo anyway.


If you want to level with a tank build, then go into full tank spec, get all the damage reductions, go up to energy blast, like this....




Protect your healer, support him with your CC's, let the healer get away, cast your taunts on the enemies, stay alive and interrupt casters, run back to your healer. The whole point of the shield in Pvp is for you to go in Deep with Storm, Stun, get everyone target locked on ya and run back out while the deeps pick off the fringe.


I mean, whats the point of a little shielding so you can stay alive and do what... ? Something DPS do a lot better but you can't because you don't know how to have a decent survivability?


Imo, if you want to do DPS, grow a damn pair and be DPS then.




Okay, we need to know more about what you want before we can give good build advice
Edited by MicroSyntax
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I don't get this build at all. Why would you take Gut, which deals Kinetic damage + Internal when you take, Intimidation x 3, Demolition x 2, jacking up the elemental damage and not take Energy Blast?


The purpose of this build is to not waste points on talents that are worth very little in PvP. Very few attacks are shieldable. This allows you to do the most DPS it's possible to do while using Ion Cell. You get high mitigation-based defenses, which work against everything. Gut is essentially to make up for the loss of Energy Blast. If you want to read more about it, go here. Taugrim has done a great job explaining why he uses this build. I don't use it, so I'm not really an authority on it.


Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the spec either. However, it fulfills what the OP was asking for. From what I understand, he wants high defenses but to still be able to do good damage. In PvP, this has very nearly the same defenses as a full tank spec, but with higher damage output. It's not something I would use, but of all specs I know of it best fits what he's looking for.

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