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pvp needs to be fixed or im dropping this crap


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why is it fun that im playing 3 vs 8 and that is supposed to be fun. It was much better when it would drop the match unless fair....full 8 man teams. I will be dropping this game soon unless this is fixed and me and my whole guild is done and moving on the differnt games if not fixed soon.
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When will people learn that you get very little support if you open up with "If X doesn't get changed, I'm taking my toys and leaving the sandbox"?


Basically, the only response is "The door is -----> that way." Sorry you aren't having fun with PvP but,there are far better ways to get your point across than tossing out idle threats such as you're leaving. Either you are just looking for attention thinking that others feel exactly the same and will flock to your cause, or you think this is the proper way to get the Devs to listen to you. If you were actually going to quit, you would have already.

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Hello everyone,


We ask that topics posted in Star Wars General Discussion stay focused on the Star Wars™ franchise outside of The Old Republic™. Since this thread is off-topic, we're going to close it. If you wish to discuss Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ player vs. player interactions, please use the PvP forum.


Additionally, non-specific topics related to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ may be posted in our General Discussion forum.


Thank you.

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