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You forgot to add...except have stealth, more gankability (group burst is sick to the point of instagibness when popping 2 vs 1 from stealth) more mobility and better sustained tankability especially if they work in groups and make clever use of CC and Guard switching.


If you want to WIN warzones you bring lots and lots of tankasins and shadows along with operative healers, not marauders, sorcs, powertechs, jugs, snipers or mercs.


Assassins need far fewer skills and are much more effective even when played by less skilled players than marauders. The main difference is STEALTH has no effective counter (effective would be 75% or better chance to destealth any nearby stealthers... stealth probes hit rate is under 1%, probably much worse, AOE's arent practical) STEALTH makes it easy to assault and capture weakly defended objectives, AND defend them via stalling and CC. Assassins have mobility, tank skills, tank pull, tank resists, and BURST enough to be lethal in pairs.

Operatives are the best PVP healers because they can avoid being focused (stealth/cloak screen) and they can heal while remaining mobile, they are also the best ball carrier support in huttball due to mobile healing + flashbang + snare/immobilise..


Thats the key difference and why 8 marauders or any non stealth class will lose to 5 tank assassins/3 healer operatives in all 4 warzones. The stealthers will always know where the non stealthers are and where to hit, the non stelather have to guess and are at a huge tactical disadvantage vs stealthers.. this is nothing new its just been amplified in 1.2 because assassin burst is high enough to easily deal with defenders in a 2vs2 situation.


A bit about marauders.

Marauders are *only* truely good once geared and in the hands of players who can handle 20+ cooldowns and not get frustrated, thats less than 5% of the marauders you see, youll see 48 bad ones for every 2-3 good ones.

Carnage and Rage spec are both easier to play but FAR inferior to Annihilation if the Annihilation marauder is one of those in the sub 5% category.

Yes a Crit/Smash rage spec can put up impressive numbers, but a well player annihilation can equal or better thsoe numbers, but do so using SINGLE TARGET damage, not AOE.... which means Crit/Smash is for show and looks pretty, but annihilation is what impacts warzones because its the one actually removing players from objectives and killing healers.


Because of this FOTM marauders will all be rerolling assassin next month because assassin doesnt need to manage as many cooldowns, is more or less a 4 button class and is a LOT simpler to play by the same players who rolled tracer spamming merc healer hybrids and sorcs since 1.0 who thought marauder would be lolEZmode...but found they cant hit even 50% of the numbers a good one does.


Basically, OP got it all wrong, actually playing warzones premade vs premade in 1.2 will teach you what dominates.


Holding/Capturing objectives



Tank DPS






Huttball Defence and, Carrier guarding and Goal Scoring:



Huttball ball carrier healing



I predict a large BUFF to Anti-Stealth and Stealth detection powers is coming soon, then the FOTM assassins and ops will all go back to playing sorcs and powertechs ;)


You won't get any argument out of me if you say that Tankassins are outrageous. How they've gone overlooked so long when everyone knew in beta they were overtuned is mind-boggling (Mega-dps tank... with stealth. How did that even get put up on the whiteboard:confused:). At least the marauder's surge to stardom was a perfect storm of changes (all classes rebalanced, TTK increased, expertise altered radically) that resulted in that particular class rising to the top, probably unexpectedly.

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