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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why all the hate for the new podcast?

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People just angry at the state of the game, or their server situation bleeding over, I'm sure.


At this point, there's a good subset of people that aren't interested in fluff right now, you know things like legacy, podcasts, artwork, etc. I'm not saying I completely agree, just offering a possible explanaiton.


Not to mention some people are still pissed that ME3 won't have it's ending retconn'd.

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It's the new hip thing to do on the forums. Hate EVERYTHING BW does. Also, welcome to the forums.


I dont remember that much nagativity last year. Apparently BW did something to anger people. But i suppose you know it and just like to make idiot of yourslef

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Because people don't believe a word Bioware spits out right now. They've tarnished their reputation and look like the sloppy drunk step-brother of the once great Bioware. It's blatantly obvious that Austin was a Bioware office in name only, because there's no way this is the same company that has developed so many good games in the past.


I'm fairly certain the "dislike" isn't aimed at the podcast as much as it is the company itself.

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