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Armor Piercing, is it working?


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Has anyone completed any DPS parsing with armor piercing enabled within a PVP warzone? A few nights ago I was messing around, and I buffed with Plasma Cell instead to play with the green beam healing ability that we can do. I went AFK for a while, and headed into a warzone. I completed a few warzones, not noticing all the while Plasma Cell was enabled instead of Armor Piercing. What's interesting is I did not see a difference at all in my numbers being lower than usual. They seem to be around the same amounts of damage whether I had Armor Piercing on or not.


I then enabled Armor Piercing, disabling Plasma Cell and continued through the warzone. I did not see a change in damage at all. With that said, has anyone else experienced the same output on damage without Armor Piercing enabled?

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If no one has, you should use the dummy for it.

Turn on the combat log and the cell, fire for 5 min with hammer shot. Turn combat log off.

Now do the same without the cell. And compare the two logs.


You should easy see a difference if it is working. Please let us know the result, as it might interesst others as well :).

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Has anyone completed any DPS parsing with armor piercing enabled within a PVP warzone? ...has anyone else experienced the same output on damage without Armor Piercing enabled?


There's been some forum discussion on plasma vs. armor piercing cells. But I'm with Aritok -- I'd like to see real measurements.

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Armor Piercing cell functions as normal. Sometimes it's hard to see the damage increase, but it is there.


Damage-wise plasma cell actually adds more damage than armor piercing cell ever could. The only real reason to use armor-piercing cell is because cell charger requires it.

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Armor Piercing cell functions as normal. Sometimes it's hard to see the damage increase, but it is there.


Damage-wise plasma cell actually adds more damage than armor piercing cell ever could. The only real reason to use armor-piercing cell is because cell charger requires it.


Check out the damage your FA, HiB, HS and Grav do when it's not bypassing armour to boost them then.


The boost it gives to all energy/kinetic attacks is also something to remember.

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Check out the damage your FA, HiB, HS and Grav do when it's not bypassing armour to boost them then.


The boost it gives to all energy/kinetic attacks is also something to remember.


Correct, but the large elemental damage dots that these attacks trigger with the Plasma cell are also something to consider since they do a lot of damage and bypass armor completely.

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