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Best 10 seconds of damage on the PvP Dummy...Any Spec!!!


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With latency you couldn't get that off in 10 seconds. All those attacks. Not a chance.


and it's not about feeling threatened that watchman may not be the best spec. It is the better spec. Regardless of what you say. I posted my Data on it, and I asked for Combat/Rage Sentinels to post SS's of there best 10 seconds because I haven't spent as much time on them as I have with Watchman. In any case.. Nobody has done so. Therefore I don't see your theory as being logical.


I look at numbers, and nobody has proven what I said was wrong. I'm not trying to make watchman seem superior. Given that it is the Superior spec in every situation you can be put in.

Edited by Spungey
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So not to antagonize the OP, but wouldn't it be better to see the bursts, 10 second or otherwise, over a period of time? So... bare with me here. Take a 5 minute log. Look at the first ten seconds, then analyze the intervals between huge bursts thereafter, 10 seconds or whatever you want. What you should see is a series of peaks and valleys. Not only would you then see the amount of damage for the highest peak, but also the number peaks for 5 minutes. In that way you could measure the impact of the bursts and further see how it relates to overall dps and still maintain your original query, damage in 10 seconds.


I am a fresh 50 combat spec. My bursts are not very high compared to some of you as I'm just now getting the appropriate gear. But as soon as I have at least some epic level mods I can provide you with mine.


BTW, I don't think people are avoiding you in general. They just don't get what you are after here. If you are trying to prove something more about Watchman vs. Combat, I doubt you will get any takers. If you are just running analytics, as an exercise to discover new possibilities or ways to improve dps in general, I think there will be more takers.

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Does anyone else get the feeling spungey only accepts combat logs if the watchman try of it is higher than the combat?


You, good sir, are a *******. If well played combat outburst watchman. That YOU can't do it doesn't mean it isn't possible.

I am playing watchman myself, played all 3 specs for quite some time, just like the survivability of watchman more than the burst of combat or the massive dmg of focus (all tho focus sucks when it's single target only).

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Here you go Spungey.


Combat Sentinel on the PvP dummy on my ship.

11 seconds / 32274 damage / 2971 DPS




Don't tell me Combat is 'inferior in so many ways' when I out DPS you :)


well finally a combat spec sentinel posted on here. Haven't been playing much on my Sentinel. Leveling a Vanguard so I don't bore myself with my sent. 50 pvp matches are non-existent, but 1-49 are popping ever 15 mins or so.


Nice damage by the way..and no you didn't hurt my epeen one bit. I've already surpassed that with the watchman/annihilation spec.

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oh almost forgot. you did 33k in 11 seconds. I managed almost 32k in 10 seconds which brings a higher dps.




anyways. back to my vanguard and putting my sentinel on the shelf for a bit. No reason to play with no ques. Hopefully we will get cross-server or merges soon.


btw..why does it say Training Dummy. Is the pvp dummy on your ship not an MK-5. idk, i haven't bought it yet

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I was tempted to go for it..but honestly its not meant for Sentinels and they will change this eventually.


I would like to see how big of a Force Sweep Crit I could get with it as a Focus spec'd sentinel. I've posted a SS on this forum somewhere of a 6,964 Sweep crit, and that was before I started getting the WH gear. I only need 1 Implant, chest, belt, bracer and getting the Vindicator Main-hand to toss the mods in my off hand. That's if I ever start getting wz pops on a frequent basis.

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