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What's a good rotation for Assault spec?

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1 v 1 pvp


Hammer shot for slow and DoT - Assault plastique - incendiary round - HiB - FA - Stock strike (hit them with this as often as tactically possible), HiB, Hammer shot untill assault plastique refresh and repeat.


(if the proc doesnt go off for insta HiB you can either try Charged bolts for another chance but by now the cool down on assault plastique has finished and its time to refresh Incendiary round and hammer shot DoTs... by then, you guessed it, HiB natural cooldown has also finished... repeat rotation)


this will drop targets quicker than even they can expect... dont be afraid to get in there and use stock strike, its a battle winner!


Dps pvp


You just have to keep the aoe's/dots going... usually at the doors in Void star or capping on alderan. Start with plasma grenade or plasma charge as the enemy dont get a warning for these, then mortar volley... then use the above rotation on already damaged targets as they have mostl of the time used their dmg mitigation moves/stims... basically be a vulture.

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Same situation as OP. What I've worked out is:


- Assault Plastique every time it comes off CD, then incendiary round.

- HiB -> Full Auto -> Charged Bolt (only if no HiB proc) -> HiB (if proc'd)

- Hammer Shot and CB until Assault Plastique or HIB come off CD.


The question I have is...what should I be doing when HiB is within 2-3 seconds of coming off CD, and FA is ready or I have a full ammo bar? Since the Ionic Accelerator proc can only occur every 6 seconds, I don't really want to trigger that when HiB is so close to being ready anyway. CB does more DPS than FA, and has a lower chance of the proc happening, but if it procs it happens at the end of the cast making it even more of a waste. FA procs at the start so it isn't quite as wasteful, but it disrupts my preferred sequence of HiB->FA->HiB. Should I just HS in this time to make sure I keep the plasma cell DoT up?

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