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Lower the cost of bays

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This is something I feel has been overlooked for a while - but the cost of buying a third storage bay is an eye-popping 400,000 credits.


I really don't see whay such a prohibative cost should be put on such a mundane item. As a crafter, I need all the space I can get for mats as you never know what'll you'll need in future. Also, any trader like myself needs storage space so we can regulate supply on the market.


At top rate, while leveling my crafting skill, I can have five of my crafting monkeys (companions) working away on 5 items each - that's 25 items an hour. I'm not going to sell all those and while I can reverse engineeer some I'll probably keep those with augments for sale later on.


Also, I tend to keep hold of gear - like companions moddable weapons - so I can improve it later on when lvl/credits allow. Put some hoarded orange pieces (kept for the same reason) and soon my two bays are over-flowing. I've ended up 'storing' pieces on the GTN.



So, please lower the cost to an acceptable 50,000 or something ..... 400,000 is a lot, especially when there's so many things available to buy through the legacy system now which require saving up for.

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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Well, they used to ....... But the mat economy on my server is drying up tbh.


Plus, you never know what ones you'll need, esp if you're a hoarder like me.


I've got two bays - one for gear I've kept (comp weapons, orange items) that I'm going to mod up when I get the credits and time to do so. It's also got a lot of orange crafted items I've been keeping off the market to prevent a glut (Being able to RE them now will clear those spaces, tho:))


The other is stocked with mats/schematics - and is almost full.


That said - I just think that 400,000 for a bay is way out of proportion to its usefulness. To give you an idea of the economy, someone was selling a purple crystal on my server for 450,000 the other day. And when you can buy a lot of 'cool' legacy stuff now, I'd rather keep my major purchases restricted to that.


C'mon BW - lower the cost of storage bays!

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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Well, they used to ....... But the mat economy on my server is drying up tbh.


Plus, you never know what ones you'll need, esp if you're a hoarder like me.


I've got two bays - one for gear I've kept (comp weapons, orange items) that I'm going to mod up when I get the credits and time to do so. It's also got a lot of orange crafted items I've been keeping off the market to prevent a glut (Being able to RE them now will clear those spaces, tho:))


The other is stocked with mats/schematics - and is almost full.


That said - I just think that 400,000 for a bay is way out of proportion to its usefulness. To give you an idea of the economy, someone was selling a purple crystal on my server for 450,000 the other day. And when you can buy a lot of 'cool' legacy stuff now, I'd rather keep my major purchases restricted to that.


C'mon BW - lower the cost of storage bays!


400k is VERY easy to get any ways, just run the daily quests twice (lvl 50).

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What ... the Ilum/Belsavis and Correllia quests?


Surprised if that nets you 400,000 ....


But even if it does, it's not the point - that cash could be used to buying fun stuff ingame, such as legacy items or gear/mods for my comps


Besides ... how will I get anytime for crafting? :)

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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