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with wow adding a lame pokoman game...why dont you add a way more bad azz form of side entertainment like letting us head on over to Nar Shaddaa and gamble some creds against each other in some games of pazzaak or sabac.....maybe some pvp pod racing ....cmon need something to do with all these credits.....and i love playing online poker on pogo(an EA game site)...so Nar Shaddaas casinos would be even better :) lets do it Bioware....what is Star Wars withought some illegal hives of scum and villiany :D
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and if you played KOTOR then by all means explain to me what kind of racing that was....if its called swoop racing...than forgive me for the error...frickin some kind of racing .....whats next will you start correcting my spelling
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We do Swoop Racing in the TOR era. Modern pod racing wasn't invented for another 3,000 years, and even then it wasn't that popular until it was outlawed.


And gambling is a touchy subject, considering we have a few credit sellers hiding out in the game and irresponsible players who will be quick to point the finger of blame at Bioware for their gambling addiction and relapse. Unless you'd be fine with playing for fun, rather than profit. No credit spending for casino commendations, ya know?

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then give us SWOOP racing.......and we are not going to compare gambling tor credits to actual real life gambling addiction now are we...cmon now...as for credit sellers......they are in every mmo it shouldnt stop Bioware from adding something that would add hours of fun to the game
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We do Swoop Racing in the TOR era. Modern pod racing wasn't invented for another 3,000 years, and even then it wasn't that popular until it was outlawed.


And gambling is a touchy subject, considering we have a few credit sellers hiding out in the game and irresponsible players who will be quick to point the finger of blame at Bioware for their gambling addiction and relapse. Unless you'd be fine with playing for fun, rather than profit. No credit spending for casino commendations, ya know?


Yep, because playing Pazaak or Sabaac for credits would be much more of a threat than the casino game packs. That's like an alcoholic blaming Blizzard for letting them relapse because they got drunk in WoW. If people can't be smart and go after credit sellers, then something else is wrong since that's a one way ticket to bigger problems than a gambling addiction relapse, considering the risk of identity theft and all.

Edited by Koyi_Aldira
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then give us SWOOP racing.......and we are not going to compare gambling tor credits to actual real life gambling addiction now are we...cmon now...as for credit sellers......they are in every mmo it shouldnt stop Bioware from adding something that would add hours of fun to the game


I agree completely. The Swoop Racing was one of the more entertaining things I found in any game when I wanted to play, but not do anything.

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then give us SWOOP racing.......and we are not going to compare gambling tor credits to actual real life gambling addiction now are we...cmon now...as for credit sellers......they are in every mmo it shouldnt stop Bioware from adding something that would add hours of fun to the game


Credit sellers prey on the irresponsible player who is too lazy to earn his credits and would rather take a shortcut. If a guy will spend real money for in game currency, it becomes a bigger problem, especially if it's to gamble online. Then it becomes a serious offense, as this game is rated T for Teen and certain states have very serious online gambling laws concerning minors. We don't need for some uptight group of parents saying that Bioware encourages kids to gamble. The suggestion can add hours of fun, but it can have possible complications. Besides, playing for fun is....well fun. I think by taking away the possibility of winning currency and spending currency, it keeps Bioware out of the legal doghouse. People can and will sue anyone for any reason. Hell, people tried to sue Bioware for Mass Effect 3's ending. We don't need another frivolous lawsuit on our hands, do we?

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These have all already been addressed (another reason for recommending research). Swoop racing and in-universe minigames such as pazaak are already planned for addition to the game by the developers. Gambling on these activities, however, is simply not in the cards. Edited by HeavensAgent
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I totally get your logical reasoning Darth.....but i dont care....people gamble online everyday for real money....i have not heard of anyone getting sued because they lost their lifes saving from their own stupidity......and children are allowed to create accounts on pogo and play texas holdem.......how would Dessel have ever found his way to Korriban if it wasnt for sabac lol......cmon people this is Star Wars these games are apart of its universe.......than if not for in game credits than let us earn unbelievably high amounts of hutt coins that can be traded for mounts pets new color crystals and rakatan battle stations
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This seems to be a pretty popular topic in the suggestion forums lately. We have been posting many of the same ideas for months. Glad to see other people feel the same way. This game could be so much more.


Space missions are ok, but really... even the space missions have gotton a bit old. They are merely copies of other space missions with more bonus objectives, and truly lack uniqueness. Not to mention, the space missions were put together fairly poorly in my opinion. This is the 21st century, and in technology now, the 1980's style arcade space missions went out back in the 90's, so being its now 2012, would think that BW and EA would have come up with something the would blow your socks off, especially being that it is SWTOR. Star Wars was known best for its fantastic space battles, with speed and daring maneuvers in space. All we get in these space missions are the ability to move you spaceship back and forth, up and down, and the UI is terrible. Let me move my ship to the left, so I can engage a control or launch an EMP. Not a good design. I really hate it when I want to engage a control, and my ship follows my mouse clicker over to the left to the control panel. Makes it real hard when you are maneuvering through astroids or space caverns, if you want to click a button and your space ship follows your mouse to do so. It would be nice to actually piolt the ship, versus the pre-programmed routes that are currently installed. Possibly be able to piolt the ship from the bridge, or possibly be able to do some free-flight and get away from the cheezy arcade look. Would love to actually do some actual piolting, landings, takeoffs, and have better space missions, instead of copies and copies of the same missions over and over. Gets old.


Would love to see some side bar fun, such as gaming at Nar Shaddaa, in the space ports, and in the various towns that we visit. All the other games I play allow this, have festivals and other events, and things to keep you interested in the game. The possibilites are truly endless. I for one, think Nar Shaddaa would be a great place to host table games, slot machines, etc and yes, gambling and contests. It would be a great addition to the game. For those that are against gambling, they might just choose not to play. Overall, it is something that would have a very positive effect on the game, giving people a chance to break away from the constant repetitiveness of battle after battle, and a chance to win or loose some credits, maybe win some prizes, (special gear, speeders, things of value hopefully, as most of the rewards we get stink as it is) and have a good time.


It would be great to see more events and festivals like (but maybe different and a variety of) the plague event. It was spontaneous and fun. It was something out of the norm and it in fact, kept us in the game, when we had decided to play another game for awhile. Unfortunately, we did not get a chance to turn in any of the DNA samples, as the game ended before we knew it, and now are stuck with about 600 DNA samples and no apparent use. They did a bad job telling us about that, and when the event would end - - they should have left the vendor our for at least 1-2 weeks after the event ended to allow people to redeem their prizes.


There are so many things that could be done to improve this game, and it seems that this topic has been on the forefront of the suggestion forum. Overall, I would agree, and would love to see some gaming at Nar Shaddaa, the spaceports and in local cantinas.

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well Heav if theres nothing to gain from playing pazzak than why play it...people dont go to the casino because they enjoy the games...can play poker at home with your friends
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I think eventually they will add it.. There is this huge floating casino type place on Nar Shaddaa that isn't being used.. There is a taxi point to it.. But all you can do is explore it.. So I would guess that there is a future for table games of various types and some form of gambling involving credits.. I mean.. They went though the hassle of making this casino.. Populated it with people, droids and other such things.. Game consoles everywhere.. Just none of it works at the moment..


I think all this is in the future.. The question is how far in the future..

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I think eventually they will add it.. There is this huge floating casino type place on Nar Shaddaa that isn't being used.. There is a taxi point to it.. But all you can do is explore it.. So I would guess that there is a future for table games of various types and some form of gambling involving credits.. I mean.. They went though the hassle of making this casino.. Populated it with people, droids and other such things.. Game consoles everywhere.. Just none of it works at the moment..
The casino is a mission area. Edited by HeavensAgent
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I totally get your logical reasoning Darth.....but i dont care....people gamble online everyday for real money....i have not heard of anyone getting sued because they lost their lifes saving from their own stupidity......and children are allowed to create accounts on pogo and play texas holdem.......how would Dessel have ever found his way to Korriban if it wasnt for sabac lol......cmon people this is Star Wars these games are apart of its universe.......than if not for in game credits than let us earn unbelievably high amounts of hutt coins that can be traded for mounts pets new color crystals and rakatan battle stations


That's actually what I was suggesting. Hutt coins are the casino commendations. By making them commendation like, we cut down on loan sharking. See, we're getting there. Sometimes suggestions require compromises.


So we agree that casino games reward casino coins (because not every casino in the galaxy is run by a Hutt) which are used to purchase items like mounts, pets etc.


What would the wager system be? What are the minimum/maximum bet ranges? Which games would have the highest pay outs for coins? What kind of rewards would you like to see?

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well i eventually want to earn a rakatan battle station lol jk......i dont know about the rewards would have to think about it...something new...it cant always be a pet mount or new outfit
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For who??


The sith???


I don't think the republic does.. I know the Knight and Smuggler do not..


I saw a Trooper area entrance in the Promenade once.


well i eventually want to earn a rakatan battle station lol jk......i dont know about the rewards would have to think about it...something new...it cant always be a pet mount or new outfit


I think for a pet, we should that thing Jabba had. Don't remember his name (but I'm certain Heaven will link it) but he looks like this: :csw_jabbapet:

Edited by Darth_Moonshadow
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