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We are the ones that keep MMO's alive.not the part-timers that play for 2 hours a night and PVE. I hope Bioware is seeing this in its subscripttion cancelations.


Right, because a certain OTHER MMO's success is TOTALLY dependent on pvp. :rolleyes:

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After going 2 wins and 7 losses, I thought to myself: is there any chance I could win a 3rd game and hit that magical 30% win record. Nope, us Repubs went 6 vs 8 against a Sith premade. Voidstar was over in mins. I can't believe such a great level 1-49 game could become so sucky at level 50. What a shame!
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25% loss of subs is 400k.


That means they had 1.6mil subs and now they have 1.2mil subs.



(1.2 x 15) = 18


$18mil per month not counting box sales. They aren't upset enough to make the changes you want.


Get it below the 14mil mark and you might get a response as this is not their franchise its Lucas Arts.

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